Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 290 Han Jingjing's Regret

"Hey! I knew Ye Shenhao was rich, but I didn't expect him to be so rich!"

"Mobile phone films worth hundreds of millions... I really want to touch them!"

"Is this the real Shenhao! He is indeed restrained and low-key, wearing an outfit that is unassuming, yet possessing the ultimate low-key luxury! If he didn't explain, ordinary people would never realize that his outfit is so valuable!"

"That's right! Just like that Ma Jack, it seems that wearing cloth shoes is very simple, but those cloth shoes seem to be custom-made by Beijing Neilian, right? They cost tens of thousands of Chinese coins!"


The diners around are extremely envious.

But Zhan Zhanbai gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that after so many years, he still couldn't catch up with the goddess!

"And...even if you are really richer than brother Ye Yang, I won't like you."

Lin Xue'er shook her head and said: "Liking this kind of thing is never forced... I really don't like you. I have told you this many times, and I don't know when you will understand the truth behind it. "

Zhan Mingbai clenched his fists. This was really a complete setback from money to love. However, at this time, he had no time to think about what was right or wrong. He just felt humiliated and ran away in shame and anger.

People like him who have never grown up on their own will probably never understand: wishful thinking is meaningless, only feelings cannot be forced.

As a man, you should cultivate your own charm and not be a licking dog.

Not only are people of the same sex looked down upon, but people of the opposite sex are also looked down upon.

After leaving in vain.

This meal made me feel much more comfortable.

After eating and drinking, Han Jingjing relaxed a lot from her nervousness when facing the chairman.

According to Ye Yang, when he is not in the company, he keeps friends as friends.

A company is a company, and ordinary is ordinary.

Of course, with a small asset like Huabo Film and Television, which is only tens of billions, Ye Yang may not actually go to the company to have a look in the future.

"Well... I'm a little drunk. I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time."

Han Jingjing's face was a little flushed, and she lay on the table and turned the wine glass.

Being a tool for a traffic star is also very tiring.

Every day I have to be treated as a tool of capital. I cannot say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing. I can only say what the company tells me to say, and I can only do what the company allows me to do.

If Ye Yang hadn't suddenly appeared today, she didn't know when she would be qualified to have a barbecue in such a leisurely manner.

Of course, this is also the price you have to pay for choosing to be a vase and a piece of meat with a small flow rate.

So she has been secretly honing her singing skills, hoping that one day she can rely on her strength to get rid of all this, but... her appearance is natural, but her strength needs time to accumulate.

The day she dreamed of seemed far away.

"It would be great if I could get Chairman Ye as my boyfriend...hehe..."

This is the true thought that arises in her heart.

"Drunk? If you're on your way, I'll take you back."

Ye Yang suggested.

"Dr. Ye...ah, actually I can..."

Han Jingjing murmured.

"I'd better take you back."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Although he would not refuse anyone who came, he was still very concerned about the mentality of the visitor.

He knows the difference between true love and impulsiveness.

Maybe they will get along together in the future if they are destined to, but obviously the time has not come yet.

After all, his mentality is no longer the blind and hungry young man he was when he first obtained the system.

"I really……"

Before Han Jingjing could say anything, Ye Yang had already helped her into the car.

After swaying for a while, Han Jingjing really fell asleep.

It seems that I am really too tired. I cannot be myself every day and just be a tool. I must be really tired when I relax for a while.

Especially those who are unwilling to be tool people all the time and still think about relying on themselves one day, are actually the most tiring.

In addition to doing the work of a toolman, you also have to spend time behind the scenes to be true to your heart.

Ye Yang could also feel this in the conversation over the barbecue just now.

He already knew the address of the apartment and was just on his way.

Putting her at the door of the apartment, Han Jingjing's manager saw that she had fallen asleep drunk, and was a little disappointed in his eyes, but he still took Han Jingjing and helped her back to the apartment.

"Are you feeling distressed?"

Lin Xueer blinked and looked at Ye Yang.

"How can you not feel bad when a beautiful woman suffers?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said bluntly.

"Hmph! Bad brother!"

Lin Xueer tilted her head and said coquettishly: "Ah! I fainted too. I want Brother Ye Yang to take me home!"

"What did you say?"

Ye Yang turned aside, but he didn't expect Lin Xueer to pretend to be sleeping very thoroughly, and her limp body was directly pressed down on the car seat.

The sudden feeling of weightlessness made Lin Xueer open her eyes, only to see Ye Yang's face very close to hers, and she could feel his breath on her pretty face.

Being pressed tightly on the seat, with her body closely attached to her, Lin Xueer's face turned red instantly: "I..."


Ye Yang answered knowingly.


Lin Xueer couldn't bear it anymore. Today's events brought back many childhood memories to her mind, which made her feelings for Ye Yang stronger than before.

Coupled with the special position at this time, she could no longer control her heart and kissed him directly.


Ye Yang wanted to tease Lin Xueer, but he didn't expect that she would start a counterattack!

As a man, of course he couldn't admit defeat.

After a while, both of them started to get naughty, and the clothes piled up under the car seat were getting more and more.

The fragrance and ambiguous atmosphere filled the entire car space.

The car suddenly vibrated.

In order to avoid being photographed by paparazzi, Han Jingjing chose a high-end apartment in a relatively quiet area.

But occasionally some rich people would pass by.

Seeing the vibration amplitude, those who understand it all envied collectively.

"Oh, it must be very intense inside!"

"What a good body! Damn, I'm making money now, but I can't toss like this, my body won't allow it."


The car window is one-way light, so they naturally won't have time to get close to look inside, but just admire it with envy.

After a long time, a middle-aged couple came from another direction and found that the car was still vibrating.

"Damn, it's been half an hour!"

The middle-aged bald man's jaw almost dropped: "We went home and finished our meal before coming out, and we're still not done!"

"Look at him! Look at you!!!"

The wife suddenly felt a nameless anger, stomped her high heels in anger, and ran away with her bag.

A lot of time passed after the two left.

The car finally calmed down.

"Are you sober?"

Ye Yang, who was dressed in a formal suit, raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at Lin Xueer, who was slumped in the seat, blushing and sweating.

"Stinky brother always... bullies Xueer!!!"

Lin Xueer was so tired that she couldn't even speak fluently.

(First update)

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