Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 295: Hongmen Banquet?

"Why don't you drop the hammer?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Tang.


Tang Tang was stunned by the bid. After being reminded by Ye Yang, he came back to his senses and dropped the hammer: "We congratulate Mr. Ye for winning the Jilin Province Building King: Xinghuang Mansion with a super sky-high price of 2 billion!!!"

The whole audience was silent for a moment, and then burst into thunderous applause.

Not for anything else, just for this jaw-dropping super huge sum, it is enough to be respected!

Even the two mysterious women and the windbreaker man who were determined to win the building king before applauded sincerely at this time.

If they lost by only tens of millions in the end, they would definitely not be reconciled.

But this kind of completely hopeless crushing made them have no reason to be jealous. There was only one word in their hearts: surrender!!!

Gaining the respect of opponents is the greatest victory.

A group of wealthy businessmen also applauded with great emotion. Many of them felt that they were rich enough in their lives, but there are always people who are better than you. Mr. Ye spent 2 billion to buy a property for himself at a young age. Compared with such a person, he was still too narrow-minded and too... poor!

Yang Haoming looked at Ye Yang. Although they were about the same age, he was completely fascinated by what Ye Yang did in the past few days. In the future, he would be Ye Yang's most loyal little fan!

Ye Yang had no feelings about this result and just thought it was natural.

After all, there were hundreds of billions on the books. Why not spend them?

"Ding! It was detected that the host spent 2 billion to buy a house. The reward was 100% ownership of the Nebula Private Observatory, and it came with the modern level of the earth: proficiency in astronomical knowledge!"

The system sounded.


Ye Yang was confused. What did buying a house have to do with the observatory...

Could it be because there was a word "Xing" in the name of his villa?

Although he was a little surprised, he was still very much looking forward to it.

Humans always have expectations and curiosity about the starry sky, and he is no exception. When he was a child, he even wanted to be a scientist and study the starry sky and aliens.

But later, the subject of mathematics made him give up this idea.

"When I have time, I can go to the observatory to satisfy my childhood curiosity."

Ye Yang smiled slightly in his heart.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ye!"

The wealthy businessmen sitting around all stood up and congratulated Ye Yang.


Ye Yang came back to his senses and nodded with a faint smile. Although for him, it was just buying a house casually, I really didn't know what to congratulate.

But since others expressed goodwill, he was not a big villain, and he would not hit a smiling person.


The building king was auctioned off, the auction ended, and the guests also left one after another.

Li Changzhi naturally ran back to the Li family in shame.

The main hall of the Li family.

The head of the family, Li Zihuai, had a dark face. It was obvious that he had heard about the auction a long time ago and lost all the face of the Li family in the fishing ground.

This time, the competition for the building king was also a secret contest.

He was defeated again!

This series of failures made him a little difficult to accept.

The head of the family had a gloomy face, and the Li family members in the audience did not dare to say much. The atmosphere in the main hall was very heavy.

As soon as Li Changzhi walked into the main hall, he felt his shoulders sink, and the atmosphere around him made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Grandpa... I..."

"Kneel down!!!"

Li Zihuai shouted angrily.


Li Changzhi was frightened and his legs softened, and he knelt on the spot.

"Originally, I had high hopes for you and was ready to let you take on the responsibility of the Li family in the future! In the end, you repeatedly disappointed me!!!"

Li Zihuai slammed the table: "From now on, all affairs of the Li family have nothing to do with you, and you don't have to live in the villa area of ​​the Li family group in the future. Go out and start your own business! The Li family will not give you a penny! I want to know who secretly helped him, and I will kill him!"

"Yes, yes..."

The members present were all trembling.


Li Changzhi's face was pale, and he collapsed on the ground. This was considered as expelling him from the core of the Li family and exiling him...

He knew his own ability too well. Without the support of the Li family, he would start his own business from scratch? Go to hell!

From now on, he suddenly turned from a nobleman into a poor and second-rate young man.

"Get out!"

Li Zihuai was so angry that he slapped the table again.


Li Changzhi walked out in despair. If he dared to talk back at this time, it would not be as simple as being expelled from the core of the Li family...

"Ahem, calm down, patriarch. In fact, it's not all Changzhi's fault. These few times, the bad things were all caused by that guy named Ye Yang. If he hadn't suddenly come out to mess things up, these few times, they should have been done."

Li Changzhi's father said repeatedly.

"Don't cover up for your son!"

Li Zihuai angrily slapped the table three times.

After calming down, his eyes became deep: "But, you are right about this matter."

"This kid has disrupted things again and again, causing us heavy losses."

"It's time to deal with him officially."

He tapped his fingers on the chair and muttered.

It has only been a few days since Ye Yang appeared? The Li family lost tens of billions because of him. If this continues, what will happen? !

"It's time to deal with him!"

"We must not indulge him in his wrongdoings!"

"We must warn him who is the largest power group in Chuncheng, so that he will be cautious in his future actions!"

"That's right, we should show our strength, otherwise this kid might not know what kind of existence he has provoked!"

The core members of the Li family were all indignant.

The money lost involved them. It hurt to lose so much money!

They hated Ye Yang so much that they wanted to beat him up to vent their anger.

"In that case..."

Li Zihuai sneered: "Send him an invitation and tell him to come to the Li family tomorrow to have a chat. Just say that I, the head of the Li family, Li Zihuai, want to invite him to a banquet."

"Okay, I will prepare the invitation letter below."

Many core members of the Li family knew that the banquet was a cover, and it was actually just a Hongmen Banquet.

"But what if he doesn't come?"

Someone asked worriedly.

"Not coming? If he doesn't eat soft food, he can only eat hard food!"

Li Zihuai sneered.

"The head of the family has a good idea!!!"

The eyes of these members lit up, and they all flattered him.


Li Zihuai nodded with satisfaction: "I hope this Ye Yang is a reasonable person..."

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend GCZY-successor's Bobo milk tea!

Thanks to the book friend Duoduo for a love letter and Bobo milk tea and blade!

Thanks to the book friend Snow Eagle Lord for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Zeyi. for a love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Guanmeiyuan's Long Lao for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Happy Fatty. for a love letter~

Thanks to the book friend Qinshi for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Sabului Pipo for the urging talisman!

Thanks to the book friends 9286/8244 and Tequila for the likes~

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