Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 318 Super Critical Hit Reward: The Third Trillion-Dollar Company

The delicious food touched people's hearts. After eating and drinking, their bodies warmed up. Bai Xiaojing and Ning Qing completely relaxed and began to reveal their hearts.

Especially Bai Xiaojing's experience made Ye Yang very sad.

Three generations of their family are fond of astronomy and stars. At first, the conditions at home were very good, but astronomy is the most difficult field to produce results after painstaking scientific research. Even if there are some results, it is difficult to commercialize them, so they have always made little money.

The money earned was small, and the living conditions were naturally not up to par, so the health was not good, and the family wealth was consumed by medical treatment.

In recent years, she has taken over from her father and continues her father and grandfather's research career at the observatory.

With a monthly salary of 4,000, his mother needed surgery, and his life was very difficult. If he hadn't met Ye Yang, his life would have been miserable.

"I'm so lucky to have met you, the boss!"

Bai Xiaojing felt a little sad when she talked about the past. She drank a few sips of white wine. Because she had never drank white wine before, her face turned red because it was so spicy.

The fair and tender face has an attractive blush, which is really fascinating.

While listening to the story, Ye Yang admired Bai Xiaojing's charming little face and nodded from time to time.

Don’t drink while driving tonight: “It’s so hard! Salute to the scientific researchers!”

Siping youth: "Give this young lady a carnival, Ye Shenhao, please increase her bonus!"

Long live Hydra: "Yeah, yeah!"

Ye Shenhao's harem: "Well, I wouldn't mind if she becomes Ye Yang's husband's harem."


There was a flood of likes for Bai Xiaojing in the barrage, and the value of gifts also climbed crazily.

Mainly because Bai Xiaojing is really beautiful.

The character of a beautiful woman with a tragic experience but a happy life is a weapon of mass destruction for both boys and girls.

In an instant, the value of gifts in Ye Yang’s live broadcast room doubled again.

Leaving the second place far away, the beautiful anchor in the second place was pressed to the ground and rubbed wildly, she was about to cry without tears, and she was trembling.

“Everyone is very enthusiastic!”

Ye Yang looked at the explosive gift value: "Then I'll join in the fun."

There were too many rewards today, and he felt quite happy. In a fit of excitement, he sent out a super red envelope worth one billion in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it! I just grabbed 10,000 yuan!!!"

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!"

"Holy shit, my dick is so explosive! It's so awesome!"

"One billion red envelopes! I guess this will be a hot search topic again soon!"

"Haha, there is no one else who has been trending twice a day...but who knows that he is Ye Shenhao!"

"Ye Shenhao, ah no, Dad Ye, let the father's love come more intensely!!!"

"Husband Ye Yang is so handsome! Hey, did I pick up the son from upstairs for nothing, hehe..."


One billion red envelopes immediately blew up the audience. The entire live broadcast room got high and fell into a craze.

Many people also rushed to Ye Yang's live broadcast room after hearing the news.

All of a sudden, the popularity of the room and the number of people online for the anchors who were live broadcasting on Douyin at the same time all plummeted!

Because their viewers all ran into Ye Yang’s live broadcast room to watch the super big red envelope worth one billion...

The number of people online in Ye Yang's live broadcast room instantly exceeded three million. At almost this point, more than one-third of those watching the live broadcast on Douyin came in...

This is extremely amazing data!

Because, until now, there is no anchor in the entire network who can do this! ! !

"Damn, the number of people in the live broadcast, when I first clicked in, I thought I was blind..."

"More than three million! Even if Li Jiaqi, the super anchor who became popular some time ago, starts broadcasting, the peak number of online users will only be more than 300,000, right? Ten times! A full ten times!!! The spiral is so awesome!"


Ye Yang was already accustomed to setting records, and he didn't have any major changes in his mood at this time. He just felt quite happy and spent money to add to his luck.

"Ding! It is detected that your total spending on the Douyin platform exceeds 1.5 billion, and a super critical hit reward is triggered: 51% of the equity of Zijie Jumping Company will be awarded!"

"Rewarding the company again..."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and when he was about to pass by as he was accustomed to, he was stunned for a moment.

Wait, the word level jumps! ?

Let me go, isn’t that the parent company of Douyin, one of the most powerful trillion-dollar companies in China? !

This is the third trillion-level super company that the system has triggered rewards for after Yida and Tengxun!

Even for him now, having an additional trillion-level super company in his hands is exciting and inspiring!

Zijianjing is now almost as famous as Tengxun in China. Its sub-products such as Douyin, Xizhao Video, Tonight Toutiao and other sub-products are popular all over the country, with hundreds of millions of users and a valuation of trillions. It is so awesome!

"too strong!"

Ye Yang pumped his fist and was very excited.

Yu Momo blinked at the side. The one who knows Ye Yang best here is her. Who is the boss? That's a man with trillions of assets and two super business groups!

For him to be so excited proves that this is something extraordinary...

However, she was very sensible about her boss's personal affairs and would never ask questions. Ye Yang would naturally assign matters to her, so although she was curious, she still did not take the initiative to ask.

Apart from being happy, Ye Yang also came to his senses and couldn't laugh or cry. Most of the money he spent on his relationship came back to him...

This system is so considerate of itself that it doesn’t let itself suffer at all!

"Alas, wanting to spend money is really a technical job!"

He couldn't help but sigh.

This 1 billion red envelope storm, as time went by, swept the hot search list.

For a while, the top two hot searches on Douyin were all about Ye Shenhao.

The glory was unparalleled.

"Spending 1 billion just for my happiness!"

"This is the free and easy and willful nature of a real Shenhao!"


In this carnival, Ye Yang's fans finally broke through 30 million, and are still increasing rapidly.

Since breaking through 30 million fans, it has been like riding a rocket, and the number of fans has increased crazily.

Just exiting and entering again, in one or two seconds, tens of thousands of fans have increased...

"This speed of increasing fans is probably the envy of all the big Internet celebrities on the Internet, haha..."

Yu Momo smiled and joked.

Ye Yang also shrugged: "It's so-so."

The number of fans increased too fast, and he planned to wait until the heat passed before taking a general look at how many there would be in the end.

There is no point in taking a look now.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang burped and turned off the live broadcast: "After eating and drinking, it's a good time to have fun!"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Emmm, the amusement park! I've been working in Shanghai for several months, but I haven't been to an amusement park yet!"

Ning Qing asked repeatedly.

"Amusement park?"

Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

(First update)

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