"If you want to buy a car, there is a car show in Shanghai recently, you can go and have a look."

After being shocked, Yu Momo did not forget to suggest

"Auto show?"

Ye Yang nodded. This saved him the trouble of visiting various 4S stores. The auto show in the Magic City should have all the luxury cars that could be imagined.

"Well, pack up and go to the auto show directly."

Ye Yang said with a smile


Yu Momo hurried out to prepare the car.

An hour later,

Ye Yang got off the Lamborghini Venom.

The auto show venue was already crowded with people, and most customers were in a mood to enjoy the car even though they couldn't afford it.

"This auto show covers an area of 50,000 square meters, covering all the famous luxury cars in Shanghai."

Yu Momo hurriedly did his homework on the way, repeatedly saying

"Well, let's go in and take a look."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and smiled.

When he got off the car, he found that there were already many people around.

"Damn, it's a Lamborghini Venom! The super-rich who drive this kind of luxury car worth 70 or 80 million yuan, I'm afraid they are going to buy some high-end car at the auto show this time!?"

"That's right, it's definitely different from the way we come here just for the sake of seeing things."

"Hahaha, I'll follow this rich man and see it together in a while."The people around are mostly car enthusiasts. When they see Ye Yang getting off the Lamborghini Venom, their eyes are red!

Luxury cars like this are the kind that are said on the Internet. If you are born without them, you will basically never have them in your whole life!

The venue was very popular, and many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones and cameras.

In addition to the luxury cars, there were also many beautiful car models next to them. With their proud figures, they highlighted the wildness and smooth lines of the luxury cars.

Looking at these luxury cars, Ye Yang was also very happy.

As a man, how many people don't like luxury cars!?

Rolls-Royce exhibition area.

As a standard configuration for top success, Rolls-Royce is more stable, but it does not affect its handsomeness and luxury temperament.

Especially the little golden man on the front of the car, which makes the word"luxury" shine!

The center of the auto show is the top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Looking at the calm and huge body and the unparalleled heroic temperament.

Ye Yang was instantly attracted.

Although supercars are expensive, they can only seat two people. If many people go out to play, it is always a bit inconvenient.

For the Rolls-Royce Phantom, a super luxury car rated as one of the top ten bulletproof SUVs in the world, these problems will no longer be a problem!

"This is it."

Ye Yang casually pointed at the top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce Phantom and said,"How much is it? I want it."

The audience who followed Ye Yang in to watch the fun were all dumbfounded.

Is this the super rich man?

Why does he sound like someone buying cabbage at the vegetable market ?……


However, the staff and visitors who were already in the exhibition area did not know Ye Yang's identity, and they looked at Ye Yang in confusion.

The top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce Phantom starts at at least 40 million.

It was put here just to keep the place in check.

They didn't expect it to be sold.

"Sir, are you serious? This Rolls-Royce Phantom is an upgraded top model! The price is 58.88 million yuan.

The staff was so shocked that they stuttered.

"Oh my god... this is 50 or 60 million! This kid really wants to buy it? He is so young, is he kidding?"

"Haha, he is really a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. He speaks so arrogantly. Now he knows how expensive it is, he is probably going to run away in shame!"


The visitors who were originally in the exhibition hall were all sneering and mocking.

Only the visitors who followed Ye Yang in were very angry at these sour dogs who mocked Ye Yang.

He drives a super luxury car worth 70 or 80 million! How could he not have the confidence to speak carelessly! ?

"Is that so?"

Ye Yang nodded:"Since it's so cheap, then take this and this and make up 100 million."


The tourists watching all had black lines on their faces.

"I said this guy is bragging! He even made up 100 million! Who dares to say that without a net worth of 100 billion! ? Haha, I have never heard of a young man with a net worth of over 100 billion in China."

"That’s right!"

"I think his eyes and temperament are not like those of an ordinary person. Maybe he really wants to buy these Rolls-Royces.……"

"Phew... just talking nonsense, bragging doesn't cost any money anyway."

The tourists' comments also made Yu Momo, who was standing aside, a little unhappy.

"Swipe your card."

Ye Yang didn't care about the pure jealousy of these poor losers. When he drove these luxury cars away, they would naturally understand who was the clown.


When the staff saw the Centurion Black Gold Card in Ye Yang's hand, they were so frightened that they trembled.……

"Damn, Centurion Black Gold Card!"

"This... Centurion Black Gold Card is only available to those at the top of society with extremely high status!"

"I'm done. I just mocked a super important person who can afford a Centurion Black Gold Card for not being able to buy a car... Will I be retaliated against?"

"Hahahaha… I’ll tell you straight up, he came here in a Lamborghini Venom! I didn’t tell you just now just to see you guys getting slapped in the face, hahahaha……"

The tourists who followed Ye Yang in all burst into laughter.


The few people who were dancing the most happily just now all blushed, lowered their heads in shame, and squeezed out:"This guy is really a super big shot, don't dare to offend him, hurry up and run away!"……"

"Hahahaha…wasn’t that mockery just now quite exaggerated?"

The tourists nearby also laughed along.

""Okay, how long are you going to be in a daze? I have to continue shopping after swiping the card."

Ye Yang looked at the salesperson who was speechless for a moment, frowned and reminded him.

"Ahhh... Boss, please wait a moment. I will process it for you as quickly as possible. The salesperson was shocked.

How could he dare to neglect the Centurion Black Gold Card boss?

The car registration that was originally delayed for several days was expedited in a very short time.

"Mr. Ye, the total is 138 million. The card has been swiped. Please keep it safe."

The sales manager handed the Centurion Black Card back to Ye Yang respectfully.

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