If he didn't say it so mysteriously, Ye Yang wouldn't be interested yet, but since he said it was so awesome, wouldn't it be a shame to come here if he didn't give it a try?

"But sir, only our boss can make this wine. I'll ask her to come out first."

The bartender turned around and walked inside.

The surrounding atmosphere was gradually attracted by Ye Yang at this time.

"I am a regular visitor to this bar. This drink is exactly as described. Anyone who dares to try it will end up drunk and unconscious, and will fall down after just one glass."

"Can this young man do it?"

"Well, it's purely because I have no money and can't afford it..."


Many customers are curious.

Soon, a graceful figure walked out of the door.


"This boss lady is so beautiful!"

"This devilish figure is simply amazing!"

"Hey, I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed now."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the proprietress who walked out in a black gauze skirt, but could not hide her extremely beautiful figure.

This boss lady can only be described in one word: beautiful!

Even if he didn't like this type of Ye Yang, he couldn't help but look at him one million more times.

"Gee, it's been a long time since any customer dared to challenge this Tispil~ This guy is quite courageous."

The proprietress He Muzi gently covered her mouth and smiled.

Between his frown and his smile, he is captivating.

But after all, Ye Yang is no longer a virgin who just entered the society. Now he has experienced hundreds of battles and has seen countless beauties. He can face this battle without changing his expression.


He Muzi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that he had such determination at such a young age. He was either impotent, or he was probably an old Neptune who had experienced many battles.

However, no matter how you look at it, Ye Yang's temperament is not compatible with these two types of people! ?

"Confirmation for the last time, do you really want to drink Tispil?"

He Muzi smiled lightly.

"Drink, one drink is free if you don't get drunk, so what if I drink three drinks?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Many old drunkards who thought they would never get drunk after a thousand drinks once confidently said this, but after one drink, without exception, they all fell down."

He Muzi raised his eyebrows and smiled charmingly.


Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand. Ever since he gained proficiency in Chinese martial arts, his body seemed to have been transformed by some mysterious power.

This kind of energy is invisible and qualityless, but it can be sensed by Ye Yang. It is most likely the internal energy that has always been described in martial arts and martial arts novels.

As long as he uses his inner strength to suppress it, he will not get drunk no matter how much he drinks. Now is the time to see where his limit is.

"If I can really drink the three glasses of wine I mixed, then I can do whatever I like~"

He Muzi put his hands on the counter and said seductively.

"Anything can be done?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Anything is fine~"

He Muzi laughed and started to mix the wine: "Brother, do you know why it's called Tispil?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Because, this is the homophonic transliteration of English despair~"

He Muzi smiled again and continued to mix drinks.

"Despair, 'despair'? But your pronunciation is too irregular. Shouldn't it be called Despair or something?"

Ye Yang shrugged.


This unexpected complaint made He Muzi's hands tremble and he almost dropped his wine glass to the ground.

Soon, Tispil was ready.

Ye Yang took a sniff and felt that every cell in his body was stimulated.


He did feel that this Tispiel was extraordinary, but he didn't waste any time and drank the whole glass without hesitation.

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling of strong alcohol exploded from his belly and spread throughout his body. The strong aroma was pungent, and even the pungency and drunkenness went straight to his brain. If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be drunk all of a sudden. I had to be rushed to the point of fainting...

However, as soon as the internal force in Ye Yang's body changed, most of this feeling disappeared, and the drunkenness was completely gone, leaving only the wonderful aroma of wine, which left an endless aftertaste.

Mo Zhengzheng and Xiao Qingxuan both looked at Ye Yang worriedly.

Many customers around him were also staring.


A minute passed, and Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes: "It tastes great, let's have a few more drinks!"


He Muzi was stunned. How could he be drunk?

It’s just like not drinking at all! ?

I bet you are addicted to drinking!

"Huh... As expected of Master! He is indeed the most powerful man in the world!!!"

Mo Zhengzheng cheered.


The audience next to them all looked at each other in confusion: "Aren't you very impressive? They seem to have no feeling at all..."

"Um, I don't know either..."


He Muzi blinked: "Don't you... feel so drunk?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "But it does taste good."


He Muzi mixed another cup without believing it.


After Ye Yang finished drinking, he directly handed the empty cup back...

"I'm going to pretend you're drinking Coke! And you're still asking for a refill..."

He Muzi felt a little doubtful about life.

The third cup secretly added some dosage. Although the handsome guy was very handsome, she, a thirty-year-old spinster, didn't want her firm belief in guarding her body to be ruined in Ye Yang's hands.

"This cup seems to be more fragrant."

After Ye Yang finished drinking, he clicked his tongue and praised: "It's just that the amount of each cup is too small. Just make more to feel comfortable."


He Muzi suspected that he had remembered the recipe wrong.

But no matter what, what I said just now is out, and I am afraid that I will be doomed tonight!

"I'll go, it's that easy?! If you drink three drinks, you can pick up a beautiful boss?"

"Yes, boss, does what you just said still count?"

In an instant, many people who considered themselves to be good drinkers were eager to try.


He Muzi was doubting his life, so he mixed a glass of wine and handed it to the next challenger.

"Harmful, isn't it just the chicken... tail..."


Before he finished speaking, the next challenger, who was extremely confident, leaned back, fell directly to the ground, and fell into a deep sleep...

"I'll go, no!"

Seeing what happened to this challenger, everyone felt the horror of Ye Yang.

"It seems the formula is correct..."

He Muzi scratched his head and looked at Ye Yang suspiciously.

Could it be possible that he is really the one I am destined for! ?


After drinking ten drinks in a row, Ye Yangcai stood up with satisfaction: "It's really good!"


He Muzi bit his lower lip and looked at Ye Yang with complicated eyes: "I am willing to admit defeat, Muzi will do whatever you want~"

"Well, then you can be my professional bartender from now on."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.


He Muzi blinked: "That's it?"


Ye Yang nodded seriously: "What? Could it be that you have other ideas?"


He Muzi's face suddenly turned red. He was actually being teased by a boy in his twenties! ! !

(Second update)

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