Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 335: Xiao Qingxuan gets what she wants

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful!"

Xu Jiaojiao clumsily performed a European noblewoman's salute.

Ye Yang nodded with a smile.

"Where's Bai Xiaojing?"

Ye Yang turned his head left and right and asked.

"She went to look after her mommy during the day. When I just sent the tools over, she had already returned, but she seemed a little too tired and had just fallen asleep."

He Muzi smiled.

"... Girls really get familiar with each other very quickly."

Ye Yang complained inwardly.

"By the way, she said that someone from Yida came over this afternoon and left an invitation for you."

He Muzi took the invitation from her proud chest and handed it to Ye Yang.


Feeling the residual warmth on it, Ye Yang shook his head with a smile. This was not a virgin for thousands of years, but a little goblin for thousands of years.

"Wang Silin?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and was also stunned when he looked at the person who sent the invitation.

After opening the invitation and taking a glance, he understood Wang Silin's intention.

"I see."

Wang Silin had an important meeting these two days and just flew back to Beijing.

Beijing is the headquarters of Yida. As the top leader, Wang Silin, as the second-in-command, has time, so of course he immediately thought about inviting Ye Yang to dinner to keep in touch.

As for the invitation, it's just a formality.

"This location is interesting..."

Ye Yang looked at the signature location, which was the Centurion Club's Huaxia Beijing Branch.

"Reply to him and tell him I'll go."

Ye Yang told Xiao Qingxuan.


Xiao Qingxuan followed Ye Yang back to the room while sending a message.


Ye Yang looked at Xiao Qingxuan, who was skillfully closing the door: "Do you want to sleep in the same room with me? There is only one bed in this room."

"I am now taking over the full power of Sister Momo~ Naturally, I have to do the work at night!"

Xiao Qingxuan seemed calm, but she was already panicking inside.

She was adopted by Hurricane since she was a child, so how could she fall in love? Her understanding of this aspect is not as good as that of a junior high school student, so she has been hiding her thoughts all along.

She was resolute and decisive in other matters, but she dared not say this matter out loud again and again.

She had been thinking about finding an opportunity to say this sentence since she knew that she would replace Yu Momo as a temporary secretary during this trip to Beijing.

"Are you serious?"

Ye Yang blinked his eyes. It turned out that the beautiful bodyguard he had always trusted was also greedy for his body! ! ?

He didn't feel it at all...

Was Xiao Qingxuan hiding it too well, or was he too slow?

"Of course I'm serious! I was obviously in line first, why can't I get on your car until now!!!"

When Xiao Qingxuan was holding back her words, she was like a little rabbit. Now that the bow was shot, there was no turning back. She simply returned to her nature and walked up directly. Without saying a word, she pressed the confused Ye Yang on the bed.

Her feelings have been hidden for too long!

During this period of time, one after another outstanding and beautiful girls appeared beside Ye Yang, and tonight they appeared in a group.

The inexplicable feeling of jealousy in her heart was infinitely magnified.

She was not a fool. She knew that a person like Ye Yang could not be obsessed with only one person. What made her feel unbalanced was that she had met the boss earlier than most of the girls around the boss now.

But now these girls have got what they wanted, and she has not yet fulfilled her wish...


She could hear her heartbeat. It had never been so rapid when she was performing the most critical mission.


Ye Yang wanted to explain something.

"Shut up!"

Xiao Qingxuan didn't want to listen, and kissed him without saying anything.

Ye Yang: "Well..."

He wanted to struggle a few more times, but he suddenly felt that his body did not listen to his brain.

Just like that, he gave up resistance.

A big battle began.

Both of them are masters of Chinese martial arts, with amazing physical strength. The noise caused by the battle could not even be blocked by the well-soundproof Neihai Suite.

Xu Jiaojiao next door almost thought that Ye Yang and Xiao Qingxuan really fought...



From time to time, the sound of something being knocked over could be heard in the room.

When the sky turned white, the battle ended and the noise subsided...

The next morning, several beauties all had dark circles under their eyes and started to make facial masks.

"You don't look very good, is the food a bit bad recently?"

As soon as Ye Yang opened the door, he saw several beautiful girls queuing up in front of him, tiredly walking past him and preparing to go to the bathroom to make facial masks, and asked in confusion.

"Boss! You ask even though you know the answer!"

Bai Xiaojing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It was so noisy last night! Who can sleep..."

"What's going on..."

Xiao Qingxuan poked her head out from behind Ye Yang and asked in confusion.

"No... I can only say, I admire you so much!"

Bai Xiaojing sighed. She stayed with the boss for a whole night and was so tired that she didn't get out of bed until noon the next day. They are indeed martial artists. This couple is a perfect match!

It's just that being their neighbor is a bit too miserable...

After Bai Xiaojing left.

He Muzi licked his lips and patted Ye Yang on the shoulder: "The boss is amazing! Let's get together if we have a chance!?"

After that, he ran away with a smirk on his face.


Ye Yang glared, this little goblin... was clearly an old maid, but she drove faster than him.


Xu Jiaojiao held back her laughter, lowered her head and trotted to follow.

"What a bunch of treasures."

Ye Yang shook his head helplessly.

"They are all going to make facial masks. Then I will ring the bell for breakfast at the hotel~"

Xiao Qingxuan spread her hands, obviously in a good mood, and walked out of the way as if she didn't recognize her relatives.

"...What's going on?"

Ye Yang shook his head and spread his hands in confusion.

But looking back, Xiao Qingxuan is indeed a top bodyguard and proficient in Chinese martial arts. It is a completely different experience!

This is the first girl to completely keep up with her own rhythm...

Breakfast is as luxurious as ever, with fresh caviar, golden sura, pine mushroom shrimp, black pine bread...

After eating and drinking, I took a few girls to visit interesting places in the capital.

Bird's Nest, Water Cube, various museums, amusement parks, VR experience stores...

At the end of the day, I was very happy.

"We have a treat tonight, so we can save some room for a big meal."

Ye Yang reminded and smiled.

"Hello boss!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Bai Xiaojing nodded repeatedly.

Since Wang Silin has even sent out invitations, this meal must be very sumptuous.

"Since it's a private dinner, there's no need to drive a fancy car."

After thinking for a while, Ye Yang chose a Bentley worth more than 20 million yuan: "That's it."

Xu Jiaojiao is most familiar with the capital, so naturally she drives.

The journey was uneventful, and soon we arrived at the Centurion Club branch in Beijing...

(Second update)

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