Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 376: Is there really a X-ray vision?

"Open the third piece."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and nodded.

As soon as this sentence fell, the whole venue fell silent.

The opening of the two previous jadeite stones was too amazing. Everyone wanted to see whether the third rough stone picked by Ye Yang could still open a rough stone.

If he could still open a rough stone.

Then it can be predicted that Ye Yang will be popular in the international jadeite rough stone industry in a very short time!

In the entire history of rough stone gambling, no one has ever been able to do it, picking three out of three, and all of them are full of jade and top quality!

If Ye Yang can do it, then he will be the strongest existence in the gambling stone industry, unprecedented and unlikely to be surpassed.

I am afraid that in the future, he will be regarded as the god of gambling stones, turned into a portrait or made into a sculpture, and everyone will worship him and pray for this luck.

Old Dong also watched the opening process of the third stone intently, his eyes were bloodshot, his whole face was green with black, black with purple. If the third stone was opened, he would be completely ruined in the gambling stone circle!

He claimed to be a master of gambling stones for decades. He was invited to select a bunch of raw stones that could not contain jade to sell. Originally, it was just a normal way for him to make extra money, but he capsized in the gutter today.

This young man who was rated as an amateur picked three raw stones at random, and actually opened two super-high-quality jade!

This is simply a slap in the face!

He was shaky and was supported by several apprentices around him. He looked over with the last glimmer of hope in his eyes: "Don't sell it, don't sell it... Don't sell it!!!"

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

The fragments splashed out with water drops...

One inch down, no color, two inches down, still no color.

Seeing this, Mr. Dong's expression was slightly relieved. He said that it was impossible to be so magical. Unless he had a pair of eyes, how could he pick one and win!


But when he cut to the third inch, a bright light suddenly made his heart tighten...


"What color is this!?"

"I don't know..."

More and more spectators were attracted by the momentum here, and they were all looking forward to it.

"No way? Another jade? Is it really so magical!"

"Is he the legendary god of gambling on stones!?"


Everyone was muttering to themselves.

Even the master who cut the stone was numb. After throwing away the surface, the smooth, full, and layered beautiful jade was revealed from it.



"This, this, this!!!"

The appraiser walked onto the stage trembling all over, his lips trembling. He shone the light on it in disbelief, shaking his head continuously: "No... This legendary jade actually exists!?"

He has been appraising jade raw stones for decades, and he has only heard of this jade raw stone in front of him, but has never seen it.

Yes, with his decades of experience, he has traveled all over the world in gambling circles, but he has never seen such a perfect jade!

"What kind of jade is it, Master, don't keep me in suspense!"

"It is..."

In fact, the appraiser doesn't need to say it, the audience can see that this jade is different from others just by its color, and it must be extremely extraordinary.

"This... This is the legendary, respected as the emperor's jade... Glass-type dragon blood imperial green!!!"

The appraiser said with a trembling voice.

"Emperor's Jade? Is it a jade that only the emperor is qualified to get?"

"It sounds pretty awesome, please explain!"

"I have been in this business for seven or eight years, and I have never heard of this color...I know about the imperial green, but the glass-type dragon blood imperial green? Emperor's Jade? Sorry, I have never heard of it..."

This time, even those who claim to be experts are confused.

Only Mr. Dong's eyes showed a completely desperate light, and his face was no longer bloody.

"Glass-type is originally the noble of jade, and imperial green is also the emperor of jade colors. From a distance, the green is as deep as ink and the light is as clear as ice."

"And this piece of jade is not just glass-type imperial green, it also has dragon blood patterns!"

"Dragon Blood Imperial Jade, you may not have heard of it, but you must have heard of Dragon Blood Stone."

The appraiser explained again and again.

"Yes, Dragon Blood Stone is the top-end version of Chicken Blood Stone. It is said that 100 to 200 million years ago, dinosaur blood was polished by time to create top-grade blood jade."

"Yes, Chicken Blood Stone is already very precious, but once Dragon Blood Stone appears, it is not worth mentioning. With the same weight, Dragon Blood Stone is ten times more expensive than Chicken Blood Stone."


A group of insiders said in succession.

"Yes, the so-called Dragon Blood Emperor Jade is a kind of mixed jadeite. The conditions for the formation of Dragon Blood Stone and Imperial Green Jade occur simultaneously on a stone, and the final result is an incomparable and priceless super jade species!!!!"

The appraiser took a deep breath: "Everyone knows that Imperial Green looks like ink from a distance, and it becomes crystal clear after being polished. After this Imperial Green is polished, black and red dragon blood threads can be seen inside, which are intricate and have their own wonderful rules."

"It can only be said that this is the uncanny work of nature and the top artwork born of heaven and earth!"

He said solemnly.

"Well, we don't understand this, we are just laymen, anyway, we all know that it is very awesome."

"Yeah, yeah, just tell us how much it is worth, we are more concerned about this."

"Haha... That's right, if we don't give an estimate, we won't have any idea!"


The laymen in the audience kept booing.

The appraiser shook his head solemnly: "Sorry, I can't estimate the price of it. There is no historical price as a reference. This may be the only one in the world, a unique super gem. The price can't describe its meaning. It can only be called... priceless!"



"You can't even estimate the price? Isn't it a bit too outrageous?"

Everyone looked at Mr. Dong.

He was the most experienced and prestigious person in this industry.

At this time, Mr. Dong's body was already shaky. He looked at everyone asking for confirmation and could only nod helplessly. This affected his blood and qi, and the blood in his throat could no longer be suppressed. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and fainted with his head tilted back...

"Mr. Dong!"


Several people in the industry were frightened when they saw Mr. Dong fainted, and they shouted repeatedly.

"This old man is too fragile!"

Mo Zhengzheng curled her lips, turned around and hugged Ye Yang directly: "Master, you are so amazing! You don't have a perspective eye, do you?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a sly smile: "Yes, I have a perspective eye. To be honest, I can see through everything about you!"

(First update)

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