Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 410: A feast made from millions of top-quality ingredients


Ye Yang also smiled and shook his head. Wang Xiaocong, after all, is a top second-generation rich man, but he is unwilling to pay for a meal. He is a bit stingy!

“Let’s go.”

“Please follow me.”

The beautiful waitress could no longer suppress her inner joy.

What happened today is really too dreamy!

This casually received handsome customer actually ordered 10 million ingredients in the top ingredient area!

The commission alone can make her rich!

If she goes back to her hometown, the commission today is enough for her to pay a down payment for the house!

This feeling is really great!

It can be said that Ye Yang is simply her lucky star!

Therefore, she is also extremely enthusiastic about Ye Yang and his party. Such a rich and handsome little brother is simply loved by everyone, and flowers bloom when they see him, and cars burst tires when they see him!

“This is the top private room of Royal Fresh. Today, it belongs to you.”

Originally, the top royal private room of Royal Fresh would cost more than 30,000 yuan for a meal.

But because the ingredients Ye Yang ordered were too expensive.

Royal Fresh directly waived the small amount of more than 30,000 yuan.

If you are not willing to give up this small profit, how can you do business as a big boss?

"The environment here is not bad."

Ye Yang looked at it casually and nodded slightly: "The only box I have seen that is better than this one is the Black Dragon Pavilion."

The Black Dragon Pavilion is the signature of Han Pavilion and the gimmick that made it so popular. Therefore, Tang Ruguo spent a lot of money and spent nearly 100 million to build it.

Then only the Black Dragon Gold Card VIP can enter and enjoy it.

It is because of the gimmick that Han Pavilion has become the first Chinese restaurant in the Magic City!

And this royal box, after entering, has a breath of the ocean.

It is like being in the ocean, maintaining the tranquility and comfort of the ocean, but it just happens not to have the darkness and depression of the deep ocean.

Just this perfect environment treatment is better than the box technology of 90% of the top restaurants!

Dining here is indeed an extreme enjoyment.

At Ye Yang's level, the cost is no longer something he wants to consider. He just wants to pursue a better and more excellent experience.

This place obviously makes him very satisfied and is in line with his philosophy.

"Really good."

Several people talked and laughed.

Soon, the dishes were served.

The crystal crab meat shaved from the Australian king crab was divided into three parts, which were made into: the most authentic crab meat lemon juice dipping dish, the carefully prepared crab meat sauce, and the most distinctive crab meat barbecue.

The other side dishes are also dazzling and amazing.

The last bluefin tuna was also processed and made into sashimi on the spot by the most senior chef of Royal Fresh with several five-star chef assistants.

These people are at the forefront of China and even the world in terms of seafood cooking.

It can be said that their processing of ingredients is an enjoyment and art in itself!

"Hmm! I thought crab meat could never be made into barbecue, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious!"

Yu Momo hummed with satisfaction: "Hmm~ It's so delicious~ Ah~"

Ye Yang was already eating very fragrant, and after hearing Yu Momo's humming, he felt his saliva flow more.

"It's really delicious!"

Wang Xiaocong also ate with relish.

Jing Mo on the side was very reserved. After all, her family's property added up, even if she sold the house, it would only be one million yuan. This casual bite would be tens of thousands of yuan!

Can she really eat this kind of super food feast that is more valuable than gold?

"Don't be reserved, you don't have to treat me."

Ye Yang saw that Jing Mo was a little embarrassed, and advised with a smile.

"Okay... okay! Thank Ye Shenhao!"

Jing Mo stood up and saluted repeatedly, and then dared to move his chopsticks. Once he took a bite, he was stunned.

Oh my God, is there meat in the world that can be so delicious!

In comparison, what did I eat before!

She was shocked. So, this is the world of the rich! ! !

This wonderful food, this upper-class life!

It was beyond imagination!


Ye Yang was used to it and didn't feel anything: "But it's really delicious."

He took a sip of Latour red wine, squeezed out the original Hainan premium lemon juice, and poured it on the crystal clear original crab meat.

Feeling the freshness and tenderness after entering the mouth, mixed with the taste of red wine that has not yet dissipated and the sourness of lemon juice, this bite is simply a great enjoyment!

Ye Yang kept nodding.

After eating a few bites, he looked at the scene of processing bluefin tuna in front.

Several chefs have extremely deep knife skills. Each piece of fish belly can be cut to the most perfect color. The crystal clear and translucent fish belly sashimi slices like gems make people just look at it, and their mouths can't help but secrete happy saliva.

The assistant beside him was concentrating on mixing the top secret sashimi sauce that he had learned in Japan at a high price.

After processing, the wonderful fish belly sashimi and the secret sauce were also served.

"There are seven kinds of sauces in total, and each one can be paired with sashimi to produce a completely different and wonderful taste. After all seven bites, you will get the eighth most perfect and wonderful taste. Paired with the top-quality bluefin tuna belly, this secret sauce can also bring out the top-quality auxiliary taste!"

Several chefs obviously had a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

The most perfect ingredients, the most perfect condiments, this is what they dream of as chefs, a perfect meal!

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and ate eight slices of delicious fish belly according to the other party's instructions.


Even he, a gourmet who has tasted all kinds of gourmet feasts, was surprised: "Good job! You deserve a reward!"

"It is our honor if customers eat comfortably."

Several top seafood chefs all showed a gratified smile.

"Be my private chef, and I will give you ten times the salary before."

Ye Yang put down his chopsticks and grinned at several chefs.



Several chefs were stunned.

Is this a rich man! ?

"But our price is very high... Are you sure?"

Several chefs were a little tempted.

After all, ten times the salary, there were big bosses who wanted to hire them as private chefs before, but they all had principles and were unwilling to leave the Royal Fresh where they could get access to top ingredients and make the most beautiful meals.

After all, they were not particularly short of money, and being able to make a perfect meal was their dream.

But what if the price becomes ten times higher...

Then the situation will be different!

After all, he gave too much!

"How much did you earn before?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

The head chef scratched his forehead and said: "Including commissions and special services, I earned 1.3 million Chinese Yuan last year. My two assistants earned less, but at least each of them earned 700,000 Chinese Yuan."

(First update)

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