Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 417 Domineering CEO? Too greasy


Ye Yang turned his head and saw a strange young man with a gloomy appearance, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and there was a hint of deliberate indifference. The lips are very thin, and the corners of the mouth are slightly hooked, revealing a smile that is half cool, one half sarcastic, and one half disdainful.

But the overall look is not ugly. On the contrary, I have a bit of a domineering CEO falling in love with the CEO temperament in me.

But in Ye Yang's eyes, this deliberately displayed expression seemed a bit silly, with a strong sense of deliberate pretentiousness.

Although pretentiousness is a fundamental need of human beings, this big brother shows his pretense clearly on his face. That means he is not pretending to be pretentious, but he is a fool himself.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine. On the contrary..."

The man with slit eyes was just about to pose, so he carefully found his tone of voice and pretended to be cool.

Ye Yang slapped him in the face: "If you have nothing to do, get out of here and don't shake your hair in front of me. What are you doing here to extract oil?"


Yu Momo on the side suddenly laughed out loud. This guy was indeed too greasy. I don't know, he thought he drank too much Indian sacred oil.

The man with slit eyes did not expect Ye Yang to be so strong. With this slight push, he was pushed back six or seven steps. He lost his balance and fell directly to the ground, causing pain in his butt.

"You vulgar man!"

The man with the slit eyes was about to accuse.

Mo Zhengzheng poked her little head over and said, "Hey? Isn't this Er Fat Brother? You are actually in Hainan too!"

The man with slit eyes who was called Erpang scratched his head in embarrassment: "Zhengzheng, you said you are not allowed to call me by my nickname anymore! Call me Brother You!"

"Okay Brother Huang You!"

Mo Zhengzheng said oh and then shouted.

"Do you know each other?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, his name is Huang You. We went to an aristocratic school in England together. Since we are both from China, we know each other."

Mo Zhengzheng explained.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "As his name suggests, he is simply too greasy."

He used to watch romantic idol dramas, and what bothered him the most was the image of a domineering president. Every time he saw that there was no need to add oil when cooking at night, he got tired of it.

"Haha, are you the new master that Mo Zhengzheng recognizes?"

Huang You stood up and looked Ye Yang up and down: "If Zhengzheng's best friend hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that Zhengzheng had fallen in love with you, you little bumpkin."

"What did you say!?"

Yu Momo frowned and immediately wanted to kick him.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Mo Zhengzheng blushed: "My best friend just said to bring an acquaintance over, and she was talking about you! I should have known better not to tell her my location."

This chubby guy has been very confident since he was a child. He pretends to be a domineering CEO every day, which annoys Mo Zhengzheng to death.

The key point is that she was unfortunately attracted by this oil guy, and she was really unlucky for eight lifetimes!

Fortunately, his father was very discerning and directly rejected his family's proposal of marriage.

This can be regarded as one of the few good things that my old-fashioned father did.

At this time, Mo Dongshan, who was in a meeting in the capital, suddenly sneezed: "Oh, my daughter probably misses me. Really, it's only been a day! It seems that I have been quite successful as a father! Haha..."

"...Zhengzheng, don't be angry."

Huang You stood up and scratched his head.

At this time, Mo Zhengzheng's best friend Tan Mingqian also came over: "Oh, Zhengzheng, it's been so long! I miss you so much."

"Sister Mingqian, why did you bring him here? How much did you charge him as a favor?"

Mo Zhengzheng asked complainingly.

"I can't help it. Isn't this for the sake of your life's important events? You said that you have never been with a partner in more than 20 years since you were a child! Alas!"

Tan Mingqian shook her head and sighed.

"Who said that! He is my partner!"

Mo Zhengzheng immediately leaned against Ye Yang, and waved her hand impatiently at Huang You: "We can't do it, give up, Qiuqiu, hurry up, hurry up!"

"? Is he just such a rough guy?"

Huang You looked at Ye Yang with an unkind look and asked in disbelief.

"What kind of job are you in, to talk to me like this, Brother Ye?"

Wang Xiaocong had almost sorted out the relationship on the side, and at this time he also went directly to help Ye Yang save face.

"Who are you...ah, no, isn't this brother Xiao Cong!"

Huang You was very tough in the first half of his words, but he softened on the spot when he saw that it was Wang Xiaocong.

"You are here too! Hahaha... I didn't see clearly just now, you said this..."

Wang Xiaocong hummed casually.

The Mo family and the Zhuge family are now the right-hand men of Yida, with market values ​​exceeding hundreds of billions.

Huang You had not been favored by Mo Dongshan before, purely because his family background was too rubbish, and the entire family's total assets were only more than 100 billion.

A poor guy still wants to marry Bai Fumei?

It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat!

Of course, Huang You himself is a bit too pretentious.

Not as good as Zhuge Zhu. Although his personality is not pleasant, at least he knows how to behave in front of his elders. He deceived Mo Dongshan before letting him go on a blind date with Mo Zhengzheng.

"This is my brother Ye. Even I have to give you face. You are very brave! I think you are lighting a lantern in the toilet... looking for shit (death)!"

Wang Xiaocong sneered and said lightly.


Huang Youzhen didn't expect that this young man who didn't look prominent had such a background. Even China's top rich second generation Wang Xiaocong didn't dare to offend him. How could a third-tier rich second generation like him dare to show off?

But he himself loves to show off, and even if he can't use his identity to show off, he still has to make up for it through other things, especially now that Mo Zhengzheng is still present.

If he doesn't show off for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

He turned his eyes, and a smile that was half sarcastic, half cold, and one half disdain came out of the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the beautiful salesperson.

The beautiful saleswoman looked at the idiot looking like he was looking for a beating and smiled professionally. She wanted to go up and tear his face apart.

It can be said that I am really smiling with a smile on my face, but my heart is full of laughter.

"Does it take five Aston Martins to buy this car?"

He looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, looking arrogant.


The beautiful saleswoman resisted the idea of ​​rushing up and kicking his face, and asked with a smile.

"I have exactly five Aston Martins to my name, give me one!"

Huang You waved his hand with great confidence. He happened to be an Aston fan. He had four or five Astons worth around 2 million. A few years ago, he asked his father for one worth over 10 million. Aston Lagonda Taraf.

Just qualified enough to buy this new one87.

"Okay...please show me your Aston membership account."

The beautiful saleswoman took out her tablet and prepared to inquire.

(Second update)

There are always people who say that Jiuyang Kawen is unfair! Some plots are quite long and I just can’t finish them in one day! I didn’t mean to be cute (confident face)

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