Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 422: Dalabangba Race Track

Soon, they came to the Sanya Drag Racing Club, where there is a professional racing track. The entire track is extremely complex. The first half is a professional flat track, and the second half is a mountain track transformed from a mountain road.

It can be said that unless you are extremely confident in your driving skills, you would not dare to drive on such a track.

It hosts several major racing events every year.

Internationally, they are very well-known racing venues.

Darabongbar Speedway.

Ye Yang's Koenigsegg made a beautiful flick and entered it.

Along the way, Yu Momo had already contacted everything. When Ye Yang arrived here, the people in charge of the racing track were already waiting here.

It's November now, the off-season for racing, and the vacancy period of the racing track is very high. Now suddenly someone calls directly to reserve the venue. Of course, he is extremely enthusiastic and comes directly to greet him!

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you want to temporarily book the entire racing track?"

The racing track owner rubbed his hands and said with great enthusiasm.

"Well, it shouldn't be a problem to have a private match here later, right?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"That's no problem at all!"

The racing track owner laughed.

"Well, the payment will be here in a moment, please wait."

After talking for a while.

The cars of Huang You, Wang Xiaocong and Mo Zhengzheng also arrived one after another.

"Wow, this place is so big. I didn't expect there to be such an awesome racing track in Hainan! I've never seen it before."

Mo Zhengzheng smiled.

"Hmm, this is an internationally certified professional racing track."

Tan Mingqian patted Ao Ren's chest and said repeatedly.


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, then nuzzled at Huang You: "Pay."

"Payment? What payment..."

Huang You's mentality is very bad now. He is holding his breath and preparing to teach Ye Yang how to behave on the track.

"Of course it's a reservation fee. I made a reservation worth one million yuan. Do you want to pay?"

Ye Yang shrugged.

"How many, how many!?"

Huang You was stunned. The venue fee was only tens of thousands for a game, and the duration was one million! ? How funny!

"If you don't want to compete, forget it and pay back the one billion from the last game, right?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.


Huang You gritted his teeth: "Hmph, let's see how you can still be happy when I have you with me to make money later! Let you laugh for a while first!"

After saying a few harsh words, I paid the venue fee of one million yuan honestly and painfully.

"Creak, creak, creak..."

Huang You gritted his teeth, feeling that Ye Yang was simply his nemesis. Ever since he met him, he was either losing face or losing money...

"Okay, okay! Should we use the professional track car provided by our venue, or should we use the sports car brought by the young masters themselves?"

When the boss got one million, he was naturally beaming and kept talking.

"Just use our own."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually, turned his head and smiled at Mo Zhengzheng: "How about it? Want to experience the thrill of racing with me?"

"Okay! If it doesn't delay your performance, Master, of course that's good!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Mo Zhengzheng's eyes.

"Zheng Zheng! This is no joke! This is a professional track! You need to go through extremely fast corners! Just the cornering speed needs to be 200 to 300 kilometers per hour. A second of hesitation will directly destroy the car. People die!”

Tan Mingqian tried to dissuade her from the side.

"Don't worry, Sister Qianqian, my master will be absolutely fine!"

Mo Zhengzheng waved her hand nonchalantly.

It's not that she believes that Ye Yang has skills that surpass those of professional racing drivers, but that Ye Yang is very smart and would never do anything extraordinary if he saw the gap was so big.

Mainly racing on a professional racing track, which she hasn't experienced yet!

"Fasten your seat belts, the Akina Mountain Car God is about to hit the road."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and drove the car to the starting line.

Not long after, the Aston Martin Lagonda taraf also drove over.

Huang You gave Ye Yang a middle finger through the car window: "Trash! Once you get on the track, you will know that you are nothing!"

Having ridiculed the other party just now, Ye Yang was too lazy to talk to this loser and turned around to start teasing Mo Zhengzheng.

"Depend on!!!"

Huang You slapped the steering wheel hard and shouted angrily. This scene can be described as not very harmful but extremely insulting! ! !

Seeing his goddess being molested in other people's cars, he could only stand on the sidelines and rage, and they didn't even bother to talk to him!

Huang You felt like his lungs were about to explode: "Just wait! I'll make you embarrassed and throw you into the Pacific Ocean in a while!!!"

After muttering, he turned around.

As a professional international racing venue, the referees, whistle blowers, full monitoring, rescue measures, accident guarantee team, commentators, etc. are all first-rate.

Because they spent one million, the boss directly gave them the highest configuration. I don’t know if they thought it was an international competition that was about to start.

When I looked at the starting line, there were only two cars.

"So impressive."

Wang Xiaocong and others also sat in the VIP auditorium. Except for the first half of the visual field of view, the rest of the competition process was broadcast live on the electronic screen in real time. Professional aerial drones tracked and filmed the entire process.

The owners of the racing track happened to have nothing to do, so they also sat in the auditorium to watch the game.

A group of cheerleaders dressed coolly were specially sent to serve as the atmosphere group.

"Who do you think will win between the two?"

In the audience, the boss asked several racing coaches around him.

"If the level is the same, then this Koenigsegg will definitely win!"

Coach Lao Wang laughed.

"Oh? Why? Does a good car have such a big advantage?"

The boss asked in confusion.

"Of course!"

The coach became serious: "The data gap between the two cars alone is not a little bit!"

"The top speed of the Martin Lagonda Taraf is 281km/h. It accelerates from 0 to 100 kilometers in 4.9 seconds."

"And the Koenigsegg One1 has a theoretical maximum speed of 450km/h! Although the highest record in reality has only reached 415km/h due to the tire limit, it is still an amazing speed... and its acceleration from 0 to 100 kilometers only takes an amazing 1.9 seconds!!!"

"Whether it is the start or the speed difference in the middle, it is an equipment gap that cannot be measured at all."

Coach Lao Wang said.

"But, as far as I know, Mr. Ye is just an ordinary sports car collector and has never raced on a professional track... and Huang You is a professional second-level racing driver."

Coach Zhang shook his head.

"Is there such a thing?"

Coach Wang laughed: "Needless to say, Mr. Ye is doomed to fail. He has never practiced before. No matter how good the car is, he can't perform well! He dare not increase the speed at all. If he increases the speed, he will flip over. It's useless."

(First update)

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