Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 438: 9 billion private yacht: Monaco streets

"Two nine million, plus eighteen million of brandy."

Ye Yang casually calculated: "The total is 36 million, plus the supplementary wine and other things that will be served later, let's count it as 40 million for your wine."

"Boss Ye, there are too many, too many!"

Chen Qiqian said repeatedly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "The difference is only one or two million, it's a small matter."

After saying that, he swiped the card directly.

"...He is indeed a real boss!"

Chen Qiqian sighed with emotion, and her eyes sparkled even more when she looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's actions obviously made her very fond of him.

I even feel that he is very different from the international financial tycoons I have come into contact with before...

This young man has his own unique temperament.

"Boss Ye, you are really a strange person."

She twisted her hair in front of her forehead and smiled.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Ye Yang smiled and put away the swiped black card.

"Although you are all very rich...compared to the big guys I have contacted before, you don't look like a businessman at all."

Chen Qianqian said.


Ye Yang laughed: "I am indeed not a businessman."

"Boss Ye is really good at joking."

Chen Qiqian pursed her lips and smiled.

"I'm not kidding."

Ye Yang shrugged.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for improving the quality of catering in recent times. He spent 40 million on drinks and was rewarded with a super private yacht valued at 8.9 billion Chinese dollars: one on the streets of Monaco!!!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

There is actually a yacht worth more than 9 billion yuan in the world? !

How luxurious it must be!

You know, the high-tech F1000 he got from Gulfstream Company had a cost price of 2 billion. If it were sold, the transaction price is estimated to be only 3 to 4 billion.

"Perhaps the valuation methods for things like spaceships and private yachts are different?"

This Monaco street boat is the most expensive toy Ye Yang has ever obtained.

Its own value alone is higher than the market value of many listed companies!

Thinking like this, I also became somewhat interested in this super private yacht on the streets of Monaco.

"Where is it now?"

Ye Yang asked the system.

"The host location has been located. The Monaco Street Yacht is heading to your location and will dock at the nearest port to you in a short time."

The system replied.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "There's no rush, let's eat first and then go see it."

Although the nine-billion-dollar super yacht surprised him, relatively speaking, it was more important to have just the right amount of money.

She and Chen Qiqian returned to the house with wine.

Wang Xiaocong has already brought several Internet celebrities he found to fight with each other.

The three beautiful chef sisters also preliminarily processed the ingredients and started making sushi or stewed fish in gold soup and other bottom-of-the-box dishes on the spot.

Mo Zhengzheng was talking to Tan Mingqian.

Seeing Ye Yang and Chen Qiqian back, everyone seemed to have regained the focus of the field and everyone looked over.

"Ah! The boss and the boss's wife are back!"

"Which little corner did you just go to for a quiet chat!?"

The beautiful sisters asked one after another.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Chen Qiqian waved her hand: "If you make these jokes again, your boss will spank you!"

"Hey! Sister Qianqian, you are too fierce..."

The beautiful sisters all pouted, but they also felt that there seemed to be some subtle changes in the relationship between the boss and the boss's wife.


Chen Qiqian shrugged her nose.

"But by the way, Brother Ye, what on earth are you doing!"

Wang Xiaocong asked doubtfully.

"Why don't you go get a few bottles of wine and feed you gossips!"

Ye Yang raised the golden sun bottle of brandy in his hand.

"Holy crap! Did I read that right!? This is... Henri IV Grande Champagne Cognac?!"

Wang Xiaocong exclaimed and suddenly stood up.

Several small internet celebrities around him also stood up one after another.

They came here to serve Wang Xiaocong. At this time, Wang Xiaocong stood up and they did not dare to sit down.

"Oh, you know it very well!"

Ye Yang laughed and put the brandy bottle on the table with a loud bang. After all, the bottle alone weighed eight kilograms. Then he said to Chen Qiqian behind him: "There are two bottles of goddess whiskey behind."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Wang Xiaocong was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear: "Brother Ye, you really spent a lot of money. These bottles of wine are almost half the price of the car you just bought, right?"

Ye Yang laughed and waved his hand: "It's about 10 million, your guess is quite accurate."



Tan Mingqian's eyes were burning. She knew that the Aston Martin One87 that Ye Yanggang mentioned was valued at 60 million!

Half, that's not at least 30 million!

"A few bottles of wine, more than 30 million!"

She was breathing heavily, obviously a little too surprised.


"Is there really wine worth more than 30 million!?"

Several Internet celebrities were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths. They stayed in place, and their hearts were ready to move...

"Give up, Brother Ye doesn't like Internet celebrity faces."

Wang Xiaocong looked at the internet celebrities who were extremely excited and stunned, and shrugged casually.

He just brought them out for fun, he knew, and the internet celebrities knew it even more.

Both sides knew it well, so there was nothing awkward about saying this.

"Hey, Mr. Xiaocong, don't get me wrong, we were just shocked!"

However, the polite words still had to be said. After the internet celebrities gave up, they all stuck to Wang Xiaocong again, smiling charmingly.

Chen Qianqian introduced the history and origin of the two wines again while talking.

"No wonder they can be sold so expensively! This wine bottle alone is worth at least tens of millions. Are you buying wine or wine bottles?"

Tan Mingqian muttered.

"Of course, I'm buying both the wine and the wine bottle!"

Mo Zhengzheng couldn't understand Tan Mingqian's words at all, and said as a matter of course.

"Ahem... I'm speechless..."

Tan Mingqian said with a smile.

"Pah, pah, pah~"

Chen Qianqian clapped her hands and signaled the waiter.

Soon, the top-notch appetizers were served one by one.

These snacks are sold individually, at least 100,000 each.

But now they are available in unlimited quantities.

"It's really delicious!"

Everyone nodded and praised.

Chen Qianqian was naturally very happy, but what made her happiest was that she met Ye Yang, the big boss, today.

"The Huaxia Jinxiu lobster platter is ready."

Zhou Zhinan brought the plate.

In the plate was the Huaxia Jinxiu lobster platter that looked extremely tempting and cost 600,000 per kilogram...

(First update)

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