Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 442: Scumbag man and scumbag woman with a licking dog

"No need."

Ye Yang watched this scene with interest.


To actually say this in front of her boyfriend.

It is human nature to eat melons. Anyone who encounters something interesting will stop and take a look.


Chu Zixia was not surprised by this.

Brother Tao has been staying at the beach for several days.

Fake kisses every day, and many beautiful girls will agree.

He even defrauded many girls of their first kiss, which is extremely abominable.

"I learned it all from those foreigners, but in foreign countries you can kiss almost anyone, the atmosphere is like this."

Chu Zixia shrugged: "But in China, this is still an exclusive action between lovers. Girls don't value this kind of behavior. Instead, they despise themselves so much that they can be seduced into kissing after just a few words."

"Maintaining the same behavioral logic, I was deceived by someone with just a few words, deceived, and finally dumped. I also had to go online and scold the scumbag. One more sentence: After all, I am the one who took care of everything. Absolutely amazing.”

"Putting the blame on an entire group of men makes it seem like women are inherently destined to be victims and there's nothing wrong with that."

"Such people are just out of their minds. How can a person like Brother Tao be a serious person?"

"Doing this is exciting and fun. But since you wanted to play with this kind of scumbag in the first place, and you were played by him in the end, you have to admit that you are also a scumbag, and don't complain!"

"Don't blame the opposite sex for the mistakes you made as a promiscuous maid and a promiscuous scumbag, and let honest people take the blame. In the end, you have to let others pay for it, as if others inherently owe her money."

"It's time to enjoy the excitement that should be enjoyed, and the blame for the breakup has been thrown away. They let them have their say in everything in the world. How can such people be so shameless?"

"Finally, you must know that once you have been played, your value will be gone. Every time you are played, you will become less valuable."

"Don't go to the blind date market. You are a piece of shit. You still make all kinds of demands and treat yourself as a luxury product. You are not worthy at all!"

Chu Zixia said indignantly.

Good girls look down on girls like this who don't know how to respect themselves. After all, they are considered to be breakers of market rules.

Girls who are very self-respecting don't know how to deal with themselves.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Although he was just a security captain, he had surprisingly upright views.

There are not many girls with such good outlook on life. I don’t know which guy will be cheaper in the future.

at this time.


Obviously, the boy in the young couple frowned and subconsciously felt something was wrong.

"What's the inconvenience? Miss, I didn't even say it was inconvenient. Miss, it'll only take a minute~~ I'll treat you to some coconut tea after I'm done~"

Brother Tao flipped his hair and said with a smile.

"What research?"

The girlfriend was obviously moved. After all, she likes to take advantage of small things. Now she heard that she could drink milk tea in one minute, so of course she wanted to participate.

"I'll do a magic trick. Guess which hand the coin is in at the end. If you lose, you can kiss me. If you win, you can slap me. Do you agree to this small request?"

Brother Tao smiled with a bright smile on his face.

"Xingxing, I'll buy you milk tea."

When the boy heard this request, he said repeatedly.

"Oh! This is so exciting! Lan Yuxuan, are you a man? Why are you so stingy?"

When Lan Yuxuan heard this, he was stunned.

"And I won't necessarily lose. If I win, I can get a cup of milk tea for free, right?"

The girlfriend curled her lips: "Besides, you bought me some shitty milk tea. Your salary card is all mine. All your money is mine. You use my money to buy me milk tea? Do you think I'm stupid?" ?”


Ye Yang and his group of bystanders were immediately stunned.

"This girl is really outspoken, haha... she directly said what the other girls who control the man's salary card are thinking."

Several security girls couldn't help laughing.

A girl who wants a salary card before she gets married has no idea what she thinks before asking for it, but if a boy really hands over the only thing that can be treated as a human being by a money-worshiping girl, there is a 70% chance that this girl will never come back. Treat you like a human being.

The money is all in other people's hands, you have no value at all, and you don't have any say. All the initiative is in other people's hands. You are a piece of shit.


Lan Yuxuan obviously had no right to speak. Under his girlfriend's threatening eyes, he had no choice but to bow his head and acquiesce.

"Iron licking dog, haha."

Ye Yang was so happy that he agreed to the kiss in person. After getting married, he would probably get a new hat every day, and it would be the color specially provided by Qingqing Prairie.

As he watched, he lost interest.

The three in front of me are a scumbag, a scumbag, and a scumbag.

None worth saving.

Put together they just make people sick.

At this time, Brother Tao had finished his 'magic'.

"Hey, left!"

Xingxing guessed.

With Ye Yang's current eyesight, he could naturally see that the stars were actually guessed correctly, but Brother Tao's magic hand was very fast and he changed positions in the blink of an eye. This was for ordinary people who were not good at dynamic vision.

If you guess this magic trick, you will definitely lose.

"Oh, what a pity we lost!"

Xingxing said: "Which side do you want to kiss?"

"This way."

Brother Tao pointed to his left cheek.


Xingxing didn't care about Lan Yuxuan's feelings at all. In her mind, this was just a small and exciting challenge. It's a new era now, and independent girls should do this! Any restraint is wrong!

During the kiss, Brother Tao turned his face unexpectedly and kissed her mouth to mouth.

Although Xingxing was startled, she felt that Brother Tao's kissing skills seemed to be better than her boyfriend's, so she didn't want to let go and kissed her for a long time in front of him.

"Haha, add WeChat?"

Brother Tao's courage suddenly grew.

"You're going too far!"

Lan Yuxuan finally couldn't help it and shouted angrily.

"Brother, she's not your wife, why are you so stingy? It's a new era now? Look at you like that! I can't stand it! Girl, this guy doesn't love you at all, believe me!"

Brother Tao laughed and provoked.

He, a scumbag, doesn't care about others. Anyway, he doesn't want to be with this girl for a long time. As long as he can fool her today and get to home base, he may have a lot of fans.

(Reality is often more magical than fiction...

Asking for a kiss in front of a boyfriend is a street prank video I've seen, adapted from a clip of a girl with a boyfriend.

The feeling of not handing over the salary card is that a friend of the author recently experienced a similar thing. A few days ago, they broke up because of money, but because his salary card was in the hands of the girl, she took all his money. Although the amount was not much, I still sympathize with him (laughing and crying).)

(First update)

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