Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 445: The life of a rich person is so plain and boring


Brother Tao wants to cry but has no tears. ...

He just said that ten thousand is nothing, he was just bragging! ! !

He has been an outdoor anchor for three years...

It took more than a year to find a way to become popular and accumulate some fans...

After finally making more than one million, I squandered a lot in the club, and now I only have five or six hundred thousand left.

He had to work with these two buddies to get the money Ye Yang wanted.


I tortured the scumbag and made him lose so much money.

Chu Zixia was obviously in a good mood, so he kicked Brother Tao again before letting these people go completely.

"This little episode has made you unhappy. On behalf of the scenic spot, I apologize to you."

"No, I just wanted to see the fun."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "And you helped me make hundreds of thousands, haha. Not only did I spend nothing, but I also made money, haha..."

Everyone present burst out laughing.

The venue fee was 200,000 yuan, but now I collected 600,000 to 700,000 yuan directly at the door, and in turn, I made a huge profit of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan. What a little business genius!

"You can always make a fortune unexpectedly by following Brother Ye. What do you think? It's so irritating that people are so popular! In addition to investing in e-sports, one of my IG teams won the championship and made some money. If I do anything else, I don't have good luck. "

Wang Xiaocong lamented that Ye Yang's financial fortune was too impressive.

No wonder you are so rich!

Ji people have their own destiny!

If you want to be truly successful, in addition to strength, you also need to rely on enough luck. After all, when it comes to strength, everyone has their own hands and feet. Even if you work from morning to night and learn to death, there will always be a bunch of 1.45 billion people in China who are just like you. Have the same strength.

Of course, the above is based on hard work.

Having no luck is actually not the worst thing. The worst thing is that when luck comes, you don’t have the strength to catch it. That is the saddest thing in the world...

"There will always be times when you are lucky!"

Ye Yang patted Wang Xiaocong on the shoulder and encouraged him.

"The best time for me was when I asked my father for business capital. He only asked for 500 million, but he gave me more than 1 billion, haha..."

Wang Xiaocong said with emotion.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, that guy is lucky, but your dad is lucky.

After thinking about it, he stopped worrying and just led a group of people into the beach area following Chu Zixia.

The best part of the beach area has been completely isolated, and beautiful security guards are guarding this area.

Many ordinary tourists looked here curiously and discussed in whispers.

"Is there some big shot coming? Let's divide it up directly. This scene is too big!"

"I'm going to envy you. They are all beautiful bodyguards. Their aura is simply incredible!"

"When will I ever be so majestic in my life, woo woo woo..."

"It would be great if I could stand majestically in this partition and be worshiped by the people around me."

"Brother, it's probably not too late to sign up as a security guard now..."

"Fuck you..."


In whispers, Ye Yang and his party finally changed into beach clothes and walked out of the VIP dressing room.


"Oh, let me go, this figure!"


"It's not good! This brother has severe nasal bleeding. Call the doctor! Oh no, it's too late. Call an ambulance!"

"Cover his eyes quickly!!!"

"Good guy! This is too white! It's too big! It's perfect!"

A bunch of people went crazy.

The first ones to come out were Wang Xiaocong and his entourage. The female internet celebrities who can be clicked by Wang Xiaocong are the ultimate in the aesthetics of internet celebrities.

Face, figure, both are excellent.

Directly watch the old perverts on the beach spurting blood.

"Oh my god, no wonder this piece was divided. This, this, this... is just amazing!"

"The latter ones are even better! No, I'm a little dizzy..."

"This is the rich man! The evil capitalist!"

All the tourists were angry.

Not to mention these tourists, even Ye Yang, who was used to wind and rain, started to feel thirsty when he was squeezed in the middle by such a group of super-perfect girls wearing only bikinis.

Yu Momo directly pulled his left arm into her arms, placing his arm next to her breast and tracing his fingers to her abdomen.

The situation on the right is not optimistic either. Mo Zhengzheng, a cute little girl, has a bolder posture than Yu Momo, the royal sister!

In front of me is Chen Qianqian, who is half a step away from me!

Let alone growing up, even if it is just normal and you take a slightly bigger step, you will easily encounter it!

The three sisters also find opportunities to exploit every opportunity, and there are always some places within their reach.

As for Tan Mingqian, although she wanted to squeeze up, she wrapped Ye Yang directly in it because these girls were like seamless lumps of cream.

There was no chance of joining in at all.

I had no choice but to follow behind.

"Wow!!!! The boss is so...spectacular!"

All the way out, several girls were discussing excitedly.

Ye Yang finally understood the evil intentions of these girls. It turned out that the carefully prepared beach pants actually had a ruler icon on them!

Everything is clear at a glance.

"Ri, I will never trust you again next time and ask you to bring me pants!"

Ye Yang complained in a dumbfounded voice.

"Why are you so shy, boss! We are the ones who should be shy!"

Several girls laughed playfully.

Ye Yang's face turned black. You guys look so shy!

There's fire in your eyes. You want to eat yourself up! ! !

"Hehe, we're always shy! It's just hard to show it!"

"Yeah, boss, you must believe us. Look at our sincere eyes!"

Several girls laughed and stared at Ye Yang's face with bright eyes. They said shyly.


Ye Yang shook his head and smiled.

There are various facilities in the isolated area.

There are also two lounge chairs. Next to the lounge chairs, there is a small table with coconut and lemon juice on the table. In front of them is the best view of the beach. Next to them is the place with the most sunshine on the beach at this time.


Ye Yang took a sip of the sweet and sour lemon juice and burped melodiously.

A beautiful afternoon is often so simple and plain.

And the life of rich people is often like this, plain and boring.

Ye Yang put the lemon juice back on the small table and shook his head lightly: "It's so boring!"

"What's the next project???"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Brother Ye, don't tell me, I... have an idea!"

Wang Xiaocong snapped his fingers and laughed.

(Second update..................................)

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