Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 491: There are such bosses in the world?

After everyone in Yina took Na An Mi away.

The hatred in An Mi's eyes was no longer hidden: "Damn Huabo Pictures, you have offended me severely this time!!! I must make them pay the price!"

"I'm going to act with my heart this time! Cut out ten pictures for me! Then use less substitutes. I can extend my working hours to ten minutes every day!"

Then An Mi felt that she had given too much, and she began to feel touched: "Of course, I have worked so hard, do you understand if you give me a higher salary?"

"I know, I know."

The contact person over there nodded repeatedly.

"I must make that man named Ye Yang good-looking! Beat him hard in this year-end movie box office showdown and shatter his self-confidence! Let him finally lie on the ground, kiss my shoes on his knees, and beg for me. forgive!"

Na An Mi almost laughed out loud thinking about that scene.


Here at Huabo.

Ye Yang and Li Fan also came to the set.

When I first arrived at the set, I saw many familiar faces, experienced actors, and many capable actors.

For example, Mr. Xuejian, actor Fan Debiao, etc...

After talking with these old actors.

Ye Yangcai deeply felt why these people could be called veteran actors. Just being a human being would be enough for those self-righteous traffic stars to learn from them for several lifetimes.

They are virtuous and capable, but they act modestly and cautiously. They also think about problems from the perspective of others, and within a few words, you can deeply feel the other person's profound professionalism.

You will feel very comfortable getting along with these people.

"I've hired so many veteran actors and real actors. I'll give you the budget. Is that enough?"

Ye Yang found Li Fan privately and asked.

"Ahem, not only is it enough, but also... there is too much surplus..."

Li Fan scratched his head.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

"After these actors read the script and knew that we were not seeking commercial interests this time, but only to truly revive the martial arts culture, they were very moved. Many old actors came here for very low salaries."

"They all have enthusiasm and sentiment and want to make this movie really good."

Li Fan was also very moved when he said this.

Ye Yang nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Later, he also came to the hall.

The actors all stood up. Now that Ye Yang was not only the leading actor, but also the chairman of Huabo, he naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I just heard Director Li say that you only need to pay a very low salary to star in this movie, just for the belief in your heart to inherit the Chinese martial arts culture."

Ye Yang cupped his fists and said, "For this, Ye admires you very much."

"Chairman Ye is serious. We have our own pursuits and beliefs. Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to realize these things. We originally wanted to volunteer for the role, but Director Li insisted on letting us accept the most basic salary. ……Ha ha."

"Yes, it is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to participate in such a film of great significance to the times."

For these real actors, acting is their career and their dream, and money is not everything.

They have their own pursuits!

When they reach this level of realm, what they pursue is no longer simple and pure money.

"I understand what you are thinking..."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "But I want to prove to everyone who deserves the real high price. I decide the final box office of this movie, and you can share it. As for the share ratio, it will be determined based on the role and contribution."

"Boss Ye..."

"This is also my philosophy."

Ye Yang's eyes were bright: "There is no need to say more."

For things like movies and TV series, practitioners should calculate their income based on the final box office revenue. The higher the box office, the more money they will get. This is correct.

In this way, many garbage celebrities and garbage screenwriters who do not act well can be eliminated.

"Since Boss Ye is so generous, we will definitely help him! Let China's martial arts culture flourish forever!"

Many actors were very moved.

They have been in the entertainment industry for many years. Although they have their own ethics, they cannot change the general environment. After all, they are just practitioners, not fund holders.

Only those with money can change the rules of the industry.

A boss like Ye Yang who has pursuits, dreams and money is so rare! ! !

In the past, they have encountered either people who have pursuits but no money, or people who have money but have long since given up pursuing their ideals.

This time, they really saw a hope!

The hope of changing the future of the entire film and television industry!

The script of the movie started when the protagonist was a child.

So in the beginning these days, there was nothing happening with Ye Yang, and he was not required to participate in the show.

When he had some free time, Li Fan also approached Ye Yang to discuss setting the schedule.

"The filming cycle of the movie is actually very short."

"The reason why a movie takes one or two years to be released is that the most troublesome part is the investment in the early stage, the editing in the mid-term, and the publicity in the later stage."

"Now, you alone can handle all the investment, directly in place. There is no need to look for other investors."

"And this matter itself is very popular, so it won't take long to use the opportunity to promote it."

“It’s just shooting and editing.”

"It's the end of November now, probably before the Lunar New Year, and we will be able to make all the preparations."

"Several other big studios also think so, so we may tacitly choose to release the film during the Chinese New Year."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

The Chinese New Year is the golden period for domestic films.

All Chinese people are on holiday, and there is policy protection. Foreign films will not be introduced to compete during this period.

So, domestic big-budget films are generally chosen during the Chinese New Year.

"In terms of publicity methods, in addition to traditional publicity methods, we also want you to use your influence on Douyin."

Li Fan scratched his head, rubbed his hands and laughed.

"This is natural."

Ye Yang laughed. This is the first movie he starred in. How can he not tell his fans?

"Also, we also want to ask these old actors to open a Douyin account to promote it. Boss, you have more prestige in their hearts. Ahem, how about..."

Li Fan laughed.

Ye Yang nodded slightly. These real actors are rarely willing to show up. They are all concentrating on studying acting skills and living a good life.

Many old actors still don't have their own social accounts today.

Therefore, there is no way to quantify how many fans they have.

There is no specific data to support it, and now those traffic stars have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of followers.

This makes people have the illusion that the influence of these old actors is far less than that of traffic stars.

"It's time for the world to re-understand what is fake and what... is real!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

(Second update)

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