Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 498 You only lost your future, but I lost my love

"Is this the young man who molested the girl you mentioned!?"

Bai Muzhi turned around and looked at Liu Yan with a gloomy face.


Liu Yan was speechless and felt that she was finished.

"Hehe, tell me what to do about this matter!"

Bai Muzhi said coldly.

"You maliciously tampered with the library regulations, slandered the chief curator for misconduct, and even made threats. Your behavior is simply a shame for the Welsh Magic City Branch!!!"


Liu Yan turned around and looked at Shi Zhentian, motioning him to say a few words quickly to share the blame for her.

However, who would have thought that Shi Zhentian had already hidden away.

He whistled and looked up at the sky, as if he didn't know her at all.


Liu Yan looked at this scene in disbelief and took a breath of cold air: "Shi Zhentian! Say something, Shi Zhentian!"

"What am I saying...I don't know you."

Shi Zhentian turned around and was about to leave.

"You can't just pull out Wuqing like this!"

Liu Yan was anxious. She thought Shi Zhentian really loved her. He was so good at saying sweet words in bed, but when it came to the point, he just pretended to be a coward and wanted to break up with her and run away! ?

"Damn it! It's confirmed!"

"There's a green grassland on Liu Yan's husband's head!"

"Hahaha, as expected, there is an affair between these two!!!"

"I said anything when I was anxious."

"Shi Zhentian is a scumbag. He uses the name of a fitness champion to coax little girls around in the gym. After sleeping with them, he pretends not to know them. I don't know how many blind little girls have been harmed by him."

"But some women know what kind of person he is and still get close to him. That means they are just looking for excitement. They are not good people either. ”

“Liu Yan is still useful to him, so he has been maintaining the relationship. Liu Yan didn’t really believe the sweet words! ?”

“She doesn’t trust her husband who spends so much money and energy on her. She believes the words of a man who has never given her anything and only takes advantage of her body. This kind of woman must have a bubble in her brain! ?”

“I am dying of laughter. This is retribution!”

“That’s right!”


“Don’t talk nonsense. I have nothing to do with you!”

Shi Zhentian denied it.

“Don’t think I don’t know! You have been in love with so many girls in the museum, and I believed your lies every time. I believe that you can be devoted to me, so that I can quickly abandon my rubbish husband and follow you wholeheartedly! But you treat me like this! ?”

Liu Yan said in disbelief.

"Fuck, where does this bitch get the nerve to be so self-touched?"

"I'm dying of laughter."

"Some women have done all kinds of unscrupulous things, but they still think they have touched the world, and can even say: You lost a leg, but I lost my love! Such shameless words."

"Who doesn't want to only care about their own feelings!? Damn it! Such people completely ignore objectivity, have no respect at all, and take this kind of thinking as pride, which is worse than a beast."

For a while, Liu Yan, who was about to cry because of her self-touching, began to mock her.

"This Shi Zhentian is a beast, and this woman is worse than a beast."


Shi Zhentian's face turned pale and blue, and today was completely over.

He failed to pick up girls, his reputation collapsed, and he had to give up the rich woman he finally hooked up with.

I can't make it anymore...

"Haha, you two have done such a huge harm to the reputation of our museum, and even offended the general director."

"As the person in charge of the Magic City branch, I want to express my deepest apologies to the members and the general director present. It was my negligence that allowed this dirty scene to happen in our venue!"

"But the main reason is that you two shameless dogs and bitches!"

"Shi Zhentian, you have three days to return all the bonuses that our museum has given you before! Otherwise, we will sue you for the damages caused to the reputation of our museum!"

"In addition, we will contact the girls you have cheated and formally sue you. You should have a rough idea of ​​the final result!"

Bai Muzhi said in a cold voice.


Shi Zhentian fell to the ground.

He has spent all the bonuses of the past two years...If he returns it within three days, he will have to sell his car directly, and he will have nowhere to go after he is in debt!

The most terrible thing is the prosecution. If he is really accused of something, he will go to jail. Which gym will dare to use him as a signboard in the future?

He has no ability except the gym. If he can't get into the gym... then his future life will be miserable.

"As for you, Liu Yan, as the manager of the branch, you have made such a despicable affair. From now on, you will be dismissed from all positions. I will inform your family of today's events truthfully."

"In addition, this gym will sue you for reputation loss compensation. This lawsuit has no end! Until you lose the case!!!"

Bai Muzhi was obviously furious, and the way he handled it was extremely cruel, hitting the two people's weak points everywhere.

Obviously, he wanted to kill these two people.

"You! How can you do this! I'm pursuing true love!"

Liu Yan said indignantly: "You only lost some reputation and face, but I lost love!"

"Your love has nothing to do with me!"

A trace of deep disgust appeared on Bai Muzhi's face: "Treating cheating and excitement as love, cuckolding your husband is a matter of course and justified. You ignore other people's feelings and thoughts, you don't respect basic human ethics and morality, and you do everything you can to be selfish. !

Your IQ is simply inferior to that of a dog in heat. "


Liu Yan was so angry that she jumped up and down. She still feels that she is absolutely right. Maybe only when all these results fall into reality and make her feel the pain can she wake up a little bit!

However, Ye Yang and others were obviously not in the mood to watch her dance.

With a wave of his hand, several security guards came over, took the woman and threw her into the trash can outside the door.

Shi Sanada, who was in a state of despair, was also thrown into a trash can.

It can be said that they are a pair of garbage can mandarin ducks.


The commotion caused by this incident lasted for a long time before gradually subsided. Many people posted Liu Yan's confident appearance on the Internet.

It triggered a fierce war between a bunch of venomous women and straight men.

Qin Kelan came to Ye Yang with his hands behind his back and a meaningful smile: "Brother, I didn't expect that you are actually the chairman of Wales. You are young and promising!"

"It's just so-so. Compared with you, a wealthy lady who hires a fitness coach every hour, it's still much worse!"

Ye Yang laughed and smiled carelessly.

(First update)

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