Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 509: Seems to have discovered something unusual

"Go directly back to my manor airport. There is a G950 on standby at any time, and there is also an unreleased F1000 super concept machine. If you want to experience it, you can also drive that one."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin and smiled.

"...Okay, okay..."

Qin Kelan's brain has been dulled by Ye Yang's wave after wave of super output.

At this point, all that is left is the awareness to say good things.

"Brother Ye's home! This is my first time going there, so I left as soon as I said I wanted to!"

Xu Xiaoxin was obviously very interested in Ye Yang's home and kept talking.


Ye Yang drives a Pagani Fengshen, which only has two seats.

It’s not good to take anyone with you.

Finally I decided to take a taxi back.

When I heard that we were going to the Yundingshan Villa Area, the driver had a strange look on his face.

Take a taxi back to the villa area? !

Are all the rich people playing so wildly now?

He had no doubt that Ye Yang was a rich man. After all, how could a poor man bring two such beautiful girls out to play?

The key point is of course ‘two’!

The driver was obviously agitated by this scene, and his driving was much smoother than usual, and he soon drove back to Yundingshan Villa.

The F1000 stopped at the starting line long ago.

"Master~ welcome aboard the spaceship!"

Yuan Yuanyuan and Gu Dandan spoke affectionately when they saw Ye Yang coming in.

"Good guy!"

Even though both Qin Kelan and Xu Xiaoxin were girls, they couldn't help but feel a little dizzy when they suddenly saw such a group of flight attendants and sailors with hot bodies.

"It seems that the competitiveness is much greater than we thought!"

The two girls looked at each other, both feeling that the future was difficult! ! !

The journey to win Ye Yang's heart is really long and difficult.

As a super-concept spaceship, the F1000 was an eye-opener for the two girls.

No matter how rich they are, they will still be extremely surprised when they see such a big guy that looks like a super-realistic futuristic science fiction black technology spaceship.

At the speed of F1000, it only took a short time to get from Shanghai to Xishuangbanna.

"Ride an elephant!"

Both girls are looking forward to it.

The most famous tourist attraction in Xishuangbanna is elephant riding.

Some time ago, many Internet celebrities came here to take photos of riding elephants, which attracted huge traffic.

"This is it."

Ye Yang casually glanced at the sign of Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone, nodded slightly, bought the scenic spot ticket, and walked in with the girl.

The Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone is a large-scale project planned by the government in Xishuangbanna a few years ago. Thousands of acres of land have been contracted by individuals for tourism development.

There are many entertainment and leisure projects throughout the development zone.

There are specially developed amusement parks, golden beach areas, characteristic rainforest areas, exotic hotel areas, and even special areas.

It can be said to be a dazzling array of things.

Many tourists take photos and play here, and you can also see some Internet celebrities recording videos and filming unit dramas here.

There is even a film crew filming here.

It still seems to be thriving.

Especially now that the winter solstice is approaching.

It has become very cold in the northern region, and it has begun to snow in the Northeast at this time.

Therefore, tourist attractions in the south become more popular at this time.

Attractions such as Hainan and Yunnan will see a significant increase in tourist traffic during this period.

"not bad."

Although Ye Yang said he was here for tourism, his mentality was certainly not the same as that of ordinary tourists. After all, he was the real boss here.

"Go and see how the employees are working, and then play."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin. Since he said he was here for inspection, he always had to do some face-saving work.

Qin Kelan and Xu Xiaoxin nodded repeatedly.

"I'll arrange for you two to stay in a resort hotel first. I'll go and inspect and then come back to play with you."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, listen to the coach!"

Qin Kelan chuckled.

The temperature here in Yunnan was much higher than that in the Magic City, and they happened to go to the resort hotel to change clothes.

Ye Yang casually browsed for a shared bicycle provided in the scenic spot, followed the prompts on the scenic spot map, and soon arrived at the development building of the development zone.

This is also the headquarters of Gaoyuan Development Zone Group.

Ye Yang walked into the building casually.

I looked around casually and found that the doorman was dozing off, and I couldn't help but frown.

He shook his head and continued walking inside.

The lobby on the first floor.

There are only a few people.

The girl at the front desk is doing something with her head down.

"Da da!"

Ye Yang frowned deeper and knocked directly on the front desk.

"Ah! Ah!?"

The girl at the front desk hurriedly raised her head and looked around in fright. When she noticed that the person knocking on the table was a young man she had never met before, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "What's the matter!? You didn't see me eating chicken! Call you." I was so scared that the chicken in my mouth flew away!”

"Are you at work? I hired you to work at the front desk just for free!?"

Black lines surged from Ye Yang's forehead: "Call your manager out!"

"Who are you! Talking to me like this!"

The girl at the front desk frowned: "Do you want to see our manager whenever you want? You have to make an appointment to pay the relationship fee! Have you made an appointment!?"

"Relationship fee? What relationship fee?"

Ye Yang crossed his arms and seemed to have discovered something unusual...

"Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand!"

The girl at the front desk rolled her eyes: "If you're not here to pay the relationship fee, why are you coming to Gaoyuan Building!? You can't hold on until you're full!?"


Ye Yang was too lazy to pay attention to this little shrimp, and frowned directly: "Tell your manager, I am Ye Yang, and tell him to get out and see me immediately!"

Seeing how fierce Ye Yang was, the girl at the front desk looked at him in surprise, and then curled her lips: "The manager is not here."

“Then call your executive director out!”

Ye Yang frowned.


The girl at the front desk hasn't finished speaking yet.

At the door, two people walked in.

"Manager Mo, are we settled on this?"

The fat man in black, holding a Buddhist bead in his hand, smiled with a strong Jianghu aura.

"Harm! How many years have we been working together! One million a year, I'm not slandering you! Our tourist area has so many people, so I only asked for this amount of relationship fee because our relationship is so good. So low!”

The man in sunglasses on the side waved his hand in a very coquettish manner.

"Yes, yes, Manager Mo, I understand. Several other bosses I know have raised their prices to 1.5 million a year."

The fat man with Buddhist beads smiled apologetically.

"Well, I guess you're sensible. Okay, you go ahead. I'll report it to the chairman."

The man in sunglasses waved his hand casually.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, good guy, openly accepting bribes, has it been so blatant? !

He doesn’t shy away from strangers at all! ?

"Xiaomei, who is this?"

The man in sunglasses felt that the way Ye Yang looked at him was very unkind, and he felt quite unhappy. He couldn't help but frown and asked.

(Second update)

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