Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 511 No one dared to stop this angry man

"Ah, excuse me."

The watermelon-headed fat man knew that he had said the wrong thing. Without anyone saying a word, he took the initiative to reveal all the inside stories of their squandering of company assets and corruption.

Thinking about it, he really regretted it.

Although he regretted it, he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, the company's situation is here, and it is impossible to change because of one or two people.

Even if this person is a controlling director.

Moreover, because this company does nothing practical, everyone is a real relative and a blood sucker. The stinky fish will find the rotten shrimp, and the stinky smell will naturally flow.

It can be said that they are more united than any other group.

After all, the original chairman still has the right to speak in this company.

He is unwilling to give up power, and no one can interfere in the company's affairs, unless Ye Yang has the courage to directly subvert the order and rules of the entire development zone.

Smash everything and rebuild it.

He doesn't believe that this young man has the courage and strength. After all, Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone is not a small company.

The entire company is involved in this complex network of interests worth tens of billions!

I don’t know how many powerful people are involved and benefit from it.

This kid dares to challenge the public anger on his own! ?

Moreover, as a businessman, it is impossible to do such a thankless task. After all, no matter how well the handover is done, there will inevitably be a window period for things like recasting order.

The money lost during this period must be counted in billions, billions! Even... if the reorganization fails, the loss is likely to be close to 10 billion!

How many people have the courage to take such a big risk! ?

"We have our own rules. What if he knows it?"

Manager Liu thought his reasoning was flawless and impeccable, so he spread his hands indifferently.

Manager Mo smiled. Although he didn't say so, he thought so in his heart.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see our chairman, and he will explain everything to you clearly."

Manager Mo waved his hand indifferently and tilted his head to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang glanced at Manager Liu and Manager Mo indifferently, with a cold smile on his lips, and then he sat directly in the main seat of the office.


Manager Mo frowned, obviously tasting something wrong.

"I think I have made it very clear, let your 'original' director come out to see me now, immediately."

Ye Yang crossed his legs, put his hands together, and said indifferently.

"What do you mean!?"

Manager Mo's smile also withdrew, and said coldly.

"My patience is limited."

Ye Yang's voice also gradually became cold: "Don't waste my remaining patience."

"Haha, I say, little brother, how many years have you taken off your crotchless pants!? What are you pretending to be an elephant by sticking a green onion in your pig's nose?"

Manager Mo was originally unhappy with Ye Yang, and seeing that Ye Yang was so disrespectful, he was no longer polite to him.

He was originally a social second-rate person.

Following the chairman, he has achieved his current success. Those subdivision contractors with a net worth of hundreds of millions have to call him brother when they see him, which satisfies his originally meager self-esteem.

It can be said that his interests are completely tied to the original chairman!

If the new chairman came with the intention of seizing power, then no matter what, he is the iron leg of the original chairman. He will say what the original chairman is not convenient to say! He will do what the original chairman is not convenient to do!

He is as loyal to the original chairman as the eunuchs of the Western Factory are to their master.

"Our former chairman is giving you face and talking to you. Don't be ungrateful and be shameless here!!!"

Since the relationship has been torn, Manager Mo no longer hides it: "You are so arrogant just because you bought some shares! You should know that the real power here is our chairman Mu Buming! Even a strong dragon can't suppress a local snake. You are not even a python crossing the river. You still want to come to our territory and grab the power of our boss? I'm dying of laughter!"

"This is Gaoyuan. The surname here is Mu, and it will always be Mu! I am willing to see you because I respect your nominal title. I will give you some dividends a year. Don't be so self-righteous and really think you are our chairman!"

"So naive and romantic..."

Manager Mo sprayed wildly.

The relatives and blood-sucking insects around laughed.

Manager Liu shook his head, ate oranges, and agreed with Manager Mo very much.

Snakes and rats are in the same nest. Of course, they must resolutely protect Mu Buming, otherwise where will they find such an easy place to make a living in the future?

"Enough of laughing?"

Ye Yang's mouth raised a smile, but there was a chill in this smile.


Manager Mo raised his eyebrows: "Who are you trying to scare with this? It's so funny! You want to come and seize power without even a bodyguard? Haha."

"I said that my patience is limited. Unfortunately, now it has been completely exhausted by you."

Ye Yang shook his head, and when he opened his eyes again, his figure suddenly jumped up!

Manager Mo, who wanted to mock something, was directly scared silly!

That was not the speed that humans could move at all!

In almost the blink of an eye, the opponent crossed half the distance of the office, directly pinched his neck with one hand, and lifted him up.

The feeling of suffocation came instantly, his body struggled wildly in the air, and his face turned red instantly.

"You may have your own rules... but from the moment I take over here, I am the only one who rules here!"

Ye Yang's faint voice spread out: "I have made it very clear. If the original executive director who ruined my assets doesn't get out, I will... personally make him get out!"

"Don't... don't dream!"

Manager Mo still wanted to show off, but Ye Yang slightly increased the strength of his hand, and the real fear of death instantly overwhelmed everything: "The chairman... the chairman is in the health room 318 on the third floor, no... I don't want to die..."

After saying that, he fainted completely. Ordinary people can't bear this kind of long-term lack of oxygen.


Ye Yang threw it casually, and Manager Mo was directly smashed against the wall several meters away.

The strong impact made his facial features bleed...


The whole audience was silent, and the laughter just now had long disappeared. Many people's souls were scared out of their wits.

This new chairman, not only is he rich, but he is also a peerless fierce man! ! !

With a casual swing of his hand, he threw the man several meters away and cracked the wall... What kind of monster-like power is this! ?

Ye Yang's face was as cold as frost, and he walked towards the third floor step by step.

The security guards and the company members who were determined to protect the original chairman just now all trembled with their legs and subconsciously made way.

No one dared to stop this angry man!

(Second update)

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