Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 561 Pre-sale promotion, hot all over the Internet

This feast lasted for a long time and ended with a sound of satisfaction and gratitude.

Everyone will never forget this experience in their lifetime.

They were even a little reluctant to give up. After all, except for Ye Shenhao's crew, I am afraid there will be no other crew that can be so awesome.

Now that the filming is complete, we’re just waiting for it to be released in New Year’s Day.

After eating this feast, Ye Yang also swiped his card. Because he spent tens of millions, the system triggered the get-rich-quick mechanism and gave him a deposit of several hundred million.

However, this amount is no longer worth raising an eyebrow to Ye Yang.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention.

After returning to the manor, I took a good rest in the hot spring with the girls.

He put on his bathrobe and sat under a sun umbrella nearby. The already wet maids in black and white stockings wrapped him up completely.

Move your hands up and down to massage him.


Ye Yang felt these soft little hands massaging his whole body, making him feel extremely comfortable.


The phone also rang at this time.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and answered the phone. It was Watson.

"Chairman, we are fully prepared. The first batch of VR3D glasses bundled with the chicken game have been prepared, and we have prepared 1.5 million pieces."

"1.5 million pieces?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"We acquired a game development and equipment sales company, and used the name of this game equipment company to sell this 3D glasses."

Watson said.

Ye Yang nodded. He didn't want Ye Shenhei Technology Company to become famous. After all, this was a secret that only belonged to him. Once it was exposed to the public, it would be in big trouble.

After all, there are too many things within the company that transcend the times.

There is no way to explain these AI robots on the assembly line alone.

Borrowing other companies' skins to sell things is a good choice.

"What is the name of this game development and equipment sales company?"

Ye Yang asked.

He does not intend to directly use Tengxun's channels, but plans to make his own series of black technology products into a separate series, completely under his own control.

These things are deeply involved. Only when you are completely in control can you feel at ease.

"The name is Qingzi Game Company. We originally made our fortune by making independent games. Now the market value is around 5 billion. We bought all the rights of this company with a premium of 6.5 billion. Do we want to change the name? ?”

After Ye Yang pondered, he also nodded: "Change the name to Shentu Game Company."

He still remembers the Shentu game he experienced that day and bought in the system mall. That game was so awesome that once it was released, it would definitely change the pattern of the entire game world.

The birth of such a conceptual game that is ahead of its time still needs some preparation.

Changing the name of the game company to Shentu was the first step in his plan.

"By the way, isn't the current production speed a bit slow?"

Ye Yang asked worriedly.

"There are still too few production lines, so the first batch of products will not be very large. Once the first batch of equipment is sold, we will have a reputation and a market. By then, we should have completed the integration of Shentu Game Company's production lines. work, and then we can mass-produce 3D gaming glasses.”

Watson kept saying.

"Well, let's go as planned."

After much deliberation, Ye Yang decided to sell the VR version of Chicken Dinner on the STEAM platform.

Tengxun's game strategies are all based on the model of free downloading and then recharging with krypton gold.

Ye Yang didn't like this.

He wants to create an absolutely fair and fun game.

Prevent krypton gold from becoming stronger.

Only by truly creating a good game environment can a game truly develop for a long time.

After preliminary discussions, it was decided that the game would be released for NT$98, and it would come with free VR gaming glasses for NT$998. Buying the whole thing would cost just over a thousand dollars.

The first 10,000 people who make a reservation will receive free VR gaming glasses.

After making a plan.

Ye Yang set the release date in three days.

Publicity is Ye Yang's strength, and he has no weaknesses.

From Douyin fans, Tengxun and many other publicity channels, all the live broadcast platforms under Ye Yang's name also let leading game anchors promote it.

Suddenly, the news of epoch-making VR gaming glasses caught everyone’s attention.

The topic it triggered is also very popular on the Internet!

"Ye Shenhao actually brought his business to the gaming industry!"

"This VR glasses is being hailed as an epoch-making masterpiece in the publicity! The research and development alone has cost billions of Chinese coins! It will probably be an eye-opener for us!"

"How is that possible? I feel like I am exaggerating! How many billions are spent on R\u0026D for a small gaming glasses? I have also played VR games, but they are not interesting at all. They are just for freshness. The glasses are very heavy and the gaming experience is unreal. It also makes people feel dizzy after playing it for a while, it’s so rubbish!”

"How much is the entire game market? The total profit of chicken games in a year is only a few hundred million US dollars. Using billions of Huaxia coins for research and development is not a loss-making business! I don't believe that a businessman can do this. Something stupid is coming!”

"Ye Shenhao is not the businessman you dirty-headed people think he is! He never deceives anyone and always keeps his word. Since he said that this thing cost tens of billions, it must have cost tens of billions. He said that these glasses are powerful, so they must be epoch-making!"

"Haha, you must have been brainwashed! I have seen so many of these crappy advertising slogans! Which merchant doesn't brag about his product for a while, but when you really get it, it's just so-so. How can you brag so much?"

"Anyway, I definitely believe in Ye Shenhao! When these glasses are released, I will be the first to buy them!"

"Go ahead, go ahead, I'm waiting to see you get cheated and cry in regret!"

"Okay, stop arguing, Ye Shenhao is broadcasting live himself! Go and see, say Maybe he will give out hundreds of millions of red envelopes again!"

"Ahem, I won't be sleepy if you talk about this!"

"Those rubbish who mock Ye Shenhao, if you have the ability, don't go into his live broadcast room to grab red envelopes! Rubbish! While receiving red envelopes from others, you also say that they are cheating you! How can you have such a big face!"

"Ah this!"


Ye Yang fiddled with the glasses and smiled lightly: "I am also a game enthusiast. I invested billions of dollars in researching these glasses. The effect is really very good. You only need a pair of glasses to experience a truly epoch-making game experience."

"Then Ye Shenhao, how many copies do you think your VR version of PUBG can reach in the first pre-sale?"

Ye Yang estimated and said conservatively: "One million copies."

(Second update)

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