Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 533: The giant appears with great momentum

"It's terrible!"

"I earn 3,000 yuan a month, and I love watching this kind of gambling fight between super bosses!"

"Haha, that's right! I'm a loser, I admit that I love watching this kind of fight!"

"Ahem, let me first declare that I don't associate with the two above! My family is very rich, but it's also very fun to watch this kind of gambling between super rich people!"


The live broadcast room was instantly hot.

It was comparable to the Douyin live broadcast of Ma Yun's concert some time ago.

The number of viewers instantly rose to millions.

Unlike Ma Yun's hot dance performance, these two people had announced in advance that they were connected today just to sign a gambling agreement!

This is a gambling agreement between super bosses!

Ordinary people can hardly touch millions of dollars in their lifetime. Now they may witness the signing of a contract worth more than 10 billion yuan. How can they not be curious and excited! ?

"Guess how much money this bet agreement can bet on?"

"I estimate at least 10 billion?"

"You are narrow-minded! I can see that you are a new fan, and you don't understand how big Ye Shenhao's hand is!"

"What? Could he bet hundreds of billions?"

"Hehe, when he bet with Jin Yi before, Ye Shenhao was furious and directly bet 100 billion! You don't understand Ye Shenhao's willfulness!"

"100 billion!?"

"Can it really be 100 billion?"

"How many zeros are there? Damn..."

"Don't count, count the ones after the decimal point, thirteen zeros."

"Oh my..."

"I don't think so. It's just a bet on the release of a game. How can it be killed at this level?"

"Hundreds of billions, for the super rich on both sides, that's a huge loss, right?"

"I think these two big guys are just acting to fool fools. They're just betting a few hundred million for show, mainly to stir up the heat, and then both games can sell well! You rubbish, you don't understand the ins and outs at all."

"The old know-it-all above, if it were someone else, I would believe it, but our Ye Shenhao, he doesn't bother to play such tricks, okay?"

"Just watch if you don't believe it! If the sum of money bet by both sides exceeds 1 billion, I will eat more shit for every extra 100 million!"

"Puff... Here comes another one addicted to eating shit."


The fans on both sides were discussing with each other, and the heat was getting higher and higher.

Soon, the PK was getting more and more fierce.

Many big guys in the game industry opened small accounts and came to the live broadcast room to watch.

Many of them stood on Fu Ruodi's side.

After all, they represent the old game forces in China, the kind that cheat money and krypton gold, but don't make games well.

If Ye Yang had just entered the game circle and achieved the kind of results he said, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of these old game forces! ?

So, they also gave many gifts to cheer for Fu Ruodi.

For a while, the heat on the other side was also very loud and clamorous.

Before the other side could get happy.

In Ye Yang's live broadcast room, a bunch of accounts with super krypton gold brands came one after another.

"Damn... look at the names of these new accounts!"

"Oh my... Wang Silin, Mark King!? Mo Dongshan... Xu Yuanhong... this, this, this, these are all super bosses!"

"These accounts are real people!"

"Oh my... Such big guys usually don't bother to hide their real names, right?!"

"It's really awesome. I'm actually in the same live broadcast room with these big guys. I'm so lucky!"

"The front row is stained with the breath of wealth~"


Soon, these super nameplates who entered the live broadcast room began to give rewards to support the scene.

The generosity of these terrifying bosses is not comparable to those game manufacturers.

The popularity of Ye Yang's live broadcast almost crushed Fu Ruodi, instantly surpassing his PK progress bar in a dead corner!

Poor Fu Ruodi was pressed in a dead corner and rubbed frantically, with no possibility of turning over.

"Oh my god, what does the appearance of these super bosses mean!"

"Ye Shenhao at least has a good personal relationship with these trillion-dollar bosses!"

"Ah this!"

"To be able to do this, at least proves that he is in the circle of these people, then his net worth, could it be that he has really reached trillions!!!"

"After all, he is a super boss who can afford the Prince Gong Mansion, and it is not surprising that his net worth is trillions."

"Wow... If that's the case, Ye Shenhao's net worth is one level higher than Fu Ruodi!"

"Haha, the momentum, momentum, and initiative all fell on Ye Shenhao's side in an instant. Fu Ruodi hasn't spoken yet, You've already lost half of the game!"

"Well, but the betting agreement will ultimately depend on the courage of both parties and the final outcome."

"If Ye Shenhao loses in the end, no matter how much face and momentum he has earned before, it will become a reason for being slapped in the face. It will be even more embarrassing."

"That's right..."


Seeing that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached an unprecedented peak, Ye Yang slowly smiled and said, "Since you are here, I will get straight to the point. I believe you also know why I am looking for you to bet."


Although Fu Ruodi had heard of Ye Yang's name, he was an Internet tycoon!

However, he didn't expect that so many super bosses would come out to support him. In an instant, his momentum was greatly reduced.

He didn't dare to speak too loudly.

"Mr. Ye, if you hadn't said too much before and didn't take us, the old game manufacturers, seriously, I wouldn't have said those embarrassing words to you! It's not good to be too confident!"

Fu Rudi spoke righteously, like a righteous leader.

Ye Yang sneered: "What exactly do you think in your heart? I don't need to point it out, right?! With a dirty heart, you are still talking nonsense here!"


Fu Rudi glared and wanted to refute, but felt guilty. However, he was a business tycoon after all, and his face was as thick as a city wall. He sneered: "I don't know what Mr. Ye meant by this."

"Don't you just want to get some popularity?"

Ye Yang waved his hand and shouted: "If you want popularity, I'll give it to you! This is the biggest popularity on the entire network, you You can share it with me, but can you handle this popularity? "

"Why can't I handle it? "

Fu Ruodi sneered: "Mr. Ye is too contemptuous. My Yun Factory is the second largest factory in China, with tens of millions of fans. A little popularity is not worth mentioning. "

"Then you'd better pray that this popularity doesn't set you on fire!"

Ye Yang raised a trace of coldness at the corner of his mouth, and in his eyes, there was a trace of indifference as if he had already seen Fu Ruodi's future fate.


Fu Ruodi's face darkened, and he could feel Ye Yang's oppressive force that seemed to be real through the screen. A young man, his momentum was so terrifying...

He lost the previous momentum battle, and he knew that if he cared about some verbal battles at this time, he would definitely be at a disadvantage and it would be impossible to turn over.

If he wanted to avoid embarrassment in this PK, or even turn the tables.

There was only one way left!

That was...

Find a way to suppress Ye Yang in the number of bets later!!!

(Second update)

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