Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 557: Did you blow your own trumpet?


He was extremely entangled in his heart. Looking at Ye Yang who was leisurely eating cakes there, he was unsure for a while. Although he liked to pretend, he was actually a real businessman after all, not like the kids in the Su family who had not yet graduated from college and only knew how to be jealous.

It was better not to offend the big boss if he could.

Although this big boss might just be his boast.

“I’ll find an excuse to go to the toilet later and call to confirm it in the toilet.”

Su Mingcheng thought, laughed, and put the phone back in his pocket: “What do you say, cousin Ye Yang is our cousin. He is always straightforward. How could he lie?”


The cousins ​​looked at each other, and then they looked away with some disappointment.

This cousin Su Mingcheng always looked respectful and proud before, why did he suddenly speak well of Ye Yang today! ?

They were all a little puzzled and shook their heads.

Obviously, the shock and confusion in his heart could not be answered for a while...

Su Mingcheng changed the subject without leaving a trace: "Speaking of which, I have been too busy recently. Since I went out to do business in June, I have not paid attention to the changes in our hometown. I didn't even know that there was a talented person like Ye Yang's cousin."

As he said, he picked up the wine beside him: "A glass of punishment for myself!"

After drinking, he squinted his eyes and laughed: "But there is no way, this order is really too big!"

"I don't know what Mingcheng is busy with recently!"

"Yes, yes, it can make you care so much, it must not be a small order, right?"

Several other relatives of the Su family asked very tactfully.

Su Daqiang laughed on the side, feeling that his son was still the core of the Su family after all.

"It's not big, just an order worth more than 2 billion yuan."

Su Mingcheng waved his hand, laughed, and glanced at Ye Yang while laughing.

"Hiss! One order is worth 2 billion! Isn't this too scary!?"

"What has Mingcheng been busy with recently! This business is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Yeah, didn't he say he became a senior executive of the company last year and handled orders worth hundreds of millions? This year, he has a big order worth tens of billions!? This is too scary!"


A group of relatives of the Su family came over to ask questions.

Su Daqiang was so happy.

"Oh! Our company has a wide range of business! It just so happens that I just got promoted recently and got a big international order!!! Now we are mainly engaged in pharmaceutical instruments, and the one we are connected with is the internationally famous American Johnson \u0026 Johnson Pharmaceutical Company, which can be called the first pharmaceutical company!"

Su Mingcheng raised his head with great pride and grinned, his pride was beyond words.

Although he also knew that it was better to be low-key and pretend to be cool, he really couldn't suppress his joy.

You know, he is not even 30 years old!

He is so young and has handled a super large order worth tens of billions. How awesome is this!

Su Daqiang nodded with satisfaction. He knew the reason why his son could be promoted so quickly. He had the evidence of corruption and bribery of the chairman of their company, Su Mingcheng, in his hands. He got a lot of money by means of blackmail, and his promotion in the company was also very fast.

Although this matter is not glorious, people like them who put interests as the highest premise certainly don't care about such a vulgar promotion method.

"It's worthy of being cousin Su Mingcheng!"

"It's so strong!"

"Now he has handled billions of super orders. This is deeply valued by the chairman! Maybe he will be very successful in the future!"

"That's right!!!"

All the Su family members licked it again and again, feeling extremely envious.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and couldn't help laughing.

This cousin is interesting. Any relationship or bragging is related to his industry.

"Why is cousin Ye laughing?"

Su Mingcheng frowned, feeling that something was not right. He had been paying attention to Ye Yang's expression.

After all, the only one who could make him fail in his show-off was this cousin.

When Ye Yang just laughed, he was startled and asked repeatedly.

"Nothing... I just remembered something happy."

Ye Yang waved his hand. If it was normal, he would not deliberately reveal his identity to show off, but this time he came back, he wanted to make his mother proud!

He wanted no one in the Su family to look down on his mother in the future!

Thinking of this, his eyes also slightly stern, leaning on the table, clasping his hands together, ready to start throwing deep-sea bombs, and asked with a faint smile: "I just don't know which company you are in, cousin. I asked Mo Mo to check the recent orders and take care of you a little."


Su Mingcheng didn't understand what Ye Yang was saying for a while. It took him a long time to react. He said with a bit of a bad look: "Cousin, what do you mean? Our company does business with Johnson \u0026 Johnson Pharmaceuticals! It ranks very high among the top 500 in the world, an international financial giant, a super enterprise, a behemoth, and the number one pharmaceutical company!"

"Its valuation, stocks, all converted into cash, that's more than 500 billion US dollars!!! You don't mean to say that this Johnson \u0026 Johnson Group... is actually yours? No, maybe you mean... you have shares in Johnson \u0026 Johnson and are a small shareholder?"

The other people in the Su family also looked over instantly.

If a company worth billions is still within their worldview and understanding, then more than 500 billion US dollars? Trillions of Chinese yuan? The world's number one pharmaceutical company?

That's just bullshit!

"Yeah~ I just acquired it a few days ago."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "Since you have an order in our company, I will help you check it."


After the silence, someone suddenly laughed out loud.

"Brother Ye Yang, are you bragging too much!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"You can't brag like this!? You, a fresh graduate, bought a super company with a valuation of trillions!? Hahaha... Damn, if I hadn't been to school for a few days, I would have been fooled by you!"

"That's right, from the gym to the Yingbin Hotel, and now to a world-class company with a value of trillions! You're bragging more and more outrageous!"

"If we don't expose you, will you brag that you are actually the richest man in the world!?"

"Haha... Even elementary school students don't need to brag so outrageously now..."

The relatives of the Su family were already feeling jealous, and now they realized that Ye Yang had only taken out a few gym VIP cards from the beginning to the end.

They suddenly felt that they had been deceived!

Just when everyone was suspicious, there was a sudden noise downstairs.

Everyone's attention was attracted at once...

(Second update)

Weekly no-prize guessing game: Who is coming downstairs?

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