Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 564 Boss, Chairman Sun wants to see you

"Teacher, you're welcome."

Seeing the teachers accepting the gifts while being polite, the students all had kind smiles on their faces.

Ye Yang shrugged, there's no way, it's Chinese characteristics. When dealing with favors, always be polite and courteous.

"Why didn't the PE teacher come?"

Someone asked in confusion.

The physical education teacher treated them well. Ye Yang was also the high school sports committee member before, so he looked at the class teacher with concern.

"Your physical education teacher is sick."

The head teacher said very skillfully.


The academic committee member gave a bitter smile: "Teacher! We have all graduated from college. Don't fool us, right?"

"Ahem, although I used to fool you a lot when I was at school, he has really been sick recently!"

The head teacher explained dumbfounded.

"What disease? Is it serious?"

The students asked again and again.

"Orthopedic disease."

The head teacher pondered for a moment and said.


The classmates all thought of something strange.

"I keep looking at it, but I never see it well."

The head teacher didn't understand orthopedics, so he continued: "I heard that I have to contact the hospital in Beijing recently, but I have been trying to make connections and can't get in touch at all."

All the students nodded in agreement.

As ordinary people, especially college students who have just entered society, I feel this especially deeply.

When something happens, it doesn’t matter, it’s really very uncomfortable.

For example, in Liren Hospital, the registration number is normal, but the expert number is unknown until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse...

It doesn't matter. I'm afraid many diseases will get worse and I won't be able to see a specialist.

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, there are only a handful of excellent doctors, but there are a huge number of patients. Rich people don’t care about money, and they want experts to treat even minor illnesses. This has resulted in uneven distribution, leaving many people in real need unable to qualify.

Various reasons come together to make it difficult to see a doctor.

"Let's use the relationship!"

When it came to having a relationship, everyone looked at Zhang Zhuo subconsciously and involuntarily.

After all, Zhang Zhuo is definitely No. 1 in the class when it comes to maneuvering and tricking.

Now Zhang Zhuo has come back in a Maserati and claims to be an executive of a financial company in Beijing. He must know many big shots!

He should have the contact information of experts from a tertiary hospital in Beijing, right?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhang Zhuo raised his chest and raised his head, feeling extremely helpful. He immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, isn't it just a top three expert account in Beijing? Not only can I get an expert account, but I can also get an orthopedic exam." Excellent Liren Hospital!”

"Hiss... that hospital that is known as the top three private hospitals?"

"Except for those hospitals sponsored by the state, this one is the strongest."

"Hiss...Zhang Zhuo, you are really awesome, aren't you?!"

Many students were amazed.

Even the teachers on the side were amazed.

"I didn't expect that the best gangster in our class would be this kid!"

“Absolutely incredible!”


"Brother Ye, you..."

Some people want to complain about Ye Yang. Ye Yang is now a person that Yang Delin respects. He is a top figure in Spring City.

No matter how you think about it, it won't be much worse than this Zhuo.

"Hey! Student Ye just has some connections in Spring City, but that is the imperial capital! It cannot be compared to a remote place like ours! How can a small official with a small position in the capital be no more honorable than a high-ranking official here? Don't worship blindly "

Lin Danning said angrily.

Now that Liu Yao is following Ye Yang, and since she was slapped in the face by Ye Yang last time, of course she must now side with Zhang Zhuo, and use Zhang Zhuo to squeeze Ye Yang out of her heart.


After hearing this, Zhang Zhuo felt very comfortable. He took out his mobile phone and laughed and said, "Don't worry, I can solve this problem with just one phone call!"

"Wow, as expected of Zhang Zhuo!"

"It's different when you drive a Maserati!"


Some students looked at Zhang Zhuo with different colors in their eyes.

Zhang Zhuo waved his hand: "I'll make a call right now."

After saying that, he called his boss.

Beijing, sharp investment.

Ruili Investment was originally a subsidiary of Gao Ling Capital. Now Gao Ling Capital has been integrated into a part of Huaye Group. At best, it is a subsidiary of Huaye Investment Group. To be honest, it is the subsidiary company of Huaye Investment Group.

Sun Bucheng, the boss of Ruili Investment, picked up the phone and raised his eyebrows when he saw it was Zhang Zhuo. This guy was good at getting things done and had a tricky mind. He would do all the dirty and dirty work that he couldn't do on the surface.

He still valued such a capable confidant.

"Didn't this kid go home to celebrate the New Year?"

Sun Bucheng raised his eyebrows, and after answering the phone and understanding, his face fell.

"Is it related to Liren Hospital?"

"Yes, yes, there any problem?"

Zhang Zhuo kept saying that he only heard Sun Bucheng boast about his relationship with Youliren at the dinner table, so he just blew it out.

Sun Bucheng sighed.

It seems that Ruili Investment has an investment capital of RMB 300-400 million and a valuation of over RMB 200 million. It is quite a big company.

But to say that there is a relationship with Rihito, it is too forced.

That day at the wine table, it was really just bragging.

However, he has always maintained an omnipotent image in front of Zhang Zhuo, and he cannot lose face in this matter... Otherwise, how can he control his subordinates? !

"Okay, I'll help you think of a way, and I'll notify you when it's done."

Sun Bucheng hesitated for a moment and hung up the phone.

No. 1 Middle School.

Zhang Zhuo was overjoyed and said to the teachers: "Don't worry, my company, Ruili Investment, is a super financial company with a valuation of 10 billion! Our boss Sun Bucheng personally promised to help me contact people! There is absolutely no problem!"

"Wow! I didn't realize that you are so handsome when I was in school, Zhang Zhuo!"

"It's so powerful!"

"It was really solved with just one phone call!?"

The teachers and classmates were all very surprised and praised.

At this moment, Ruili Investment headquarters.

Sun Bucheng rubbed his hands, looked at the name on the phone screen, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind and clicked to dial.

Because Xiao Qingxuan accompanied Ye Yang today.

So the secretary's phone used to contact Ye Yang was with her.

She picked up the phone and asked directly, "Who is it?"

Sun Bucheng's heart trembled. This is the secretary of the controller of Ruhuaye Company!

In terms of seniority, she is his own grandmother!

How dare he speak loudly? He said respectfully: "I am Sun Bucheng, the chairman of Jingcheng Ruili Investment. Ah, Ruili Investment is a subsidiary of Huaye Investment controlled by Director Ye... Yes, it originally belonged to Gaoling Capital, which was integrated by Huaye..."

Xiao Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhang Zhuo who was smug on the side with interest. If it was Yu Momo, she might consider the occasion, but with her personality, she had long been fed up with Zhang Zhuo, and cleared her throat at this time.

She deliberately raised her voice and said to Ye Yang: "Boss! There is a chairman of Jingcheng Ruili Investment named Sun Bucheng, looking for you!!!"

(First update)

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