Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 567 Do you dare to fight me?


Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of Blacka Restaurant.

Students and teachers filed out.

Ye Yang stretched.

Just walked into the restaurant that Feng Jing booked.

This is a long-table restaurant. The teachers sit at the main table and the students sit on both sides. The restaurant has elegant music and European and American style decoration.

The chefs are busy preparing meals.

Feng Jing raised his eyebrows, seeming to enjoy this feeling.

"This is what it feels like to be a noble!"

Feng Jing sighed: "Nobless understand, right? This time I studied abroad, I have seen that in Europe and America, people only pay attention to noble blood and etiquette, and they don't care about money at all! There is no point in comparing money, that kind of upstarts , people look down upon it!”

After saying that, he glanced at Ye Yang and Zhang Zhuo, and there was a subtle arc in the corner of his mouth.

"What do you mean!"

Zhang Zhuo frowned and shouted angrily.

"Why is classmate Zhang Zhuo so excited? I didn't mention anyone by name."

Feng Jing took a sip of red wine and pretended to enjoy it for a long time: "Look at classmate Ye Yang, he is very calm."

Ye Yang glanced at Feng Jing, took a casual sip of the red wine in front of him, and frowned slightly: "Is this what foreign nobles drink?"


Feng Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course."

Ye Yang laughed and shook his head: "I don't think so-called nobles would drink such a mediocre red wine?"

"This is Spain's Elihedo red wine! A bottle costs about 800 Chinese coins!"

Feng Jing said angrily.

"I have met a few so-called nobles, and they all drink Lafite 1571?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "What nonsense aristocratic etiquette and aristocratic etiquette are just the rules of the circle set by these rich people. I can't see the essence clearly. After walking around abroad, I really thought I was the one who got a little bit of sea water. Seafood?”


Feng Jing didn't expect that Ye Yang could be so strong, and he was completely stunned. Then he frowned and said: "You are ridiculous! You are so rude in speaking. You are like this. No matter what, you can't learn from other people in Europe and America." Noble connotation! ”

Ye Yang laughed: "People don't live in this world to imitate others. What you see are all superficial things, which just proves that you have never been in contact with real nobles."

The private lives of those so-called European aristocrats are in such chaos.

I'm still giving people a high hat here.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on such idiots who clearly knew little and still pretended to be bosses.

His temper is not tactful.

If you don't like it, just criticize it directly, without so much nonsense.

"You!!! Haha, you spoke so grandly, as if you knew it very well?!"

Feng Jing gritted his teeth and refused.

Ye Yang shrugged noncommittally.

The so-called aristocracy in Europe and the United States is a group of people with the highest wealth and the highest power who gather together and set complicated and useless rules. The most fundamental purpose is to distinguish the rich from those at the bottom who have no money.

On the contrary, this kind of rubbish rule has been mythologized and touted by many people. It is really superficial and ignorant.

"I think you just don't understand and pretend to understand!"

Feng Jing chuckled: "I'm afraid you don't know how to do aristocratic sports such as horse riding, golf, and fencing, right? Just talk nonsense here!"

Xiao Qingxuan on the side couldn't help but shook her head in confusion after hearing this.

This is simply self-inflicted, and you can’t live with it.

"What a coincidence, our boss really knows what you said."

Xiao Qingxuan said calmly.

"You only know a little bit about it. Haha, if you really understand the true meaning, how could you not understand the spirit of the nobility! Don't pursue such rules!"

Feng Jing sneered.

"If you want to rely on these things to show off, just say so. Why bother to find useless topics here? I will be embarrassed for you."

Zhang Zhuo on the side was connoted by Feng Jing, and at this time he also spoke out in a strange way.

"You!!! You are so vulgar!"

After his thoughts were revealed, Feng's face turned red and his eyes darkened...

The true purpose and essence of noble etiquette.

He may not be clear about it, but in fact he doesn’t believe in these things in his heart.

However, as long as this thing can give him a sense of superiority, it is enough.

The reason why he chose to have dinner here today was because he thought he could make everyone's jaws drop with these things, and then show off his coolness.

As a result, before he even started to pretend, he was beaten to death by Ye Yang. Before he could argue, the fig leaf was pierced by Zhang Zhuo.

What a joke! ! !

He looked at Ye Yang angrily: "Don't talk about those useless things. If you are a man, just compare with me."

"What if I make you cry for a while and then go home and complain to your mother?"

Ye Yang shook his head lightly and said seriously.

Seeing Ye Yang speaking such mocking words so seriously, many people were amused.

God tells parents...

"We still don't know who is torturing whom!"

Feng was so angry that his veins popped out: "Just tell me whether you dare or not!"


Ye Yang was speechless. He reminded the other party with such good intentions, but the other party actually came to harass him.

His face said ‘If I don’t torture myself to death today, do I still want to leave? ’ look.

He sighed: "You asked for this, don't blame me for not warning you before."

"So you agree?"

Feng Jing's eyes lit up. He was confident that as long as Ye Yang entered the arena of these noble sports, he would definitely be beaten into pieces by him, and then his goal would be achieved!

In the same way, his face was saved.

Ye Yang moved his wrist: "I haven't exercised for a long time, just treat it as an exercise after dinner~"


Seeing Ye Yang look down on him so much, Feng Jing felt extremely ashamed and angry. In order to mix with those noble ladies in foreign countries, he had worked hard to study these things, especially royal fencing, which was at a very high level.

He was confident that not to mention ordinary people, even those who knew a little bit, would only be stabbed by him!

"Don't just talk tough, there is a fencing room in this manor, dare to follow me!"

He regained his confidence, thinking about the scene of Ye Yang being stabbed by him and running around, he couldn't help laughing.


Ye Yang shrugged his shoulders. It didn't matter where he was beaten. Since the other party had chosen the place to be beaten, then he would go there...

(Second update)

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