"Hello, have you booked a private room?"

Several waiters came up to greet us.

"Hanqi Private Room."

Han Caili and Ye Yang are the most outstanding today, so they are naturally surrounded by a group of classmates.

At this time, Han Caili also proudly reported the private room number.

After all, it was her boyfriend's treat today.

It was her home court!

"Yes, OK, please follow us."

When the waiter heard that it was the Hanqi box, his eyes also showed a little more respect.

Hanqi is one of the four major boxes under the Black Dragon box.

If you don't have a certain status and strength, you really can't get it.

Those who can book the Hanqi box must be at least a chairman with some reputation in the Magic City.


A group of people followed the waiter to the Hanqi box.

"……This person looks familiar.……"

The lady at the front desk looked at Ye Yang who was being escorted upstairs by a crowd of people, and tapped her lower lip with her finger.

"Isn't this the Black Dragon Card guest that Manager Li asked us to enter that day!"

Someone at the side slapped his head and said,"Manager Li asked us to remember this appearance. We didn't know that someone else came to our place and neglected them!"

You know, there are only two Black Dragon Card VIPs in Han Pavilion.

One is the well-known Buffett, so it is impossible to make a mistake.

The other is Ye Yang!

And these big rich people are often very low-key, and sometimes they are unwilling to show their Black Dragon Gold Cards when they come to dine.

Therefore, Han Pavilion also asked the front desk to remember the appearance of Ye Yang, the super top VIP.

"Quick, go report to Manager Li!"

The front desk lady who was the first to react said

""Yes! Then you watch here first."

Another front desk lady found Manager Li and explained the situation.


Manager Li shuddered:"I am not qualified to receive such a big shot. Please inform the boss that Mr. Ye is here. I will invite Mr. Ye to the Black Dragon Stepping Gold Pavilion first."


The young lady nodded repeatedly. Just as the Han Pavilion staff were shocked by Ye Yang's arrival and started to get busy.

"I have to say that Hange is the best Chinese restaurant in Shanghai. The decoration and taste are really worth it!"

A group of students were like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and they couldn't stop exclaiming.

As contemporary college students, they claim to have seen the world and even had a meal that cost hundreds of yuan per person.

However, the environment of those restaurants is simply incomparable to Hange!

Pure sandalwood decoration, and even some authentic calligraphy and paintings from the Republic of China decorate the corridors.

The staircase wood carvings are all master-level works carefully carved by masters!

Walking here is like walking in the corridor of art and time and space. This environment alone is soul-stirring!

"It’s so awesome, no wonder the average meal cost per person is over ten thousand, the decoration alone is worth the price!"

"That’s right, Caili’s boyfriend has such good taste!"

""What a good taste!"

Listening to the flattery around her, Han Caili felt so happy.

At this moment, the unhappiness she felt at the door being crushed by Ye Yang in all aspects also dissipated a lot.


Ye Yang smiled slightly, without any emotion...

He was still the only VIP of Black Dragon Gold Card. However, today he came to meet some good old classmates, so he should keep a low profile!

Well, being low-key is his character!

Didn't you see that he deliberately drove a 60 million car today?……

"Hey, Xu Pengfei? I was wondering why I saw you outside. It turns out you came in first."

Han Caili smiled faintly, looking at Xu Pengfei who had been sulking in the Hanqi box for a long time, and she could tell what had happened at a glance.

Seeing someone who shared the same suffering as her, the unhappiness in her heart was reduced a little, and she immediately regained her confident attitude as a master.


When Xu Pengfei saw Han Caili, his eyes widened and he thought to himself,"WTF!"

If he had known that Han Caili looked so beautiful when she dressed up, he would have stopped chasing after Cai Maomao in college and started chasing after Han Caili instead!

But what he didn't know was that Han Caili's target was not the second-generation rich, but the first-generation rich, so even if he set his target on her, it would be useless. It might be more reliable to change his target to make Han Caili his stepmother.

"Wow, our class flower is getting prettier and prettier! She's even become a boyfriend and girlfriend with Xiao Xu, so congratulations."

Han Caili narrowed her eyes.

When Cai Maomao was named the class flower, she was still fishing outside. It would be a lie to say that she didn't care.

However, this is a different time, and she wants to take back everything that belongs to her today!

"Haha, not as pretty as you. Sister Caili is really good at joking.……"

Although Cai Maomao was unwilling, she could only admit that Han Caili looked much prettier today than she did.

"Hahahaha… Class Beauty, you’re too polite.……"

Han Caili replied with a smile.

Just as everyone was aware of the sharp smell in this, the sound of"borrowing" was heard from a distance.


The students all looked over in confusion.

"Ahem, hello everyone, I am Manager Li from Han Ge.

Manager Li bowed slightly and smiled politely.

"Oh, hello, manager. What can I do for you?"

Yu Chenggong asked doubtfully.

"Maybe my boyfriend specifically asked Han Ge to make some arrangements? Oh, he likes to be a little romantic~"

Han Caili couldn't help but start to imagine.

"I really envy Caili! She has such a caring, romantic and rich husband.~"

"That's right! We are all human. My poor boyfriend doesn't even buy me a bag worth tens of thousands of yuan! The gap is really too big!"


All the girls were extremely envious.

Han Caili waved her hands and said,"Oh... it's still too early to call me husband. Isn't it me who has the final say on whether to get married or not?"


Manager Li looked at Han Caili as if she were a fool, wondering what this woman was doing.

However, out of professionalism, he still smiled and said,"Han Pavilion has prepared other private rooms for everyone, please move over."

After saying that, he also looked at Ye Yang, and only when he saw that the other party had no objection did he feel relieved. It seemed that Mr. Ye was also satisfied with this arrangement.

"Don't think I don't know that Hanqi is the best box in Han Pavilion. You guys are not going to pass it off as inferior, are you?"

Han Caili frowned, unhappy.

Black Dragon Stepping on Gold Pavilion is the supreme box. No one can enter it, let alone allow people like them to enter. It is just a decoration for ordinary people, so she directly eliminated it from consideration.

"cough cough……"

Manager Li shook his head and said,"Don't get me wrong, we want to invite you to dine at our Black Dragon Golden Pavilion. We have carefully prepared a feast of the highest standard for you to enjoy."

"Black Dragon Steps on the Golden Pavilion!!!"

The students who knew the details of the Black Dragon Pavilion were all deeply shocked at this moment...

Even Han Caili was stunned.

She knew that her husband liked to prepare small surprises for people, but this surprise... seemed a little too big!

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