Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 592 Merits and Medals?

"What is this?"

Chang Siwei and Tang Xinru came over.

"This is the latest research and development of our company, a full-body somatosensory suit. I can't tell you the specific effects, you can try it yourself after putting it on."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Sensory suit?"

Tang Xinru blinked her eyes. It was obviously the first time she heard of this technology. However, as a technology enthusiast, she had read science fiction novels, so she had an expectation in her mind.

But, if the effect of this somatosensory suit is really as she thought, it would be too strong, right?

Is this thing really something that can appear at this level of technology?

Chang Siwei is obviously very experimental, but after all, his status is too high, so he can't be the first to experience it.

Tang Xinru volunteered and decided to try it first.

Although she was a little unhappy with Ye Yang's implication just now, if what Ye Yang took out was really a technology that was beyond the times, then it was not the implication, but Ye Yang really had something! She still had to apologize for what she said just now.

Thinking of this, she also went to the inner room to change clothes.

The somatosensory suit is close-fitting, like a tight leather jacket, with sensitive somatosensory contacts inside. The entire inner wall of the leather jacket is densely packed with such contacts, so that the feeling brought by the game can be fully simulated.

Tang Xinru has delicate skin. Under this stimulation, she adapted for a while before coming out.


Ye Yang looked up and down. It must be said that Tang Xinru, as a school-level officer, has a superior temperament. Now the tight somatosensory suit sets off her figure. It is not hot, but the lines are well-proportioned and very pleasing to the eye.

After tidying up her hair, Ye Yang helped Tang Xinru close the mask.

Tang Xinru's whole body, except for the ventilation mask, was sealed in the somatosensory suit.

The game started, and Tang Xinru appeared in the built-in chicken game.

After parachuting, the whole person seemed to be parachuting for real! ! !

The feeling of floating in the air and falling at high speed almost made her scream out without any preparation, but after all, she became a school officer at a young age.

Her psychological endurance and adaptability are very strong.

She quickly controlled her physical condition and mentality, and parachuted down...

After falling to the ground, she touched the bricks on the ground, and felt that the touch was extremely real... No, it should be said... It was exactly the same as in reality.

She quickly picked up the bullets and equipment, and then configured them.

She put on the magnifying mirror and skillfully equipped the knife.

Then she began to search and sweep.

Although Tang Xinru was not a professional fighter, she had training experience in grassroots companies, and she had no pressure to fight ordinary man-machines, so Ye Yang also deliberately set the difficulty to extremely high.


After being hit in the arm by a Voldemort, the piercing pain was exactly the same as in reality!

If it were an ordinary person, he might have fainted from the pain...

Tang Xinru adjusted the page and lowered the pain.

It was found that the lowest pain was nothing to feel when being hit by a bullet.

"Too real!"

She was also shocked.

In the finals, even though she had excellent tactical awareness, she was eventually killed by four Voldemorts.

In the end, her consciousness went dark...

"Is this death..."

Her pupils were dilated, as if she had lost all her will.

At a certain moment, her vision suddenly brightened up. Coming back from the brink of death, she had a stress reaction. She sat up instantly, panting, and looked around in disbelief.

Even with her psychological quality, it took her a while to fully recover.

"This is simply..."

She murmured, "How is this possible!"

Chang Siwei looked at Tang Xinru's reaction and asked some questions in confusion.

"Is it really that powerful?"

Chang Siwei's eyes became serious.

If the previous VR glasses were a technological innovation for the Chinese military, and were just a demand for military game indicators.

Then, this somatosensory suit is a magical weapon, a sharp weapon!

It's completely different concept! ! !

With his sharp eyes, he could easily think of the huge application prospects and functions of this somatosensory suit!

This will likely cause a real revolution! ! !

For such a super scientific and technological achievement, no matter what it costs, it is worth it! ! !

Tang Xinru's pretty face also blushed slightly, and she smiled at Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I was impatient just now."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "It doesn't matter."

This somatosensory suit is indeed too advanced, and it is impossible to think of it in a short time.

"Mr. Ye, how do you plan to sell this somatosensory suit?"

Chang Siwei asked repeatedly.

"The guidance unit price given to me by the company's technical department is 10,000 per set."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

"Then we will still follow the contract discussed before, and all the values ​​will be multiplied tenfold! How about it?"

Chang Siwei looked at Ye Yang with sincere eyes.

This is definitely something that can change the history of the military! ! !

This high technology is likely to open a new era of training!

"There's no need to buy five times as much."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Just charge the cost price. The relevant technologies are almost mature, and there's no need to support the more than 10 billion research and development funds."

It's just more than 10 billion, which is not money to him.

It's better to let the military keep the money to strengthen the army.

"Mr. Ye is righteous!"

Chang Siwei stood up with some excitement: "However, the country cannot treat you unfairly. We must purchase according to the market price and cannot let Mr. Ye lose money. In addition, I will make the decision here personally. You have made such a great contribution to the country. I will apply to the country for a military medal and a high-level military rank for you, Mr. Ye!"

This matter of status and honor, Ye Yang did not shirk.

What you pay for, you will get the corresponding return, which has always been his life creed.

If you make a contribution and take the initiative to give up the return, Ye Yang does not think it is noble. From a long-term perspective, this will make those who make contributions later feel embarrassed to get the return. This is a disguised obstacle to development and is absolutely undesirable.

Things like military ranks and medals cannot be bought with money.

It can be said to be priceless.

Ye Yang is also very satisfied with this result, but it is unknown what kind of military rank it can be.

However, Chang Siwei's attitude is so positive that it must not be too low.

"The specific military rank and medals will be determined after reporting today's new discoveries to the higher-ups. After confirmation, I will come to pick you up personally to receive the medal."

Chang Siwei shook hands with Ye Yang again.

The two walked downstairs, talking and laughing.

"By the way, Officer Tang Xinru."

Chang Siwei looked at Tang Xinru, who was a little distracted, and said, "You are in charge of this area. You should first familiarize yourself with the technical application in Mr. Ye's company for a while, and then go back to report."

(First update)

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