"Since Mr. Ye has an appointment today, I won't bother you any more. If there is a chance in the future, I will talk to Mr. Ye in private."

Tang Ruguo said with a smile.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. The other person was indeed a very kind person. He was indeed a big shot who could make a restaurant worth billions.

Tang Ruguo was also very considerate. After giving away the Immortal Wine and expressing his goodwill, he turned around and left.

"Is he really a Black Dragon Card VIP! ?"

"Isn't it because of the rich woman next to him! ? He himself is a Black Dragon Card VIP! ?"



"How is this possible?!"

What does Black Dragon Card VIP mean? It has been spread a long time ago.

Now only Buffett has the Black Dragon Gold Card of Han Pavilion!

Doesn't that mean that Ye Yang's status can rival Buffett!?

"Yes, otherwise do you think I am bragging?"

Zheng Xian finally found a chance to be proud.

Now that the truth can no longer be hidden, he naturally does not intend to keep a low profile. Ye Yang does not want his classmates to feel unfamiliar, but he cannot stand that Boss Ye is seen as a gigolo who hangs out with rich women!

At this moment he also sneered:"Boss Ye's identity is something you can never guess even if you rack your brains!"

"I can't even imagine it! ?"

"Could it be that he has assets worth tens of billions!? Is he actually a big shot who is feared by everyone in the Magic City!?"



"Haha, hundreds of billions? You guys underestimate Boss Ye too much, don’t you?"

Zheng Xian was very indignant:"The entire Magic City Financial Building belongs to Boss Ye! This alone is worth hundreds of billions!"


"The Magic City Financial Building is all his! ?"


The students were all stunned by the bombshell that Zheng Xian dropped. The Empire Financial Building was well-known throughout the Magic City and was almost becoming a landmark building in the Magic City.

This thing that only existed in the news and rumors actually belonged to Ye Yang! ?

"It turns out that you are not only the actual controlling shareholder of Vacheron Constantin! The entire Empire Financial Building is actually yours!"

Xu Pengfei blurted out in surprise.

Originally, Ye Yang was the general controlling shareholder of Vacheron Constantin, which had made him lose his mind for several days. Now, after being bombarded with this news, he was directly stunned.


If Zheng Xian is Ye Yang's little follower and is suspected of helping Ye Yang to hold the scene, then the meaning of Xu Pengfei's words in everyone's mind is completely different.

"Lao Xu, what were you talking about just now?……!?"

"He has a Vacheron Constantin company under him! ?"

Wang Guan, Xu Pengfei's number one lackey, was so scared that he collapsed on his chair.

He had just mocked this far-away figure in the group as a rich woman...

Shit, it's over!

"This is too outrageous!"

The classmates were all confused.

They all knew that Xu Pengfei and Ye Yang were old enemies. If they were not shocked to the extreme, Xu Pengfei would not have helped others to gain more confidence and destroyed his own prestige. They had long guessed that Xu Pengfei knew something about Ye Yang's background.

Now, this guess has been directly confirmed!!!

Ye Yang is really a super boss!

He owns at least two major industries, Vacheron Constantin and the Magic Empire Financial Building! Assets of hundreds of billions!

""No... no no no... this is impossible! You're just a gigolo who hangs out with rich women!!!"

Han Caili was completely agitated. She had already been hit hard today, because Ye Yang also relied on others to make her feel a little better.

Now Ye Yang kept taking away the glory and praise that should have belonged to her, and it was even confirmed that he was actually a real first-generation rich man!?

With assets of hundreds of billions!?

He was richer than the old man she found!?

Endless regret and jealousy surged in her heart, causing her mentality to collapse.

"Are you talking about me?"

Xiao Xiaozhu smiled faintly and walked to Ye Yang:"You have been acting weird since the beginning. In fact, I am just my boyfriend's driver. Although I am considered a small rich woman, I can't compare with my boyfriend at all!"

As a top bodyguard, the bounties, bonuses, and commissions she has completed over the years have added up to billions. It is true that she is a small rich woman. But... compared with Ye Yang, who has assets of trillions and cash flow of hundreds of billions, she is nothing.


Some students covered their chests on the spot, saying that they could not bear such a big blow!

It was a complete reversal!

Ye Yang suddenly changed from a little white face who relied on rich women to a super rich generation that even beautiful young rich women were attracted to!!!

Seeing that he had silenced those guys who had just mocked the boss with just one sentence, Xiao Xiaozhu was questioning her life, and she showed her little tiger teeth proudly.

Ye Yang looked at Xiao Xiaozhu's proud little expression, smiled helplessly, and rubbed her little head.


All the students opened their mouths wide, not knowing what to say.

Many people almost cried about the injustice of fate.

Han Caili sneered at Ye Yang and said,"I know, you actually rented the car! Your girlfriend is also an actress! All this is fake!!! Fake!"


The classmates blinked their eyes. Could it be that Han Caili was so jealous that she went crazy?

"Haha, my boyfriend is from the Empire State Building, he can expose you right away!"

Han Caili looked around:"Everyone wait and see who is the real liar!"

(We guarantee to update 6,000 words every day. If the advertising fees or rewards meet the quota in my mind, we will increase it to 10,000 words.

There are no special accidents in the update time, it should be in the afternoon to evening time period, with a minimum of 2,000 words and three updates, or 1,500 words and four updates. You can leave a message to tell me which one you think is better~)

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