Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 608: Big factory bosses who accept their fate

During this highly anticipated process, all manufacturers were waiting for the consequences.

As for the players who bought the somatosensory suits, they all quickly equipped themselves with the somatosensory suits and began to experience the games inside.

Soon, it was the second day.

When all manufacturers were expecting that the actual experience of Shentu VR would not be as good as the effect they advertised.

Reality slapped them in the face again.

Not only Chinese social media, but also all international game media, all kinds of articles and videos about somatosensory suits were screened.

On this day, all the headlines and hot spots of all APPs were about somatosensory suits.

UP hosts and video producers in various game areas could not suppress their excitement and tried their best to make videos about somatosensory suits.

This is a game device that transcends the times.

For these UP hosts and traffic hosts, they intuitively realized that the advent of somatosensory suits is definitely the biggest hot spot in recent times.

In the game industry, there will be no other news that can compete with it.

Whether it is out of genuine shock and admiration for the technical department of Shentu Company, or for traffic, all UP hosts and video hosts are extremely active.

These video articles have been published, and they have been pushed to the top by those die-hard fans and users.

Everyone is surprised that in this era, such unimaginable technology can really appear! ! !

"This must be praised!"

"Damn, I am simply shocked. This Shentu company is definitely false propaganda. Damn, this is so many times more awesome than the propaganda!"

"Friendly army upstairs, I have half of my sword drawn, put on the enemy's clothes and bury it!"

"Yes, only those who have truly felt this feeling can experience what it means to truly cross the era!"

"It's so shocking."


Looking at the comments of the players who grabbed the somatosensory clothes that day, there are also many players who didn't grab them and envy them.

"Damn, I'm so envious. I was just a second slower that day, ahhhhh!!! I regret it so much!"

"I'm itching to get a somatosensory suit now!"


"Alas, I don't know when the next batch of somatosensory suits will come out."

"I hope there will be 10 million sets, so that people like me who are clumsy can grab them!"

"Right, right!"

"I hope it will come out soon, damn, I really want it now!"


Just like that, countless users rushed to the official website of Shentu to leave messages. The strong desire to buy almost made all the big manufacturers dumbfounded! ! !

In just one day, messages like:

"I want"

"i want"

"Ich will"

"Я хочу"

"Je le veux."

"저 는 갖 고 싶 어 요."


and so on, have exceeded millions! ! !

This is extremely terrifying! ! !

You know, before this, even the most famous and popular games, the game comment area only had 100,000 comments.

Moreover, it is not known how much time has accumulated.

But now, in just one day, the message area of ​​the physical server has reached millions! ! !

What is this concept! ! !

Almost everyone who pays attention to this matter understands what dimensional crushing is! ! !

This is dimensional crushing! ! !

It is not a competition at the same level at all!

At this time, those big companies sat down completely, and these bosses held a video conference.

In the previous era, they were each other's biggest competitors.

Many people were mortal enemies.

But now, they all looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

They knew clearly that their era was over.

At least in the field of games, the future world will be dominated by Huaxia Shentu, and they can only follow behind and eat dust.

They have thought of all the tricks.

But let alone implementation, they dare not even do it!

After all, Shentu now holds the lifeline of all their companies!

If Shentu takes back the VR patents in their hands, it is equivalent to kicking them out of the game competition circle directly...

The lifeline is in their hands, and you still dare to calculate them! ?

Isn't that looking for death with a lantern in the toilet!

As for buying some somatosensory clothes for analysis?

That's even more nonsense!

They have tried their best to understand the VR technology of the last era, but they have not yet thoroughly understood it. Without other people's technical patents, they can't make full-generation VR games.

Not to mention the somatosensory games after the current upgrade.

It's simply a fantasy.

Among those who rushed to buy yesterday, there were also employees of large companies.

After taking the somatosensory suits back and disassembling them for analysis, everyone was dumbfounded.

The technology is too advanced, and they don't even know where to start with the current knowledge...

If full-generation VR makes the technicians of these large companies feel suffocating pressure.

Then the somatosensory suit technology makes them lie down directly...

Give up.

It is impossible to research it... There is no hope at all, what's the point of researching it! ?

When I got this answer from the technician, although I was prepared in my heart, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Don't watch it, just follow Shentu Company. Although Boss Ye is strong, he won't do things so thoroughly and give us a sip of soup."

"That's right... Just like after computer games become popular, there will still be people playing poker and mahjong. After the somatosensory suits become popular, there will still be people playing VR. It's not bad for us to follow behind and smell the smell and drink some soup."

"It can only be like this, what else can we do?"

The bosses of these big companies looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They knew in their hearts that this was just psychological comfort for each other.

However, foreigners are strong after all.

Now seeing Ye Yang so strong, they also feel admiration and awe from the bottom of their hearts. They are convinced and naturally ready to follow.

Ye Yang was not surprised by the online reputation.

He knew very well how surprised and shocked people would be by this game experience that almost surpassed the times!

"Now, the name of Shentu is established."

He was also very pleased: "The pre-sale time is one week. Let Shentu increase the production line. I want to create a record that can only be broken by ourselves in the future!"

"Got it, boss!"

The people in charge of Shentu all agreed.

The current Shentu is no longer the same as before.

It took a lot of effort to produce 5 million sets of VR in a week, but now Shentu is a super company with a market value of 10 trillion.

The production line is no longer comparable to the past. Ye Yang is very confident that this time, Shentu will definitely create a terrifying record that will shock the world! ! !

(Second update)

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