Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 623 Sorry, having money is great

"What's wrong with this teacher?"

"The car rolled over?"

"I've said it before, she's just good at talking. If you meet a rich man, these tricks are useless. He has worked hard for decades and saved billions, just for you to say a few sweet words. It’s really funny to share my future life and achievements with you!”

"Oh, I want to cancel it, but my dream is shattered."


The audience in the live broadcast room was not happy with the situation, and they were also very angry.

When Teacher Jasmine saw this situation, she was extremely anxious. In her eagerness, she couldn't think of any good solution, so she had to use her last trump card.

He just leaned forward and said, "Oh, I drank too much and my feet are weak. Brother... can I stay at your house tonight?"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. When she glanced at the phone just now, he could see the content clearly with his excellent eyes. He also understood the purpose of this woman's visit clearly, and he also sneered at this time.

As she came closer, she turned slightly sideways.

Jasmine almost missed the point and fell directly to the ground...

Fortunately, when she saw Ye Yang suddenly turning sideways, she managed to hold back her strength halfway, but reached her waist. After shouting, she looked at Ye Yang in disbelief: "Hey! Are you a bit of a gentleman!!!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "You pounced on me for no reason, who knows if you are here to touch me. You are obviously coveting my beauty."

"you you you you!!!"

Molly collapsed completely: "Where do you get this inexplicable confidence! I see you coming over to chat with you, but you are still not grateful! What a standard ordinary man! What a representative of ordinary and confident!!!"


"I'm going, what happened..."

The dining environment in Guanhai is still very elegant. For a moment, the diners were confused and gathered around to watch. Some waiters secretly picked up their mobile phones and started live broadcasting.

Title: Shocked, the female anchor actually scolded Nobuo Nobuo, a godly man who drives a 50 million luxury car! Is the threshold for Pu Xin men raised again?

Many people jumped in when they saw the title.

A few days ago, a female boxer named Yang Li publicly said on the show that Chinese men are so ordinary and so confident, and she beat all Chinese men to maintain her popularity.

Afterwards, he relied on boxing to cover up his dirty face of constantly spraying feces in order to make money, and he did not hesitate to provoke conflicts between men and women in the entire country.

Since then, the term Puxinnan has become popular.

I don’t know how many ordinary and blindly confident women on the Internet would criticize ordinary men when they see them, which has created an extremely unhealthy trend.

"Damn it, isn't this Ye Shenhao!"

"Yes, it's Mr. Ye Yang!"

"My day, it couldn't be him who gets trolled by Puxin!"

"It's fake. If it's really him she's talking about, then I'm afraid there's something wrong with this woman's brain."

"I don't know whether Mr. Ye is confident or not, but it definitely doesn't match the word ordinary..."


After seeing that the protagonist turned out to be Ye Yang, netizens who recognized Ye Yang were shocked! ! !

A terrifying existence that casually gambles hundreds of billions of dollars, defeats fighting masters from all walks of life, makes a movie that is popular all over the world, and has a gaming company with the highest market value in the world...

It's a Puxin man! ?

Are some women in China now blindly confident to this extent?

Do you even dare to criticize a person like Mr. Ye?

Who gave them this illusory and unreliable self-confidence?

"You are just a trustworthy man! When a beautiful woman like me comes to flirt with you, you actually dare to say that I am up to no good! How do you get your confidence?"

Teacher Molly became angry. When she thought that she would probably lose all the food she just spent more than 700,000 points on, she couldn't help but get angry and squirted.

"Isn't it possible? Isn't it possible that some people would just pretend to be beautiful, apply some rouge and vulgar powder, and then feel that they are infinitely beautiful? No way! There would not really be people who come here to seduce men with the heart of a fishing scumbag. If they can't seduce, then they will If you get angry, you can beat him up, no, no!"

Ye Yang asked a series of questions.

Molly was left speechless and stunned. After she realized what she was doing, she felt regretful. She had been so angry just now.

After all, the man in front of her just now completely shattered all her self-confidence, her proud routine, and her proud appearance. In their eyes, he was nothing like bullshit. He was even unwilling to touch her, as if she didn't deserve it. Contact with Ye Yang's body is normal.

How could this not make her, a woman who is used to being confident, furious!

Only now did I realize that I seemed to be the one who came here with bad intentions and was the one who was in the wrong...

A scumbag like her doesn't care who is right or wrong.

Whenever she suffers a loss, she must say it is wrong. If she does not admit it, she will get angry.

If this kind of woman is lucky enough to meet a few idiots licking dogs around her, she will grow into a confident queen and spread poisonous chicken soup to others on the Internet.

Break up other people's families and alienate other people's relationships.

"Holy crap! I recognize it!"

"Isn't this woman famous once a few days ago? The entire internet became a hit. She is the founder of 'I made a man spend 180,000 yuan on me in just three words'."

"Isn't it 1.8 million?"

"Haha... She also claims to be a female mentor who is very good at getting men to spend money for her and is well versed in human nature. It really made me laugh to death."

"This mad dog is really good at finding people, huh? He actually found Ye Shenhao, damn..."

"I'm afraid he's going to be ruined tonight!"

"Where is she live streaming? Let's go to her live streaming room and take a look?"


A group of netizens who like to watch the fun and don't mind the trouble, exerted their own initiative to the greatest extent and began to get agitated...

If it were other people, they would choose to tolerate and indulge them because they didn't want to cause trouble or because they didn't dare to provoke the female boxing psychopathic group.

But Ye Yang didn't have the habit of indulging such stupid people: "A guy who has no knowledge at all and probably hasn't even been to junior high school, shamelessly calls himself a teacher on the Internet. And he understands human nature? Are you a dog? You understand human nature!"

"How dare you talk to me, an emotional mentor, like this! Believe it or not, my hundreds of thousands of fans will make you speechless!"

Teacher Molly said sharply. It was obvious that she was busy making money and studying routines on weekdays, and didn't know Ye Yang at all.

"Leave me speechless?"

Ye Yang couldn't help laughing: "Do you believe that I will shut down your platform?"


"You are rich, so what?!"

Teacher Molly was also a little panicked, so she had to ask in a timid way.

"Sorry, being rich is great... At least, for a scum like you with a distorted outlook, exploded facial features, punctured brain, and cerebellar atrophy, it is as great as it can be."

Ye Yang spread his hands and said as a matter of course.

(Second update)

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