Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 625: What kind of existence could shock the vice president?


Teacher Molly was immediately sent to rescue.

After all, Guanhai Hotel is a high-end dining place. Although everyone is talking about it, it is generally very elegant.

But Ye Yang suffered more.

Because of the Temperament Medal, few people would notice him before.

Now that his identity was exposed, many people came over to ask for his autograph.

Although the two groups of autographs for the girls were very attractive, if they were done too often, it would be a bit of a delay in eating.

Fortunately, there are very few people who are qualified to enter the Guanhai Hotel.

The autograph session ended quickly, and Mo Zhengzheng and I had a nice meal of delicious abalone.

After eating, Ye Yang took Mo Zhengzheng to go shopping for a while, bought some small gifts, and then returned to Prince Gong's Mansion.

The next day was also the day when the invitation to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital came to invite me to visit.

Taiyuan Hospital is located at the center of power.

Within Zhonghai, ordinary people, even if they have a lot of power and money, are not qualified to enter.

However, with the invitation from Taiyuan Hospital, the journey into Zhonghai was smooth.

"This is a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. Let me go. It's really powerful."

"It costs more than 90 million yuan in a luxury car! If you drive such a luxury car, you are still qualified to enter Zhonghai. In the whole of China, this is definitely the top among the best!"

"Living like this will make your life worthwhile!"


All the bodyguards and cleaners from Zhonghai looked on with envy.

Many of the big guys in the house also watched him pass.

"Whose car is this?"

Within China Overseas, super luxury cars worth tens of millions are still rare.

"The license plate looks strange. It must be the first time I enter Zhonghai today."

"No wonder... pay attention. He must not be an ordinary person..."


On this day, many bigwigs at the core of China's power noticed his existence.


The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost was parked outside Taiyuan Hospital.

The Taiyuan Hospital is a traditional ancient-style building that looks extremely charming.

Before you even enter the door, you can smell a medicinal fragrance that is not strong but deep.

Step into the courtyard.

In the small courtyard, all kinds of extremely rare and precious medicinal materials are displayed in the medicine garden. Judging from the age of many of them, they must be quite high.

"I'm afraid these medicinal materials are just a random quantity, but they are hard to find outside, right?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He received a magical rejuvenation, and naturally he also understood all the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

At a glance, you can tell how precious the medicinal materials in this medicine garden are.

"Hello! New apprentice?"

A clear shout came from the side: "Why don't you know how to work? Just come in and do it!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked over.

It turned out to be an old Chinese medicine doctor who was nearly fifty years old, with a goatee and a cynical look on his face.

"You misunderstood..."

Ye Yanggang wanted to take out the invitation.

"What's the misunderstanding? Huh, don't think that because you have some connections at home and you are transferred here, you are really a doctor. You are just a handyman. Work hard for me and don't be lazy!"

Goatee sneered.

"Brother Hu, what happened?"

The words here attracted some other doctors to ask confused questions.

"What happened?"

Hu Weishan sneered and waved his hand: "Just teaching a newcomer a lesson!"

"Newcomers? Our hospital hasn't received any notifications about newcomers recently?"

"And this guy is so young, so he probably doesn't have the qualifications to enter our hospital, right?"

Those who can enter Tai Hospital, regardless of gender, are at least in their fifties.

This Hu Weishan may not be considered forty-eight-nine, but he is currently the youngest person in the Taiyuan Hospital, so he wanted to quickly bring in a newcomer to bully him.

"That's why I suspected that he got in through connections! He's not over twenty-five years old, right? How could he be qualified to enter our place! But without our work certificate, the guard can't let him in. "

Hu Weishan paused for analysis.

If the boss of Zhonghai is sick, it must be the imperial doctors like them who come to see him at home.

The doctor will not come, and others are not eligible.

He recognized the leaders who came to visit occasionally. What else could this young man be if he wasn't a newly assigned member of the relationship! ?


"This is indeed..."

Several other Chinese medicine doctors were also led astray and looked at Ye Yang in confusion at this time.

"Sir, may I ask who you are..."

Yu Momo rolled his eyes and showed the invitation in his hand.

In an instant, the whole place was silent.

"Hiss...this is it!?"

"The dean's black gold seal!?"

"The dean's invitation!?"

"I go……"


Someone walked up in disbelief, took the invitation from Yu Momo's hand, and inspected it: "It's really the dean's invitation!!! It has the dean's seal on it!!!"

"I go!!!"

"This is a super boss!"

Over the years, even the most senior traditional Chinese medicine doctor has only seen the president’s personal seal a few times!

Every time we are invited, they are all super bosses at the level of Tongtian.

At least, he is also a true sage in the medical field who is famous in the medical field from ancient times to the present, and whose achievements have influenced the medical field for hundreds of years! ! !

It's also that Ye Yang is too young, and no one will even think about this...

"Disrespect, disrespect!"

Although everyone still couldn't figure out Ye Yang's identity, being able to get an invitation sealed by the dean's hand meant that his status was certainly not something they could compare to.

Someone has already taken the invitation and went inside to find Zhang Taixu.

Dean Shenlong is always in charge of things in the courtyard, and that is Vice Dean Zhang Taixu.

Only the newcomer Hu Weishan looked disdainful, and the grudge in his heart had not been completely eliminated at first.

However, look at how respectful everyone else is.

He didn't dare to jump out and act like a monster himself, so he planned to see it first before talking.

In the room of the deputy director of Taiyuan Hospital, Zhang Taixu stood up when he saw the invitation: "Mr. Ye is already here!? Hurry, lead the way!!!"

"Vice don't have to be in such a hurry, do you?"

Doctor Fu felt a little confused.

After all, the vice-dean is considered a super boss. How could he be so excited after seeing only an invitation? ?

It turns out that the vice president is a passionate medical expert who is indifferent to fame and wealth!

In this situation, there is only one possibility...

That is, there is something about this young man outside that makes Zhang Taixu crazy about medicine!

Either it’s a super rare ancient book, or his medical skills are already close to the realm of a saint…

But, how is this possible! ? !

But before he could figure it out.

He was pulled by Zhang Taixu and ran out in a panic...

All the hospital workers along the way who saw this scene were stunned.

I couldn't help but follow him. What kind of terrifying existence could make Vice Dean Zhang Taixu so excited! ! ?

(Second update)

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