Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 661 All the bigwigs in the audience stood up: Welcome Mr. Ye

"You made me lose such a great opportunity! Are you still upset!?"

Liu Yufeng laughed: "Why don't you buy me a new bag to make up for it!"


Zhao Fengzhan was really angry: "What did I make you lose?!"

"I... don't care, anyway, you offended me! You must buy me something to make up for it!"

Liu Yufeng said.

"I'll give you a slap in the face!"

Zhao Fengzhan couldn't stand it anymore and slapped Liu Yufeng away.

To be a senior manager with a monthly salary of 80,000, he is not an ordinary man who can be manipulated by everyone. He is dating Liu Yufeng because she looks good.

Second, she is very proactive and coquettish.

Even if she has a little temper on weekdays, it doesn't affect much, and he thinks it is a normal phenomenon of dating.

Today, he has seen through it. This is a pretentious and brainless woman.

She is not worthy of being his girlfriend, otherwise his future will be ruined by her sooner or later!

He is determined to break up with this stupid woman.

"What!? You dare to hit me? Don't you want to be together anymore? Break up!!!"

Liu Yufeng roared in disbelief.

"Whatever you wish for?"

Zhao Fengzhan was stunned for a moment, and his face instantly showed ecstasy: "Great!!! Let's break up now, and you and I will have nothing to do with each other in the future."

After saying that, he ran away quickly, fearing that this brain-dead girl would delay him for another second...


Liu Yufeng was stunned in place, with a confused face, what happened?

In a moment of distraction, both people and money were gone! ?

Not only did she not get the big rich guy, but the meal ticket in her hand also grew wings and flew away...

Damn it!

What is this!!!

She squatted on the ground on the spot and cried violently...

The venue of Yida Building.

Ye Yang and Xia Yu entered it under the escort of Wang Silin and other senior executives.

The bigwigs from all parties present were watching this scene intently.

They had just guessed for a long time who Wang Silin had invited.

Now when Wang Silin entered the door, he was followed by a young man?

Although he was dazzlingly handsome, he was indeed too young!

Is this a super boss?

Some old guys who were eliminated by the Internet were completely confused.

Although there are always talented people in every generation, each leading the trend for hundreds of years.

But this young man is really a bit unfamiliar...

He is even more coquettish than Wang Silin?


Mark King, who was present, also stood up quickly: "Just now, I saw Wang Silin so anxious to go out, and I thought he might be going to greet you! Alas! It's all because of Wang Silin, the old man, who didn't tell me that I didn't go to the door to greet him. I hope the boss won't blame me!!!"


The other big guys present were even more confused.

Now the highest-ranking ones present are Wang Silin and Mark King.

These two are both veritable trillion-dollar big guys...

Before they could restrain their shocked expressions

Zhuge Yuanmou and Mo Dongshan both left their seats to greet Ye Yang. Mo Zhengzheng sat next to Mo Dongshan and secretly made faces at Ye Yang.

"Hiss... What!?"

The three major business families in Beijing, Wang family, Zhuge family, and Mo family.

The heads of the three families...

all left their seats to greet him!!!

The shock on the faces of the big guys was one wave after another, and they hadn't waited for them to summarize what happened.

The several big guys who came from the military all stood up and saluted: "Major General Ye!!!"

"Damn it!!"

The old men were so scared that they got goose bumps.

This time, they didn't care about anything, let alone their identities. They all stood up and said in unison:

"Welcome Mr. Ye!"

No matter if he knows him or not, such a big guy is praising him, his status must be much higher than his own.

Just call him big guy!

And...such a young major general! Oh my God!

He must be a core-level existence in the future! ?

One sentence is enough to make the entire industry where anyone present is located tremble!


And Xia Yu, who was following Ye Yang, had already become a wooden man.


Numb from shock.

The whole person was slower than wood...

What kind of strong man did she choose! ! !

In her early twenties, a big star? Major general? Business tycoon?

Even if she daydreams, the prince charming she dreams of is not as good as Ye Yang!

After all, imagination limits the dreams of many people.

She has never seen such an upper-class society, and she can't even dream of such an existence!

In front of such a man, she actually said ignorantly that she would not be shocked by him again?

At this moment, she understood the meaning of the smile on Ye Yang's mouth after hearing this sentence...

I can only say that she is still too young! ! !

"Is this really true..."

Xia Yu wanted to pinch herself, but Ye Yang grabbed her wrist directly.

"Don't do anything stupid."

Ye Yang gently kissed her earlobe: "This temperature can't be faked."


Xia Yu was suddenly aroused as if she was in the clouds, her whole body was light and fluttering. If Ye Yang hadn't held her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Is this the feeling of being the little wife of a domineering president?

This feeling, even if it happens once in a lifetime, is worth it! ! !


If other young people showed affection in front of these bosses, they would have been killed long ago.

However, once this person is Ye Yang, these big guys will have no choice but to continue to bow to him and will not dare to complain at all.

"You don't need to see anyone outside. Today I celebrate the birthday of my little brother Wang Xiaocong, haha. Just feel free to do whatever you want."

Ye Yang laughed and waved his hand.


These big guys breathed a sigh of relief, and the atmosphere instantly became lively.

However, the status of the Wang family has become heavier in their hearts!

Although the Wang family is already very scary, a being who can be praised by all the super-top bosses present is taking care of the Wang family and even gives face to attend this birthday party. This meaning is much more important than simply being a Wang family!

"This is a gift I randomly picked for you on the way. We don't have to pay attention to so many red tapes. Although it is a bit cheaper, it is still a thoughtful gift."

Ye Yang casually took out the Omega 513. wrapped in an expensive gift box and handed it to Wang Xiaocong.

"Thank you, Brother Ye!!!"

Wang Xiaocong's eyes were almost red with emotion.

Since the dog-licking scandal broke out a few days ago, he has almost become a laughing stock in the wealthy circle.

Now Ye Yang gave him this watch, obviously intentionally or unintentionally, he was helping him to show off.

In his heart, he was naturally grateful.

"Here I go, this is Omega 513.! He is indeed a super boss. He can give you five million as a gift!"

"Don't you think it's too cheap? I really want to be friends with Mr. Ye! It's a pity that I'm not qualified, alas..."

"You are quite self-aware..."

(Second update)

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