Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 679: China's cohesion! A terrifying 50 billion

He turned his head and looked at the maid: "Doesn't Xinyue not allow Japanese people to come in?"

The maid lowered her head and whispered something to Ye Yang.

A cold light gradually accumulated in Ye Yang's eyes.

This maid was obviously specially selected by the Xinyue Hotel to serve Ye Yang, and she also had the task of telling Ye Yang the truth during the adaptation period.

And now Ye Yang also fully understood the purpose of this Xinyue meeting tonight! ! !

"In the early years, the coalition forces of various countries invaded China and took away countless treasures. Now the national treasures have been returned to the country through secret channels, and I don't know how much power and blood have been consumed. The European and American forces actually assigned the dog Japanese to enter the Xinyue Club with a conspiracy in order to transfer the treasures abroad again!?"

A trace of coldness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He has never lacked feelings for his country.

Tonight, he wants those people in the world who covet China's national treasures to understand...China is no longer the China of the past!

Those who plot to seize treasures must be crushed with heavy punches! ! !


Eiichiro Kameda knew very well that the many Chinese bigwigs sitting on the second floor seemed to be fighting for treasures, but in fact, they were all targeting him!

All the forces in China united to prevent the European and American consortium from taking the national treasure through him!

"What a joke!"

It was precisely because he understood this that Eiichiro Kameda was not afraid of pretending to be cool, nor was he afraid of angering the people present.

After all, his purpose was to rob with money!

They have already torn their faces.

They have already confronted each other.

They are all destined enemies.

What's there to be afraid of!

Just come up and confront them!

He wanted to see them all angry and embarrassed, but in the end, they had no choice but to look at them! ! !


He even saw the angry expressions of the Chinese people around him after they finally couldn't protect their national treasures. He liked it too much!

"Those European and American dads are so awesome! Tonight I will pretend to be unprecedented, unprecedented, and the world of antiques, the super big guy that has never been seen before!!!!"

He was full of passion, full of inner drama, and the whole person was suddenly ignited.

And the representatives of other Chinese forces also looked over coldly.

"I will never let you succeed!"

After that, they all stood up.

"Damn! The big guys on the second floor stood up collectively! What are they trying to do!?"

"It can't be..."

"It must be like this!"

"It's because they were irritated by this little sun man!"

"Oh my..."

As expected.

After these big guys stood up, they all sat on the brocade chairs on the right and lit the sky lanterns at hand! ! !

"Zhonghai Qin family, light the lamp!"

"Zhejiang business Dong family, light the lamp!"

"Modu Xu family, light the lamp!"

"Tianrong Group, light the lamp!"

"Northwest Mei family, light the lamp!"

"Northeast Zhao family, light the lamp!"


The entire Xinyue second floor was suddenly brightly lit, and the many bigwigs on the first floor couldn't open their eyes.

"Oh my god, I don't have a lamp, otherwise I would have wanted to get involved!"

"Our assets are not enough for 100 billion, so we are not qualified to light the lamp on the second floor."

"But even if we are just in the light, it is enough!"


Almost everyone present was ignited.

National pride arises spontaneously.

No matter how fierce the fight is in normal times.

Facing foreign enemies and humiliations, as long as he dares to show up, then unite together! ! !

Unite against the outside world!

"Crazy! Really crazy!!!"

"Oh my god, I'm kneeling!"

"My blood is boiling!!!"


The anger that was aroused by the people in the audience just now instantly turned into excitement!

China is no longer what it used to be. It is no longer a national treasure that you can take away just because you want to!

"Three blind auction items, each starting price is 1 billion, and each bid increase must not be less than 100 million. Counter No. 1, the auction starts now!!!"

Sister Ling personally swung the starting hammer.

"Five billion!!!"

Eiichiro Kameda spoke directly, looking around.

"Ten billion!"

Qin Feng's eyes were like fire. When he shouted this sentence, his whole body trembled a little. After all, he was just a rich second generation, with a total of 10 billion in cash. Now he shouted it out in one voice. That feeling was so shocking!!!

"What the hell!? What the hell!?"

"Are these big guys crazy!!!"

"Fuck you!"

"The starting price is 1 billion, and they directly ask for 5 billion!? What on earth is in that cabinet!"

"These big guys must have inside information, otherwise they can't be so crazy!"

"Yes, it's really too shocking!"

"The second bid directly broke 10 billion!!! It's crazy!!!"

"Oh my god, 10 billion in cash, that's it!!!!"

No one could believe the offer they heard.

"Fifteen billion!!!"

Eiichiro Kameda laughed angrily.

"Haha, I say, little Japanese Kameda, don't go to China to complain about this little bit of money! Hurry up! Northeast Zhao family, 30 billion!!!"



Double from 15 billion!!!

What kind of treasure makes these big guys think it is worth... 30 billion! ? !

That's, 30 billion!!!

No one dared to believe this number!

Too fantastic!

"What kind of auction did we attend!"


"Too powerful!"


The many bigwigs on the first floor whose net worth was less than 100 billion were all shocked, moved, and dreamy.

With so many mixed emotions, many people could not sit still and stood up to express their inner excitement.

"Haha, you Chinese people do have some strength."

Eiichiro Kameda sneered: "But, unfortunately, the capital behind me is not what you can imagine!!!"

He looked around and said loudly: "Japan Sentai Capital, 50 billion Chinese currency!!!!"

"50 billion!?"

Is this an auction! ?

Is this a money-making machine?

"How is it possible!?"

"50 billion..."

Every offer on the second floor can make everyone tremble in their hearts and doubt their lives.

Is this really the value that an item can have! ?

That priceless national treasure that all the big guys are so eager to get, and they will never give up, and they would rather burn tens of billions to get it... What is it! ?

(Second update)

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