Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 681: Asset Notarization! The Balance Shocks Kameda

"who is it!?"

"Someone actually stood up and spoke at this time. Are they going to attack this Sun Country person?"

“It’s actually him!!!”

Everyone looked over in response.

The person who spoke was none other than Ye Yang!

"Light six sky lanterns in a row, without saying a word this round. Once you make a sound, you are at the highest point, come to antagonize this Japanese!?"


Everyone looked at Ye Yang eagerly, hoping that he could really turn the situation around.

After all, the treasure of China must not fall into the hands of the Japanese.

"Haha, you are arrogant! However, fighting lanterns in the auction house is all work based on strength. If you have the ability, just give me hundreds of billions of cash to suppress me!!!"

Kameda Eiichiro sneered, he had been unhappy with Ye Yang before.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he had to keep all the money until he could win the treasure, how could he sit back and watch such a young Chinese man pretending to be cool in front of him!?

"One hundred billion?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "I am not prepared to pay 100 billion."


"As expected... I had too high expectations."

"After all, it's 100 billion in cash. It's understandable if you can't afford it or don't want to. After all, I can't think of any treasure worth 100 billion..."

"Because, 100 billion is really too little and not enough to make a final decision."

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and stretched out two fingers: "I, Ye Yang, will give you 200 billion!"


Silence, long silence.

Everyone suspected that their ears were broken.

Even Kameda Eiichiro picked his ears and felt confused.

Two hundred billion in cash! ? ! ?

A young Chinese rich man? ! is this possible! ! ! ?

Just when Eiichiro Kameda was doubting his life.

Sister Ling was stunned.

That’s 200 billion in cash!

Many banks don’t have that much cash in their vaults! ! !

If you don’t reach a certain height, you don’t know what the concept of two hundred billion in cash is...

She really wanted to call and verify whether Ye Yang's guarantee amount met the amount he quoted.

"real or fake?!"

"In China, there are still such awesome people!?"

“It’s true that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!!!”

"Awesome, holy shit!"

On and off the stage, things started to boil on both levels! ! !

Even the big guys on the second floor looked at Ye Yang feverishly.

Two hundred billion in cash were used to fight for the national treasure, but even they couldn’t come up with it! ! !

"Isn't it too strong?!!!"

Everyone was extremely excited.

Only Eiichiro Kameda's face turned blue and white, and he shouted angrily: "I have objections!!!"

The whole place was silent for a moment.

After all, they really wanted to believe what Ye Yang said, but... this value was too incredible.

They were also not sure whether Ye Yang was committing fraud.

"What objection do you have?!"

Sister Ling asked coldly.

"I suspect he is swindling the auction!!! He doesn't have that much money at all! His lights have exploded a long time ago!!! He is bragging!!!"

Eiichiro Kameda sneered: "I know you Chinese people like to save face, haha, you know you can't defeat us in terms of strength, so you sent this kid to deceive me! Haha... Do you think I am a three-year-old child! So! Easily deceived!"

He couldn't believe that Ye Yang had this ability! ! !

"According to the rules, if the lantern fight fails, the winner of the lantern fight will be compensated with 10% of the final turnover, and the Crescent Hotel will also be compensated with 10% of the final turnover as compensation for lighting the lanterns indiscriminately."

Sister Ling sneered: "And if you suspect that the winner is a fraud, and it is proven that it is not a fraud, the winner will have to pay an additional 20% of the final transaction amount as an apology fee. Do you insist on verification!?"

Kameda Eiichiro gritted his teeth and looked extremely gloomy.

In other words, if you don't investigate and admit failure, you will only need to pay 40 billion.

But if the investigation continues and it is proven that the other party really has this strength, then he will have to compensate 80 billion! ! !

This will be extremely detrimental to subsequent competitions for filming...

Although European and American fathers told him that no matter what the price, they must get this treasure.

But no matter how nice the words were, he actually gave him so much money. No matter how much he wants to do it, he's still not qualified...

Weighed for a long time.

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Check!!! I want to check!!! I don't believe it even to death, he can come up with 200 billion in cash!!!"

"Then, Mr. Ye, we will verify the capital certificate you presented."

Sister Ling looked at Ye Yang, with a hint of worry and questioning in her eyes.


Ye Yang spread his hands and smiled lightly.

Seeing that Ye Yang didn't look nervous, Sister Ling relaxed a little. If this expression was a performance, then her psychological quality and acting skills are also so good. It would be a pity not to be the best actor...


Ling Shishi shivered as she watched from the sidelines, unable to speak a word at this time.

Her family is only a small fortune, not even one billion.

Suddenly entering this kind of place where the supreme heroes are competing for supremacy, of course, I was blinded for a moment, and I felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

"This is the Centurion Black Card provided to us by Mr. Ye as proof of cash."

Sister Ling turned on the big screen and made the query page public.

"If we input the password provided by Mr. Ye, we can see whether Mr. Ye is qualified and capable to invest 200 billion to buy this treasure!!!"

Centurion Black Card.

The big guys on the second floor are all familiar with it.

There are basically people with a net worth of more than 1 trillion. Those present are all the top rich people in China. Who doesn't have a Centurion Black Card?

It's just that the balance in it is definitely not 200 billion.

"Da Da Da Da..."

Six-digit password input.

The page refreshes on the screen.

Everyone looked at it intently...


A long silence...

Everyone, looking at the long list of balances, was completely shocked, tongue-tied, and couldn't speak at all...

"Haha, I said he was bragging!? Only 40 billion!!? Isn't this obviously a fraud!?"

Eiichiro Kameda really laughed like thunder.

However, he soon found out that something was wrong.

Because everyone present looked at him as if he were a fool.

"What's wrong?! Am I wrong!? He clearly only has 40 billion! Haha, it's only 100 billion!"

Eiichiro Kameda was still stubborn.

"Mr. Kameda, check many zeros are there?!"


Eiichiro Kameda rubbed his eyes, and after a long time he screamed: "400 billion!? Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!!!"

I don't have it! ?

Not only that, but also twice as much!

(Second update)

(This is just one of Ye Yang's cards~)


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