Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 737: Being tempted by a

"It's too late."

The legal department shook their heads: "We broke the contract first, and they can get more compensation. Why should they accept your normal gambling funds?"

"Damn it! It's too late to regret!"

A group of directors looked at Artuso, wanting to strangle him to death.

After all, without this pressure, how could the company fall into such a situation! ?

"Why are you looking at me! I was just a proposer at the beginning, and we invested in the gambling after you all approved it!"

Artuso sneered: "We shared the money when we won, and now you want to turn your face and deny us when you lose!?"

"Forget it, now we can only bite the bullet and sue."

A group of directors sighed helplessly, but they knew that Dolce \u0026 Gabbana was probably going to be completely finished this time.


Inside the Louis XIV Castle.

Ye Yang looked at the news and laughed out loud.

The situation on Dolce \u0026 Gabbana's side was basically settled, and he was too lazy to pay attention to it anymore, just waiting for the compensation to come in.

"Boss, the French branch of the Centurion Club has sent you an invitation."

Yu Momo smiled and said, "A fashion ball."

"Fashion ball?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the upper class nobles of France will be invited to attend, and this is also a way for the Centurion Club to show its strength."

Yu Momo said.

"Well, if that's the case, I can go there."

Ye Yang nodded. The noble ball was something that could only be seen in TV dramas. Now it would be a pity if he didn't experience it in person.

"Okay, I'll reply to them immediately."

Yu Momo said.


Han Ruxiu was also given the qualification to apply for the Centurion Black Gold Card by the club because of Tang Han Zhihui's rise to the top of the fashion industry.

Although she could also go in with Ye Yang, the feeling of having a card in her hand was still different after all.

"There aren't many people this time, so just drive over there."

Ye Yang thought about it, chose a Ferrari FXX worth 18 million Chinese yuan, and took Han Ruxiu over there.

Yu Momo stayed in the castle on the pretext of dealing with Dolce \u0026 Gabbana's domestic stores.

The sports car sped all the way.

Because foreign countries are capitalist societies, there are more rich people and they are more ostentatious. Sports cars are not uncommon on the streets of Paris.

On the road, he met several rich second-generation Parisians driving small sports cars worth hundreds of thousands of euros, provoking him.

With the world's best driving skills, Ye Yang just smiled faintly, and then made several wonderful turns and lightning forward.

Those rich second-generations were directly scared to open their mouths.

If they could still follow behind some racing drivers, then in front of Ye Yang, they had no chance to follow behind him and smell the smell...

The Ferrari FXX quickly stopped in the underground parking lot of the venue.


As soon as he got off the car, he saw a graceful fat old lady in front of him.

"What's up, Auntie?"

Ye Yang looked at the fat old lady. Foreigners look old, and he couldn't tell how old she was. He estimated that she must be 40, fat, fashionable, and with a big diamond ring on her hand. She looked very rich.

"You are the Chinese star, right?"

The old lady looked Ye Yang up and down, drooling. This beauty and figure are even more attractive than in the movies! ! !


Ye Yang nodded.

"I am your crazy fan!"

The old lady drooled: "I didn't expect you to come to Paris."


Ye Yang looked at the old lady with a strange expression, and always felt that this old woman seemed to be plotting against him.

"What do you want?"

"Haha, nothing! Oh, by the way, my name is Mary! I've wanted to meet you for a long time, and I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Mary rolled her eyes and smiled, "Is it tiring for you to make a movie?"

"... It's quite relaxing."

Ye Yang frowned, and felt that something was getting more and more wrong.


Originally, Mary thought that Ye Yang would complain about the difficulty of making a movie. At this time, her face paused, and after thinking about it, she changed her mind and said repeatedly: "My family needs a housekeeper. I think you are in line with my aesthetics. I want to find you to be a housekeeper!"


Ye Yang glanced at the old lady. What housekeeper? I think you are clearly greedy for my body!

"I will give you 50 million euros a year!"

Mary said repeatedly: "It's so hard to make a movie. My housekeeper only needs to accompany me, a lonely old lady, to talk and chat, and I will give you 50 million euros a year!!!"

"Sorry, not interested."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

This old lady is too ignorant of the income of China's top actors...

Let alone his powerful talents, those young and beautiful actors, who are nothing but traffic stars, earn 2.08w Chinese currency a day. Even if they only work 300 days a year, it is still 600-700 million! It is not less than 50 million euros at all!

"Ah?! Am I giving too little!"

The rich woman was rejected for the first time because of the low offer she made when she was looking for a handsome guy. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "Then how much do you say! I have plenty of money!"

Han Ruxiu on the side couldn't help laughing and covered her mouth to hold back her laughter.

Ye Yang spread his hands. I am just so handsome! What can I do?

"I'm not interested in money. After all, money is the easiest thing in the world to get! Let's not talk about this. I'll go upstairs first!"


Mary quickly grabbed Ye Yang's arm. There was no beauty she couldn't get!

No matter how handsome or hard to get a man, she would try her best to get him!

No need to beat around the bush, she said directly:

"It's too hard to run around to make money, my little baby! Come home with me! I have a big villa! The family's assets are worth 10 billion euros. After that old man died, the family assets fell into my hands! As long as you come with me, these will be yours sooner or later! Isn't it much better than making a movie and making that little money!?"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

It feels like a poor old woman with only 10 billion euros in assets...

Mo Zhengzheng, Xu Xiaoxin, Qin Kelan, and Chu Haijiao are so beautiful and have good figures. Their families are much richer than this old lady. They are all greedy for his body.

You poor old lady, you still want to monopolize my beauty! ?

Don't even think about it!

He waved his hand directly: "Money is something outside of the body, I never value this kind of thing, I advise you to give up your unrealistic fantasies and find an old man who is similar."


Mary frowned, she didn't expect that Ye Yang was the kind of difficult type who 'regarded money as dirt'!

She sneered: "This is Paris, my territory! I said, there is no body I can't get! You don't eat soft, I can only use hard!"

(Second update)

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