Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 746: Reunited, not like the old times

"Why haven't you come yet..."

She muttered.

Looking at the full house of guests.

She was quite excited.

These were all big guys that she could never get in touch with when she was with Zhang Wanmin!

She was extremely excited, these were all big guys!

She couldn't get close to them even if she wanted to!

From this point of view, she was also grateful to Zhang Wanmin for abandoning her, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to get to where she is today.

"Here you are!"

She was very surprised.

She was much more excited than meeting her current husband.

The luxury car parked at the door was an extended Bentley.

Han Caili smiled coldly in her heart, and she had thought of the lines for the first sentence: Oh, oh, oh, I haven't seen you for a year, how come you are so lame! You can't drive as well as I do!

As a result, it was Zheng Xian and a group of classmates who came together in Shanghai who got out of the car.

Han Caili looked around and didn't see Ye Yang, so she was very disappointed.


After the classmates came, they nodded to her, exchanged a few words of greeting, and then went in.

"Fuck, I told you not to bring red envelopes, but you didn't bring any!"

Han Caili was so angry when she saw the classmates who went in.

But she changed her mind and realized that she was not short of money now: "Haha, it doesn't matter, face is important, face is important!"

She gritted her teeth and said.

After a while.

The crowd was in turmoil.

Many young people who came to the banquet sighed.

Han Caili also widened her eyes. Except for those rubbish university classmates before, the people who could come here today were basically all big shots. What could make these people sigh! ?

Soon, she saw the source of the exclamation.

A domineering Rolls-Royce that looked extremely retro in style but revealed an extraordinary aura drove into the venue.

"Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost! The best imitation of the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost!"

"Rolls-Royce is now the pinnacle of price and style. You know, the only remaining Silver Ghost is placed in the museum and costs 1.5 billion to buy! This retro model is not only the best in the world in terms of technology and materials, but also the most awesome style!"

"One car costs more than 90 million. It is estimated that it will be sold for over 100 million in a few days."

"I have always wanted my father to buy me one, but even with my father's relationship, I can't buy it at all! Just reply to me, I still want to buy it, let me go to the side to cool off..."


The young men in Beijing were all whispering.

"This must be a super boss!"

After all, there are only five Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts in the world!

Han Caili had great expectations for the visitor when she heard that the car was so big.


The car door opened.

A handsome guy got out of the car.

The rich daughters present were all amazed.

So handsome!

I want to marry him!

Ye Yang smiled and responded to the excited rich girls, and then saw Han Caili who was a little stunned: "Long time no see."


Han Caili came back to her senses and threw away all the surprise in her heart, haha!

What's wrong with having some money.

She knew that Ye Yang seemed to have become a big star in a movie again, but she was obsessed with joining the rich family every day and didn't know much about it.

She only knew that Ye Yang seemed to be a lot richer than a year ago.

But that was useless!

This is one of the top rich families in Beijing!

Even if one of the unpopular second sons got married, Wang Silin, who was once the richest man in China, had to give face and come to participate.

Being rich is useless in front of such a top powerful family.

This is also the reason why she is fearless.

She shook hands with Ye Yang with a dagger in her smile: "Old classmate, I haven't seen you for a year, and you have made a fortune again!"

Ye Yang nodded lightly, but he didn't want to talk too much. He came here to eat wholeheartedly.

Then he walked inside.


Han Caili had prepared a bunch of sarcastic words, but when she was about to say something, Ye Yang had already disappeared.

She was so angry that her face turned red and she almost vomited blood!


She was furious: "You are so rich, Ye Yang, I told you not to give me a gift, but you didn't give me a penny, and you ran in before I could say anything! You don't take me seriously at all!!!"

She was secretly annoyed for a while, and then she was relieved. After all, the wedding banquet had just started today, and there were plenty of opportunities to make him unhappy.

"Huh, you will have a hard time today!"

She thought and continued to collect money.

The wedding banquet.

The old classmates were arranged together, and the seats were not eye-catching.

"Didn't he say he wanted to apologize to us... but he didn't even come to offer us a toast."

"He even arranged a seat in the corner for us."

"But come to think of it, today these are all real big shots. I saw several super big shots that I can only see on CCTV1 and the news broadcast. I was really trembling."

"Yeah, this is the closest we've ever been to the big shots."

"I think I saw Mr. Wang just now."


"Wang Silin from Yida Group!!! He's the leader of Beijing's business community."

"Wow, this scene is too big!"

"And this Pangu Hotel is also extremely awesome! It has a great background. To be able to hold a wedding banquet here, there must be a powerful family behind it."

"Will Han Caili find another rich old man to take revenge on him?"

"Who knows?"

All the students were trembling as they watched the big guys in the field toasting and drinking.

They were like outsiders who were kicked out of this scene.

"Brother Ye, our cards depend on you."

"Yes, yes!"

Among the students present, the only one who can be called a big shot now is Ye Yang.

A rich second-generation like Xu Pengfei in Shanghai trembles when breathing here and has no say at all.

Class monitor Yu Chenggong looked left and right. Even with his usual interpersonal skills, he was scared today.

Wang Daleng didn't care too much. He started eating the fruit plate as soon as he came in. He was carefree and had no worries.

Lin Xueer sat next to Ye Yang. A short separation was better than a new marriage. During the sweet talk, both of them laughed out loud from time to time.

Cai Maomao sat next to Xu Pengfei, still looking at Ye Yang from time to time, mentally cuckolding Xu Pengfei.

The male students with financial acumen had already prepared paper and pen, asking Ye Yang to sign.

After all, the signature of a big star is still very valuable.

The female students came up to take photos with Ye Yang, and from time to time they would get close to him.

After more than a year in society, they have tasted all the lessons they should have tasted and suffered all the sufferings they should have suffered.

Now, they deeply realize how lucky and wonderful it is to have a boyfriend like Ye Yang who is handsome and rich.

It's a pity that the other party has succeeded now. No matter how active they are now, I'm afraid that he won't pay much attention to them.

However, they still have to try their best...

(First update)

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