Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 748 Zhang's Eighth Uncle Appears

"Let's be reasonable. It's obvious that what you said at first, Caili, was a bit unpleasant."

"And are you inviting us to dinner? You were obviously neglecting us during the entire wedding banquet. I think your purpose is not that pure, right?"

All the classmates couldn't stand it anymore.

Knowing Ye Yang's current living situation, they felt confident.

They have no idea how awesome the Zhang family is, but they have a good idea of ​​how powerful the boss is who lives in Prince Gong's mansion worth 200 billion yuan. In addition, they are reasonable in this matter, so there is nothing they can't resist.


Han Caili looked at Ye Yang with a sneer: "That's right! That's right! I came to you just to show you my current life! How high-class it is! How unattainable! I lost face last time, Now, I want to get this face back!"

She looked at Ye Yang's face that couldn't hold back his smile with great displeasure, and became very angry: "Why are you laughing! It's you I'm talking about! My biggest purpose is to make you bow to me! You have to apologize to me! That's all. You gave me the biggest humiliation in my life!”


All the students were stunned.

It was clearly Ye Yang who made you see Zhang Wanmin's true purpose last time! You sugar daddy, a rotten woman with big dreams, instead of reflecting on yourself, you put all your resentment on Ye Yang! ?

What's the point! ?

They found that they could not understand this woman at all.

He is simply not a normal person!

"Haha, what do you know!"

Han Caili's anger rose, and her voice became sharp: "How much pain and anger have I endured in the past year! I have never suffered this kind of anger since I was a child! Now, I am finally proud! I want to take revenge on you!"

"I just want to lure you to come to my wedding, because today this is the territory of the Zhang family! I am the hostess of the Zhang family! Haha, you have to come if I ask you to come today! I can't stand you, so I will send you directly You will have to endure it if you are kicked out from here!"

"I just want you to feel the pain of losing face!"

"I know you are rich now, but no matter how rich you are, do you dare to mess with the Zhang family! We are the top wealthy family in Beijing! Looking at China, it is also the highest level of power! No one dares to mess with us! No matter how rich you are, You can’t be impressive here today!”


She vented her anger, but Ye Yang's indifferent expression made her less and less confident.

After all, she was just a fool who was lucky enough to squeeze into a wealthy family's wedding banquet.

In the eyes of a big man like Ye Yang, who is at the core of real power and has experienced the world's ups and downs, he is really a clown.

Ye Yang just looked at her lightly, making her feel endless pressure and fear.

It was just her trust and pride in the Zhang family that kept her holding on to this fear.

Now that she had vented her anger, and her mind gradually cooled down, she felt more and more the pressure that was close to reality...


Xiao Qingxuan, who had a hot temper, got up and was about to explode.

She doesn't mind letting this wedding turn into a funeral for anyone from a wealthy and distinguished family who dares to offend the boss!

"Calm down, getting angry for a small character who is not even a minor fish is really worth the price."

Ye Yang pressed his hands.


Yu Momo, who was beside him, couldn't hold back his laughter and pulled Xiao Qingxuan to sit down.

As a boss, it would be outrageous to deal with Han Caili personally.

"Miscellaneous... miscellaneous fish!?"

Han Caili muttered these words in disbelief. She had obviously climbed into one of the most powerful wealthy families, the Zhang family, and had become the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.

Why are you still a trash fish? ?

Why do you sound so crazy! ?

She was scared and angry, and a wave of anger towards her own incompetence occupied her brain. Just when she was about to show off her face and find the Zhang family's bodyguards present to kick Ye Yang and his party out...

The wedding door was suddenly opened!

The quarrel on Ye Yang's side was because the location was too far away and surrounded by small characters. The company that was attracted by the noise even knew Ye Yang's extraordinary status.

But the Zhang family is not someone to be trifled with.

They didn't dare to get involved in the fight between gods and immortals, they only dared to wait and see.

The sound of the door opening was very loud.

Far from being able to match the noisy atmosphere, Han Caili's unreasonable voice immediately focused the attention of the audience!

Zhang Tianci was talking to some big guys from all walks of life in front.

He is no longer welcome in the Zhang family, but for the Zhang family's weddings, the family will make a lot of arrangements for him to show the family's glory.

Therefore, almost all the big guys in the capital were present this time.

The sound of the door opening was really loud, as if a house was being demolished. These big guys were also attracted by the movement and looked over.


Zhang Tianci frowned: "Who is it!?"

Outside the door, hundreds of figures walked in. These figures were all dressed in extremely extravagant clothes and had magnificent equipment. At first glance, they were not ordinary people.

He knew the person in charge. He was Zhang Mingyu, the second-in-command and the second most powerful person in Pangu Hotel. He was the person with a strong voice among the current generation of the Zhang family who was in power.

In terms of seniority, he is Zhang Tianci's eighth uncle.

"It turns out Uncle Eight is here!"

Zhang Tianci laughed, feeling extremely proud.

This is the second in command of Pangu Hotel!

At first glance, he was here to congratulate me on his wedding!

This is the card!

The Zhang family’s heritage is revealed!

I didn’t expect that in order to give me face, my family specially asked my uncle to come and support me!

However, each of the big guys present was a powerful person, and they were extremely sensitive to the atmosphere. They looked at these intruders and saw that they brought not blessings, but... evil spirits.

They all showed puzzlement on their faces.

"Uncle Eight!"

Zhang Tianci laughed and greeted him.

However, after Zhang Mingyu and his group came in, they turned a corner and walked quickly to a corner of the huge banquet...

"Uh, this!?"

Zhang Tianci was stunned instantly.

Didn't Uncle Eight come to celebrate my wedding and bless me?

I'm here!

Where are you going! ?

He also hurriedly followed him in confusion.

Many big guys present also looked over.

Although Pangu Hotel is only worth a few hundred billion and is not very impressive, anyone who has been in the upper circles of Beijing will know the complicated forces behind Pangu Hotel.

The amount of money sometimes does not represent the degree of awesomeness.

After all, if you calculate it, a provincial governor, who is in charge of the economy of a province and has such great power, only earns tens of thousands of yuan a month.

The assets controlled by the Zhang family itself, on the surface, are only about 200 billion.

But even Wang Silin has to call the head of the Zhang family big brother when he meets him...

(First update)

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