Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 757 The Coal Boss’s Real Intention

"Compete with me in terms of strength. With all due respect, you don't have that strength."

Ye Yang said calmly: "The opportunity has been given to you. Obviously, you are useless!"

"Why do you say that! He's obviously just a pretty face with nothing to show for it!"

Mei Kuangsheng muttered.

Ye Yang's momentum was so great that he really didn't have the courage to be arrogant anymore.

"The first property I took over was the Empire State Financial Building."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Since you always come to Magic City, you must not be too unfamiliar with it."

"Empire Financial Building!?"

Mei Kuangsheng glared.

A feeling of disbelief arose in my heart.

That building is the first commercial building in Shanghai!

Not to mention that you always come to Magic City, even if you have never been to Magic City, the name is very clear!

Just considering the area and location of this building, the equivalent of the money is more impressive than his father's property, let alone his own small property.

Ye Yang said slowly: "Vacheron Constantin, have you heard of it?"

Mei Kuangsheng looked at Xu Xiaoxin, who had an indifferent expression. It seemed that the other party had known these things for a long time, and he felt a little frightened in his heart. He responded with a stutter: "Of course! My father is wearing a million-level Vacheron Constantin watch."

"This company is mine."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand lightly and showed the Pavilion Craftsman 000R on his wrist.

"This!? This, this, this?"

Vacheron Constantin is an internationally renowned super company!

It is simply not comparable to a few minerals.

Moreover, my father had boasted to me countless times about the watch in the other party's hand! It's a priceless treasure!

The same style as Lisboa Emperor!

It’s worth at least hundreds of millions!

“There are also Château Lafite, Ultraviolet Light Pavilion, Han Pavilion, Disneyland Magic Park property rights, ten school district buildings in the entire Linjiang Community, Jincheng Office, Welsh Fitness Group, Dongxia Island land rights, FPS e-sports company, Huabo Film and Television…”

Ye Yang planned to count the numbers from childhood to adulthood and educate this boy well.

However, before he could finish speaking, he just started.

Mei Kuangsheng turned pale with fear, trembled all over, and his lips trembled: "How is this possible!? How can someone be so much better than me!"

Xu Xiaoxin pouted: "There are many rich second-generation people in the city who are better than you. Don't be too sentimental and self-righteous! If I don't like you, I just don't like you! Stop pestering me!"


Mei Kuangsheng was completely stunned.

The industries that Ye Yang mentioned casually just now are basically thunderous. Even the smallest ones like Han Pavilion and Ultraviolet Light Pavilion are worth several billion, and the big ones are worth hundreds of billions.

Adding these together, I am afraid there will be trillions of assets!

There are such terrifying rich second generations in this world! ?

He's a hundred times more awesome than his father's rich generation!

People are more infuriating than people.

His whole body was about to collapse.

"Now, do we still want to compete?"

Ye Yang said calmly: "I just started."

"No, no, no! No more competition..."

Mei Kuangsheng was like a defeated rooster, with his head downcast and his face ashen.

He was afraid that if Ye Yang mentioned several trillion-level companies in the future, he would be scared to death on the spot.

He knew Xu Xiaoxin's character well.

She would never like a man who brags at will.

If the other person only knows how to brag, then Xu Xiaoxin will never call such a man her boyfriend.

In other words, Xu Xiaoxin must know at least the assets Ye Yang just mentioned...

this is too scary!

"Whether it is feelings or strength, there is a huge gap between you and me. With your strength, I don't know what kind of courage you have to dare to challenge me."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Remember, Xiaoxin is my girlfriend, you, don't want to eat swan meat! You pester Xiaoxin for no good reason! You are not worthy!"

This kind of man likes to show off how elite he is, as long as he is defeated in this aspect, he will be completely desperate.

It will naturally cut off the thoughts in your heart.

In order to satisfy Xu Xiaoxin's request for help.

"I see."

Mei Kuangsheng left dejectedly.

Another table.

The coal boss looked at his son walking over with a smile: "What's going on? Have you found Xiaoxin? I think there's something wrong with your face!"

Mei Kuangsheng sat down, sighed, and explained what had just happened.

After listening.

The coal boss frowned and thought for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Hey! I've been hit like this! You're still laughing! Are you my biological father!?"

Mei Kuangsheng said dissatisfied.

"Son, this is a good thing!"

The coal boss lit up a cigarette and talked about the past: "In the past, I was penniless and left my hometown after being rejected by a girl, and finally started my current career. How can a man grow without experiencing setbacks? ?”


Mei Kuangsheng looked at his father chatting and laughing, could it be that his father had also experienced the discomfort he was feeling now?

"I've told you before that you are too sharp. China is so powerful that it is like a hidden dragon or a crouching tiger."

The coal boss blew out a smoke ring and said with emotion: "You have to learn the wisdom of life! In addition, the daughter of the Xu family, given the current situation of our family, is not worthy of her."


Mei Kuangsheng was a little puzzled: "Then you still arrange this dinner?!"

"as far as I know."

The coal boss took a deep breath of Changbai Mountain: "The sudden rise of the Xu family and Haiqi Group in the past year is all due to their contact with the young man you mentioned. Mr. Ye is extremely powerful and is not something we can touch. I wanted to take advantage of this meeting to let you and Xiaoxin talk it out and stop your thoughts."


The coal boss looked at Mei Kuangsheng deeply: "But now it seems that the effect is better than I thought, haha!"

Mei Kuangsheng felt that he was going to vomit blood because of depression. It turned out that his father didn't want to match them up!


After dinner.

In the car.

"Didn't you say you had a girlfriend? I haven't seen her yet. How far is it now?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Zheng Xian scratched his head: "Hehe, I just found out that she is a real rich woman! She is getting married now..."

"Good guy!"

Ye Yang strategically ignored the previous words: "You are getting married! Haha... I didn't expect to drink the wedding wine of my good brother so soon?"

Zheng Xian scratched his head shyly: "Hehe, but her family is relatively large, and it is an old family in Jinling. There are many things in her family. Although we are discussing this matter now, it will probably take some time."


Ye Yang was also very happy for Zheng Xian: "Okay, if you need any help, tell me, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

Marriage is all about appearance.

Like the Zhang family, a wealthy family in Beijing, the bigger the family, the more attention they pay to their appearance...

(Second update)

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