Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 767 To be precise, the entire manor belongs to me

Magic City, the headquarters of Jincheng Law Firm.

Fang Han, Caiqi and Aiwei sat opposite each other side by side.

Ye Yang sat in the main seat.

Feng Xuecheng looked around curiously. This was one of the most powerful law firms in China, with great energy!

This was his first time seeing one of the largest law firms in China.

The most powerful law firm is no less influential than a super large company, and even more influential than it!


Fang Han smiled and said, "Why did you suddenly come to us in person this time?"

You know, in the previous big cases of Dolce \u0026 Gabbana involving tens of billions of euros, Ye Yang was not asked to come to the Jincheng headquarters in person, and the problem was solved with just a phone call.

It can be seen that Ye Yang takes this case extremely seriously this time.

They also have to devote 10 million percent of their energy!

"Old, boss!?"

Feng Xuecheng was stunned. He looked at Fang Han from the left and Ye Yang from the right, extremely surprised.

How influential Jincheng Law Firm is, he heard it from his father!

Such an awesome top law firm belongs to Ye Yang! ?

"Good guy, let me tell you that your brother has an extraordinary status! He must be more than just a star, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have that kind of aura! My vision is so accurate!"

Feng Xuecheng patted his chest as an afterthought and showed off to Ye Tong.

Ye Tong rolled his eyes. Obviously you said he couldn't do anything to that old thing, but now it's an afterthought... She planned to ignore this living treasure.


Feng Xuecheng raised his golden hair and shrugged indifferently.

"What happened to the previous Dolce \u0026 Gabbana case?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It's almost over. Ivey found some of the best foreign lawyers to prosecute together. He found a lot of connections and spent hundreds of millions of euros to basically establish the other party's crimes. The other party successively paid compensation. More than 10 billion euros, it is estimated that many sales channels have been paid to Tang Han Zhihui in your name."

Fang Han said.

"Well, it was done well."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

The amount of information contained in this conversation made Feng Xuecheng confused again.

Dolce \u0026 Gabbana!

The leading international luxury brand! A super brand worth hundreds of billions of euros!

Directly forced into bankruptcy! ?

Tanghan Zhihui Group, which has been in the spotlight recently in China and has become famous worldwide and has created a miracle in market value, also belongs to Ye Yang! ?

Doesn't that mean that Ye Yang's assets are at least hundreds of billions, or even in the trillions! ?

This, this, this...

Super boss! ! !

"I'll choke the big mom!"

Feng Xuecheng was extremely excited. He spent energy and resources on Ye Tong, which made his father extremely dissatisfied. If his father knew that Ye Tong had such a cousin, he would probably cry and beg himself to continue pursuing Ye Tong, right?

After all, although my family is considered a wealthy businessman, its market value is only tens of billions.

With such a strong capital, it may not be impossible to give Chen Zheshou a try! ! !

However, Chen Zheshou still has a profound power background.

Who will win this duel is yet to be determined!

"When I come this time, I have another case to hand over to you."

Ye Yang signaled Ye Tong to tell him Fang Han and others the matter in detail.



Fang Han breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was some big case, but it turned out to be just like this...

"Do you still keep the evidence?"


Ye Tong nodded. If he didn't still have evidence in his hand, it would be difficult for Feng Xuecheng to save her even if he wanted to.

The other party was also afraid of the hidden evidence in her hand.

"Well, if there is evidence, it will be very easy to handle."

Fang Han nodded: "China itself has been investigating these large-scale corruption cases recently, and the situation is no longer what it was in the past. As long as our position is just and there is evidence, there is no such thing as losing the case."

Seeing that Fang Han was so sure, Feng Xuecheng wanted to complain, but thinking of the many legends in Jincheng, he kept his mouth shut.

"In the past two days, Jincheng will do its best to collect relevant evidence and prepare relevant litigation materials."

Fang Han stood up and said: "As for the other parts of the boss's plan, I can contact the relevant official agencies and provide you with all the formal procedures. The boss can start the plan at the latest the day after tomorrow."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Jincheng Law Firm has always been very reliable.

After saying goodbye, he drove Lin Xueer back to Linjiang Villa, and then took his cousin to Yundingshan Manor.

Feng Xuecheng also wanted to stay in the hotel, but was kicked out by Ye Yang, so he had to find a five-star hotel nearby.

"Isn't this too big?"

After entering the manor, Ye Tong seemed to have entered a new world and was stunned.

Is there such an awesome manor in the world? ?

"Um, brother, your house won't be in this manor, right?"

Ye Tong trembled. Land in the Magic City is very expensive. It is such a luxurious manor. How much does it cost to buy a villa here? Don’t start with one billion! ?

Ye Yang shook his head: "This statement is wrong."


Ye Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang continued: "To be precise, the entire manor belongs to me."


Ye Tong blinked, and the lady said rudely: "What the hell!?"

"Haha, just choose a villa to live in. I'll arrange everything. Don't worry, sister. Everything is over."

Ye Yang pressed Ye Tong's shoulders: "I will make that old thing pay back a hundredfold for all the injustice you have suffered!"


Ye Tong stared at him in a daze. The strength she had pretended to have in the past few years was slowly broken in her firm eyes. The bitterness in her heart suddenly burst out, turning into tears that could not be stopped, and burst out...

After so many years, she finally didn't have to bear all the pain with the weak shoulders of an ordinary person!

She threw herself into Ye Yang's arms, tears flowing.

Ye Yang sighed and let her gush out sadness...

Two days later.

Ye Yang, who had just left Beijing, came again in the F1000.

His figure appeared in front of the Xiaren Insurance Group building, with only Xiao Qingxuan following behind him.

He stepped slowly into it.

"Sir, you..."

The security guards came up one after another and were surprised to see Ye Yang's face: "It turns out to be Mr. Ye, Mr. Chen has been waiting for you for a long time..."

In the top floor meeting room of Xiaren Insurance.

Chen Zheshou looked at Ye Yang who entered the office, and his originally gloomy face turned into a warm smile: "Mr. Ye!!!"

(Second update)

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