Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 769 Feng Xuecheng's Choice




Outside the door, the people waiting outside could only hear a heart-stopping banging sound. One can imagine how loud the movement was inside.

"The boss is so strong, you won't beat him to death with three punches and two kicks, right?"

Xiao Xiaozhu asked.

"He deserves to be beaten to death."

Yu Momo curled his lips: "But don't worry, he brought hormones in, and injected an injection when he was knocked unconscious to ensure that the person's mind will always be awake."

"Hey~ This is good. I want to play like this too."

Xiao Xiaozhu's hands were itchy.


"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

The violent pain rushed into his brain, making Chen Zheshou feel unparalleled pain.

He clearly heard the sound of his bones breaking and the sound of blood flowing all over the ground.

However, no matter how painful it is, you cannot pass out. This is the greatest pain and despair.

He seems to die at any time, but never die...

"It has reached its limit..."

Xiao Qingxuan squeezed Ye Yang's shoulder.

Ye Yang paused and said after a moment of silence: "Let them come in."

The door opened.

Police, law enforcement officers, and lawyers all rushed in.

The person they wanted to arrest had been beaten extremely miserably, but no one asked why, as if this was a matter of course.

"It''s you..."

Chen Zheshou's eyes were blurred by the blood, but he could still clearly see the face of the person who started it...

It was the woman who he scorned and who issued a fatwa without even wanting to engage in peace talks... Ye Tong.

"After evidence verification and multi-party investigations, and with formal approval, the fourth director of Xiaren Insurance, Mr. Chen Zheshou... you have been arrested!"

Ye Tong finished this line powerfully and placed the arrest warrant in front of Chen Zheshou himself.


This inconspicuous girl, this girl who was still running around being chased by him two days ago.

In just two days, he actually became a member of the law enforcement team and personally told him about his arrest...

"Mr. Ye, you are so clever!!!"

Kill people, but also kill your heart! ! !

Huge humiliation, anger and pain were mixed together. Chen Zheshou was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood and finally fainted...


Chen Zheshou himself was sent to the police ambulance that had been prepared long ago, along with the bloody arrest warrant.

Everyone evacuated.

Only Ye Yang and Ye Tong were left in Chen Zheshou's office.

Ye Tong, who originally looked strong and tough, covered his face, squatted down, and cried again...

The last time, it was because she found support and poured out the pain that she had suppressed for two or three years.

This time, she was so happy that she got her revenge and arrested the other party with her own hands!

Ye Yang sighed.

It is extremely rare for a girl to be able to withstand so much without breaking down.

He knelt down gently and rubbed his sister's shoulders: "Everything is over. Those days will never happen again."


Ye Tong couldn't help but nodded.


Ye Yang is personally paying attention to the case, and the news released has attracted public attention.

Those who were oppressed back then saw that the situation was indeed improving, so they also stood up.

The whole thing has complete witnesses and physical evidence.

In addition, the current general situation is also severely cracking down on this evil force.

The trial begins soon.

Chen Zheshou was punished for indirect homicide, corruption of large amounts of money, and abetting homicide.

The death penalty shall be executed immediately.

There was also applause on the Internet.


A few days later.

Magic City, inside the Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang put the three things in front of Feng Xuecheng: "Choose one. You have helped my sister a lot in the past two years. I am a person who must repay kindness."

Feng Xuecheng looked at the three things in front of him.

A black bank card with 50 billion in cash.

An agreement probably involves the transfer of shares worth nearly 100 billion. As long as he signs it, he will have a huge amount of shares worth 100 billion in his name.

The last one is a plain law book, which doesn't look like anything special.


The first two options are lucrative offers that are hard for anyone to refuse.

50 billion in cash and 100 billion in equity.

Even billionaires have to be moved.

Not to mention that the total wealth of his family is only tens of billions. Because he has insisted on going his own way in the past few years, all the shares his father gave him have been recycled, and now he only has tens of millions of pocket money left in his hand.

"I already said, I don't want compensation."

Feng Xuecheng pursed his lips and said unwillingly.

If you use money to make up for the help you have provided in the past few years, then there is no reason to go to Ye Tong anymore.

"I also said that I will not let my sister live in debt to others. Even if you don't make a choice, I will put the cash into your account and clear everything."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Ah this!"

Feng Xuecheng scratched his head: "Then what is the third option?"

"As you can see, a law book."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

Feng Xuecheng flipped through the book and found that it was indeed a law book: "I don't want to give up my love for Ye Tong."

"These are just compensations for your previous help. From now on, you and my sister have nothing to owe each other. She will no longer blur her judgment of feelings because of this guilt."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "I didn't say that if you choose one of these rewards, you must cut off contact with my sister. But if you dare to harass my sister, I will break your legs."


Feng Xuecheng trembled and asked tentatively: "So I can still pursue your sister."

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded: "I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. But if my sister doesn't have this guilt and still likes you, I don't object."


Feng Xuecheng laughed out loud: "You are really my good brother!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This guy is really an optimist.

"Then I want this book."

Feng Xuecheng raised the book in his hand: "What I did for your sister was out of my sincerity, and I never thought about asking for anything in return. Since you must compensate me, then this is fine. This way both of us can feel at ease."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure?"


Feng Xuecheng nodded: "Maybe this is a bit of a dog-licking in your eyes, but I think this is an open and honest love. The most important thing is that I think a beautiful girl like your sister is worth my efforts."


Ye Yang stared at the other party for a few seconds before waving his hand: "Then you do your best."

Feng Xuecheng left happily.

Ye Yang patted the glass wall behind him.

The one-way light-transmitting glass wall opened, and behind the wall, Ye Tong's figure slowly appeared...

(Second update)

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