Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 774 Which brother can resist a spoiled sister?

"Not bad."


There was a lot of discussion in the field.

Looking at the theater that was constantly flipping in front of me, I also laughed out loud.

Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?

Do you think you can show off your true identity by showing off your true identity?

The result is still so different from others!

It's so miserable...

"Hurry up and tell the truth! What have you done to Mr. Ye!"

Yan Fu's parents had a violent mixed doubles fight.

Ye Yang just looked at this scene indifferently. This kind of pretentious guy may become a big trouble to the family in the future if he doesn't fix it properly. His parents beat him to save him!

Yan Fu was beaten so hard that his nose started to bleed, and he rolled over in a pissed off state. He kowtowed to Ye Yang repeatedly: "Ye Yang, for the sake of being your classmate in high school, please spare me! It's my fault! I wrote the script. , I asked that woman to cooperate with me in acting. This was all designed by me out of boredom!

"I just feel that my family is too rich and I have no desire to fight, so I just want to show off! I regret it so much now! Please forgive me!!!"


"Fuck! This guy is too scary."

"This is actually the truth!"

"I've guessed it a long time ago..."

"It's so boring!"

"Haha, I've read too many novels, and in reality I force myself to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger to show off! It's so rubbish!"

"Killing me……"

The onlookers suddenly realized that Lian Dao had been deceived.

"Ah!? Are you looking for someone to act with you!?"

"You're going crazy if you want to show off!"

"Since you feel that the family business is a burden to you and makes your life meaningless, then I will kick you out of the house now and start your own business!!!"

"That's right!"

Yan Fu's parents made the decision immediately.

"Ah!? No!!!!"

Yan Fu suddenly felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and his whole body felt instantly powerless.

He can only show off when his family is rich. How can he still show off after being kicked out of the house? ?

"Hahaha, you deserve it!"

"What a relief!"

"This scares these two parents! Mr. Ye is so awesome..."


The onlookers were laughing.

Feeling extremely angry.

"Mr. Ye, we are willing to transfer the business rights of this store to you. Please let us go. We are all small businesses and cannot afford to offend a great master like you!"

Yan Fu's parents begged for mercy again and again.

They don't have the agency rights for many stores in total.

This is considered a massive hemorrhage.

Regardless of Ye Yang's status at this time, he no longer cared about the small sum of 120 million. He just waved his hand. This matter is not a big deal. It is enough to let this pretentious classmate get the punishment he deserves: "Then let's do it."

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your magnanimity!"

Yan Fu's parents thanked Ye Yang repeatedly, and when they ran away, they didn't forget to kick Yan Fu hard several times.

Otto rubbed his hands and said again and again: "It's all my fault that Mr. Ye has had this unpleasant experience today..."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

He is not an unreasonable person.

This Yan Fu wants to show off, but he has nothing to do with Otto.

If he took out his anger on Ultra, it would be too disrespectful of the magnanimity that his current position should have.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Ott bowed repeatedly and said: "I will personally mail all the latest Burberry styles to your girlfriends this year. I hope you like them."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this guy was quite discerning.


Ye Yang nodded.

Then he took Xia Yu to pick out some good-looking clothes and bags.

As a luxury area, Devil No. 6 naturally also has food, drink and entertainment.

Most of the places to eat are luxury or Michelin-starred restaurants.

I spent tens of thousands of yuan to experience the feeling of eating Michelin in a luxury area.

Ye Yang led Xia Yu back home with a full load.


I originally planned to take a bath in the hot springs with the maid and have some rest.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang again.

When I saw the news, it turned out to be the old girl.

"Brother!!! Save me!"

Ye Yang's heart suddenly trembled. He thought what happened to Ye Xiaozi, so he sent messages one after another: "What's going on?"

"I'm about to be crushed to death by the pressure of my senior year of high school~"

Ye Xiaozi sent a crying kitten expression.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes, worried for a while.

After returning for the Chinese New Year, Ye Xiaozi studied hard and made progress every day.

However, senior year of high school is really stressful.

Of course, for ordinary aristocratic students, there is no need to put too much pressure on them. After all, it is enough to go to an overseas university to get a gold plate.

However, Ye Xiaozi is a top student in her own right, and even with Ye Yang as her backer, she still wants to prove herself.

My brother is great, it’s my brother who is great.

If a sister is too mediocre, she will feel depressed in front of her brother...

"You don't have to be so demanding on yourself. I've already said that if you don't get into a good university, I'll support you."

Ye Yang smiled and replied with a laughing emoticon.

"I suspect you are gloating, but I have no proof!"

Ye Xiaozi snorted: "Actually, I miss you, brother! There is an art exhibition tonight and I want to go see it. Brother, can you accompany me?"

"I want to take a hot spring bath tonight./Pick my nose."

Ye Yang replied with a wicked smile.

"Hey, good brother, come with me~"

Ye Xiaozi sent a voice message directly.

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile. His sister was still good at acting like a spoiled child. He couldn't bear to tease her any more and replied, "Okay, okay, tell me more about it. I'll get ready."

"Brother is the best!"

Ye Xiaozi sent a kissing emoji.

Then he sent the time and place.


Ye Yang came out of the water.

The maids who thought they were going to start the routine water games all said with disappointment: "Master~ where are you going!"

"Accompany my sister to visit the art exhibition, and continue to soak when we come back!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and went to change clothes wrapped in a bath towel.

"Alas! Without the master, soaking in the hot spring is less fun!"

"That's right!"

The maids all nodded in confirmation.


The Rolls-Royce Silver Soul started up with a bang.

The engine worth more than 90 million roared, extremely breathtaking.


The Rolls-Royce Gintama drove to the gate of Baoli High School.

Looking at the boys and girls with green pheasants on their faces, who were in the best years of their lives, Ye Yang was also filled with memories.

These boys and girls looked at the luxury cars outside the door and were amazed.

"That man is so handsome!"

"He must be the legendary brother of Ye Xiaozi, the first on the goddess list!"

"Super awesome, he beat up Wang Taihao as soon as he showed up, and made the former richest man Wang Silin apologize in public! Awesome!"

"He must be one of the super awesome people hidden in the legend of China!"

"More handsome, more perfect, and more rich than the male protagonist in the novel!"

"I admire him so much!"


(First update)

It's a little late, there will be another update later.

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