"……Do you mean you are not going to meet my request?"

Wang Taihao couldn't help laughing when he heard Ye Yang's words, which seemed to him to be ignorant of the heaven and earth:"Who do you think you are! ? You dare not provoke anyone, but today you can't even stop me.!"

"Then why don't you try it?"

Ye Yang sneered:"As for the uncle you rely on? If I make him the richest man, he will be! If I want to make him bankrupt, I only need one word!"


The students around were all shocked.

"He wasn't talking about any of his elders, he was talking about himself! With just one word, he could make Wang Silin fall from the position of the richest man! ? Even bankrupt him! ?"


"Damn, this is too fake.……"

Some people who originally disliked Wang Taihao were a little hesitant after hearing Ye Yang's bold words.

After all, what Ye Yang said was too absurd and outrageous, beyond everyone's imagination.

"Impossible! It's impossible!"


"I've said long ago that this is just bragging! The car and the beauty might be rented to show off! Who in the business world dares to talk to Wang Silin's nephew like this! ?"

Wang Taihao's younger brothers and fans took the opportunity to mock him.

"Hahaha... I thought you were some big shot, but based on this sentence, I can tell that you are a lunatic!"

Wang Taihao breathed a sigh of relief and became arrogant:"You made me lose everything with just one sentence. I will ask you to say 100 million sentences! Talk until you die! Let's see if you can make me bankrupt?"

"Could it be that you know some magic? Hahahaha... I am dying of laughter"

"Haha... I checked your family, it's just an ordinary working class family, why are you pretending to be so arrogant in front of me??"

"People from the lower class like you are lucky enough to be noticed by me. That is the blessing you have earned in eight lifetimes!"

"Still shameless! ?"

"I tell you, even if I ask you to wash your sister and hand her over to me today, you still have to be grateful.……"


Wang Taihao's arrogant words were not finished yet.

A slapping sound that could be said to be resounding around made the whole world fall into dead silence.

Everyone, including Ye Xiaozi and Li Wanrou, was completely stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes at all!!!

The classmates next to them had their hearts jumping out of their throats at this time!

What did they see!?

Ye Yang actually turned into an afterimage and slapped Wang Taihao, causing him to spin backwards!?

"I... F*ck!!!"

After a long while, someone finally sighed from the bottom of their heart.……

"Is this still a human being!?"

"With this slap, the person flew five or six meters away, and his head must have been smashed to pieces, right? ?"

"Oh my god... there is actually someone in this world who dares to attack Wang Taihao……"

"Too fierce!!!"

"Awesome! I really have nothing to say! It’s so awesome! I kneel down to Brother Ye today!!!"

Everyone climaxed!

This slap made all the girls who had been bullied by Wang Taihao and the boys who couldn’t stand him vent their anger!

"He is dead! How dare he beat Wang Taihao like this! He is destined to spend his whole life in prison!"

"That's right! The person who dares to slap Wang Shao in the face hasn't been born yet!"

Wang Taihao's crazy fans are all filled with righteous indignation at this moment.

"Haha, if they dare to fight, it proves that they have the strength! Stop talking nonsense here, you brainless fans!"

The people on the side were inspired by this slap and kept scolding the brainless fans.


"You dare to hit the young master!!!"

The bodyguards on the side finally reacted.

After all, Ye Yang's action just now was almost beyond the limit of human beings, and his strength was beyond their imagination.

The consequences of his instant attack stunned them all!

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan looked at each other, and they both attacked directly without any nonsense.

Xiao Xiaozhu seemed weak, but she was covered with hidden weapons and poisons. In a few seconds, anyone who was touched by her body instantly collapsed on the road.

Xiao Qingxuan seemed much more violent.

She kicked one by one, and three or four bodyguards knelt on the ground and wailed. They were afraid that they would not be able to get up for a while.

"This...this, this, this...each one is so ferocious!"

"Is this a martial arts master?! He is really awesome!"


The students around were all stunned.

Seven or eight bodyguards! All knocked down by the two girls...

At this time, Ye Yang also slowly walked to Wang Taihao's side.

One hand pinched the other's neck and lifted him up.

Wang Taihao's face was shattered by his slap, and there were probably only a few teeth left.

"Little bastard, remember, there are always people better than you. In this world, I, Ye Yang, am the one you can't afford to offend!"

Ye Yang sneered. He always advocated that a gentleman should not take revenge overnight. He has already touched the bottom line of his family.

If he doesn't take revenge on the spot, he is really unworthy of being a human being!


At this time, Wang Taihao had almost been slapped to death by this slap, and was already on the border between consciousness and coma.

When he saw Ye Yang, he was only conscious of fear, trembling all over, and making unclear begging sounds...

(The third update, there is one more~ Brothers and sisters who like this book, don't forget to reward and give a five-star rating~)

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