Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 785: Positive energy! Friends

The BMW driver is feeling miserable!

If he doesn't apologize, his company will fire him!

There are also conflicts at home, and his wife is forcing him to apologize, otherwise the matter will not be settled!

The night after he finished shooting the video, he fell ill from exhaustion.

Video below.

Many netizens left messages.

"That's pretty much it! But it's not the power of our fans! If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be able to apologize!"

"Originally, I thought he was the wronged Liuzi, but I didn't expect that he actually had two bowls of powder in his stomach! Haha!"

"If I don't forgive you, it depends on what our kind lady says!"


"Dang Dang!"

Looking at the man kowtowing to them on the screen, the two girls filming the video felt the feeling of being superior to others for the first time!

I am an internet celebrity!

Hundreds of thousands of fans!

Even if an ordinary person is teased or wronged by us, he still has to kneel down and beg for our forgiveness!

"Haha, it's so exciting to feel like you're cheating people like this without having to take responsibility!"

The girl has never felt that she is so awesome. At this time, she is so excited that she feels that she has already ascended to heaven. She is the queen in the sky, overlooking the world, and has the illusion that everything is under her control.

"That's almost it. Don't really drive people crazy. If the police intervene and adjust the video, it will not end well for us."

Another girl reminded.


The kind goddess nodded and immediately took a video.

"I can also understand how this big brother doesn't want to admit that he has done bad things! Just pay attention to moral standards in the future! I never thought about asking fans to remind you! It's all my fault~ This matter is not a big deal in the first place , family members, let’s let this big brother go!”


As soon as the video was released, the comment area was abuzz.

"My goddess wife is so beautiful!"

"That's right!"

"Look at our goddess! Look at that wretched garbage driver! They are as different as heaven and earth! They are both human beings, so why is there such a big gap!?"

"Haha, our beautiful goddess is the absolute child! Yyds! So beautiful! Mmmmm!"

"I suggest the country give our beautiful goddess a noble spirit award!"


After such a tug of war, the beauty goddess obviously won.

The number of fans has skyrocketed to more than 500,000.

As for the driver, it ended sadly...

Ye Yang frowned and witnessed this online tug-of-war, and sighed secretly in his heart.

It is really difficult for an ordinary person to tell the truth...

If I am not the No. 1 Douyin brother, or the woman did not recognize me at that time.

So, he is the one being bullied by the Internet today!

If he were just an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would be as powerless as that BMW guy! ?

Sometimes now, it seems that the Internet has become a place where whoever has the loudest mouth and can deceive others has the right to speak.

On the contrary, people who work hard and have correct views are always marginalized by others. People think that this person has too correct views and always likes to say useless truths. Let's go! Pay attention to shit!

In the absence of truth, demons are at work.

He hated this situation extremely. Since this happened to him today, he still had to slap these mobsters and online toxic anchors in the face!

This evil phenomenon must be stopped!

After that, he directly sent the video using his own account.


In Douyin, Ye Yang is the well-deserved number one brother.

Moreover, he is a super brother who only has two videos to his name!

It can be said that every time Ye Yang posts a video, it is a big event that shakes Douyin!

Tens of millions of fans are eagerly waiting for his broadcast every day...

After all, there might be over a billion red envelopes dropped. If anyone is lucky enough to grab a few million, his or her life will change in an instant, and it will be possible to change his life from now on!

Therefore, although Ye Yang is the slowest in updating videos among all the top Douyin anchors,... his fan stickiness is the highest!

No one can compare!

Too late!

"Holy crap! Ye Shenhao updated!?"

"What is this? It seems to be a video..."


"Does anyone know what this is?"

Tens of millions of fans clicked in instantly.

"I know! Isn't this the positive video that has become popular these days? Damn it! It turns out this is actually the case!"

"I'm just telling you! How could I have taken this photo at just the right time! It turned out to be staged on purpose!"

"Those Internet mobs are really good! They actually made people kneel down and kowtow to apologize!"

"I'm furious!"

"Let's go! I have to scold this beautiful goddess! Who is she! After she apologized, she pretended to be a savior goddess, with a big face and a big face, pretending to be cool! I'm so stupid that I can't see it Fuck this bitch!”

"I've long seen that this bitch doesn't look like a silversmith!"

"That's right! You actually deceived my feelings! I can't bear this!"

"I have become an accomplice of evil people for no reason!!!"


Everyone was furious.

This video instantly reached the top of the charts!

The two girls were so frightened that their legs went weak.

I thought that my dream of getting rich was just around the corner, but it turned out...

He was almost dead after being slapped by Ye Shenhao...

Dimension crushing!

Many fans came in and scolded them bloody.

But women like them who are born without kindness and shame certainly feel that they are not wronged and feel that they have been wronged!

Immediately, another video was released.

"Ye Shenhao relied on his position as the top brother of Douyin to bully us online! Oh! I feel very uncomfortable now and feel depressed! Now I am taking antidepressants!

Family members, please protect your beauty! Look clearly at the ugly face of Ye Shenhao! He was also one of the people who threw the bottle that day! He is the same as the driver, but we were afraid that he had a lot of money and power, so we didn't dare to take pictures! Resist online violence! Resist traffic hegemony!!!"

After the video was released.

Someone instantly found something wrong.

"You let it slip! Who are the 'we' you mentioned? It was a premeditated shooting!"

"That's right! That's the surveillance of the Highway Bureau! It was released by the official! How can it be fake!?"


Soon, Ye Yang's personal comment was pushed to the top.

"They said they were cyberbullied.

Someone asked them what happened?

They said: I told them exactly what they did."

"Ye Shenhao is so awesome!"

"Haha, it feels so good to be criticized!"

"This kind of low-quality anchor, who is willing to step on others to get to the top in order to attract attention, is simply too rubbish!"

"Must be banned!"

"This beautiful goddess, I reported her! My friends, am I doing the right thing?"

"The above is just positive energy!"


(Second update)

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