"Why are you pretending to be cool in front of me?"

Ye Yang has always disliked such self-righteous nonsense.

He immediately stopped talking and shot each of his limbs.


Screams like slaughtering pigs rushed into the sky, and blood flowed...

"You, how dare you!!! You..."


Ye Yang slapped him directly.

His strength is not comparable to that of Chen Wangsheng, who has only practiced three axes.

With the slap, the two warriors driving the president were not even able to catch him. The president was like a cannonball and was sent flying backwards by the slap.


It hit the wall behind, cracking the bricks and leaving lines...

"Cough cough cough..."

The president lay on the ground coughing up blood and looked at Ye Yang in horror.

"If you use common sense to speculate on me, you are totally wrong!"

Ye Yang sneered: "The era of bullying honest people you mentioned, with me, such things will no longer exist in China's future!"

"I will use the death penalty for such a vicious person like you! Now, I am also a part of China's will. I am fully authorized to act as my agent. From this moment to the time when you are officially taken into custody, everything is I have the final say, do you understand?"

Ye Yang stepped on the president's head, flattening his face and pressing him into the soil.

"You are so brave to attack my family!"

He gave him another hard chop, crushing his ribs.

"You've done so many heinous things, and you still want to be shot dead?"

"The parents of the children you abducted don't agree!"

“Families corrupted by drugs don’t admit it!”

"Those innocent souls you killed will never rest in peace!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Ye Yang has read the files and knows exactly what the black source is. One of the people responsible here, even if he died ten thousand times, it would not be enough to repay the sins he committed.

A death sentence would offset the crimes they had committed.

Then the law is too lenient and merciful!

He disagrees!

The president's whole body was almost crushed to pieces.

"What did you see?"

Ye Yang turned around and asked lightly.

"During the arrest, the members of Black Source resisted arrest and fought to the death with General Ye. However, they were not good at martial arts and were slightly injured."

The soldiers and SWAT officers answered in unison.

The voice echoed in the sky, making the president extremely desperate.

"I told you, you want to die? It's not that easy!"

Ye Yang sneered: "I want you to taste the pain of every person you kill before you die!"

He absolutely hated the idea of ​​being kind to bad guys.

Don’t criminals commit crimes because they feel that no matter how hard they try to commit suicide, the punishment they get will not be greater than death?

The most evil people should be punished with the most evil punishment.

Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, this is the way of heaven!

If the world were full of holy mothers and bad people.

It is up to him, Ye Yang, to practice this way of heaven!

"And you."

Ye Yang looked at other high-level officials of Black Source.

These high-level officials usually kill without blinking an eye and are indifferent to their own deaths. After all, in their hearts, they feel that the worst thing they can do is die.

What's the big deal?

Having made so much money and killed so many people, it’s already enough!

However, after seeing Ye Yang actually dare to break the rules and treat the president like this, he was paralyzed with fear...

He was shot and died instantly.

It doesn't matter.

But it would be terrible if you were tortured...

"I know that you will not repent until you die. But I want you to repent, and repent sincerely."

Ye Yang walked towards them calmly: "After all, I have always convinced people with reason."


Wails and pleas for mercy rose to the sky from the mouths of these people who claimed to be indifferent to human nature, claimed to be beyond the world of mortals, and claimed to be fearless.

What is indifference? What is fearlessness?

I just have never seen real fear!

What is willfulness? What is self-righteousness?

They just haven’t been truly educated!

Ye Yang knows...

Every one of the people here was countless times more cruel to the people they killed than he was to them tonight.

Ripping off skin and bones, threatening family members, killing relatives, and treating them with violence can be described as inhumane.


He was caught in the middle of the night and sent to prison at dawn.

However, they were all taken away by ambulance and sent directly to the prison hospital emergency room.


Ye Yang turned around.

He said to several other people in charge: "Don't let him die before he spits out all the information, but don't let them 'alive' for a second either."


Several responsible persons are Taoists.


Ye Yang nodded and waved his hand: "Clean up and we can close the team."

The next day, the report of the lion awakening operation arrived on his desk.

"It's really... it's causing endless harm!"

He sighed.

In last night's confrontation, thanks to Chen Wangsheng's intelligence, almost all of them were conquered without injury. When they reached the core circle of the underground fortress, a brief exchange of fire broke out. Three people were injured, but none of them were life-threatening.

One soldier and two special policemen.

All 203 members of the Black Source China headquarters were arrested.

However, under the Chinese headquarters, Black Source also has branches throughout China.

Now they are cut off from the international black source. After getting the information later, they can be defeated one by one, and it will not become a big trend.

The leaders of China Shipping specially called him to congratulate him.

Black Source is one of the largest black organizations in China. It has been recorded in the core files. Now it was finally uprooted during the lion awakening operation that Ye Yang was responsible for.

This is great joy.

This merit cannot be said to be insignificant!

Ye Yang sat in the examination room, flipping through the information that had been 'interrogated' over the past few days.

He took a sip of tea and sighed.

What is recorded in the file is just the tip of the iceberg of Black Source crimes...

He couldn't imagine if he wasn't in a high position and commanded huge power. As an ordinary person, how desperate would it be to face the pressure of such an organization...

One of the cases involved sending someone to behead his entire family.

Then the scapegoat was killed, and their organization was hidden in the dark without anyone knowing about it.

"After inventory, a huge amount of stolen money worth nearly 400 billion was found in the Black Source headquarters, plus all the personal properties of these personnel."

The investigator went through the list.

This is after discounting! And it’s 400 billion in cash...

Even if a large company like Tengxun wanted to take it out, it would be very difficult and the cash flow would be cut off...

"It's so vicious and shocking!"

Ye Yang shook his head: "Ask for opinions from the families of the victims. As long as they are willing, they can be present when the Black Source group executes the death penalty, and they can also participate in the execution."

Special things are done.

As the person in charge, he has this power.

(Second update)

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