Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 826 Ye Yang's Energy

"Okay!!! I want to see how you, a mere second-generation rich man, can prevent me from gaining a foothold in the Magic City!!!"

Bill gritted his teeth. He originally wanted to come to China to use the American consortium to suppress others and snatch the love, but in the end, he was crushed by others.

Then he left with a sneer.

Now even his beloved Batmobile is trapped here and can't be driven out.

He can only go out and take a taxi in embarrassment...

The elites of Wharton Business School all opened their mouths wide, and couldn't believe this scene at all.

This is really too outrageous.

The eldest son of the Mason Consortium, one of the top ten consortiums!

He was actually crushed...

And he ended up with such an embarrassed back.

This made them say that they had learned a lot.

"It seems that what the vice president said about China undergoing a huge change is indeed true."

"A casual rich second generation has such power, it seems that we need to be more low-key in China."

"That's right..."

A group of business school elites were quite shocked by this scene, and they kept saying that they should be low-key in China, and they must be low-key!!!

Most of them have good family conditions.

However, many of them are just ordinary wealthy families, which are calculated into Chinese currency, about hundreds of millions or tens of billions.

They want to airfreight the car in the United States, which is not something that their families can do.

And even if they are just inspecting it, they will not do such a self-inflicted trouble.

Since the vice president asked them to experience it, they should go around the Magic City before going.

They just went to take a taxi directly.

Only the furious Bill was left, and his face was completely lost: "I must find a magnificent headquarters to suppress your momentum! Grab your girlfriend! Make you regret it!"

After that, he left angrily.

On the other side

Liu Qianqian and Ye Yang have already arrived at the roadside night snack place.

"I haven't been back for a year, I'll take you back to the taste of my motherland."

Ye Yang smiled and ordered a skewer and draft beer.

It's been a long time since he ate at this kind of roadside food stall.

With the badge of momentum, if he doesn't make a fuss, no one will notice him.


The two chatted a lot, including recent news.

"I didn't expect that Brother Ye has experienced so much in just one year."

Liu Qianqian looked at Ye Yang with bright eyes, admiring him very much.

"Haha, it's okay."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

After eating and drinking, they walked around the streets of the Magic City for a few times and bought some small gifts worth 10 or 8 million yuan.

"It's getting late, shall I take you back to your home?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Liu Qianqian's family has several houses in the Magic City, and if you don't ask clearly, you don't know where to send them.

"I'm not going back!"

Liu Qianqian pursed her lips: "I came back mainly to see you, otherwise I wouldn't have signed up for this study group. Don't try to escape tonight!"

Ye Yang was stunned.

She put her hands on Ye Yang's shoulders, her eyes shy and charming: "I think about you every day, brother~ What are you going to use to repay my thoughts?"

Ye Yang lifted her hair, said no more, and kissed her directly.

The lights of the Magic City are bright, and people are coming and going on the streets.

The loving figures are reflected in the eyes of pedestrians, with a warm and warm light...

The car drove all the way to Linjiang Community.

Although Liu Qianqian has no shortage of houses, Ye Yang still gave her a large flat. After all, people need personal space.

Liu Qianqian's mother has the key to the house.

What if she is doing something good inside and is bumped into by her mother, how embarrassing!

From the door to the inner room, Liu Qianqian almost didn't touch the cloth. She has been thinking about it for a year, and now she is anxious and passionate.

She hung directly on Ye Yang, half-sitting on his waist, and then slowly slid down...

Liu Qianqian was very hot inside.

This was also reflected in her figure.

After a long drought, the rain came. At the beginning, it lasted from nightfall to dawn.


This night.

The confrontation between Bill and Ye Yang outside Hongqiao International Airport was spread by the people who followed behind to watch the excitement.

Soon, the matter spread throughout the business community of Magic City.

Perhaps in other parts of China, Ye Yang's influence is not very great.

After all, his main identity is not public. With the identity of a wealthy businessman and a celebrity, a strong dragon cannot suppress a distant snake.

But in Magic City, Ye Yang is the supreme business leader who has the final say.

Once a word is released, as long as it does not violate the fundamental interests, many businessmen in Magic City will follow it.

"Dad, have you heard about the dispute between Ye Yang and the young master of Mason Group?"

"What? Is there anyone in Shanghai who dares to mess with Mr. Ye? The young master of Mason Group has never suffered a loss!"

The older generation of businessmen in Shanghai shook their heads.

As if they had foreseen Bill's fate.


That night, many of Shanghai's top businessmen received rental applications.

"What!? They want to rent our building as their headquarters!?"

When the chairman of Tianhuan Group heard this, his hands trembled with fear: "Reject it quickly! Do it in a high-profile way! Mr. Ye must know about this."

"But boss, they are offering more than double the normal price..."

The secretary was a little unwilling.

That's money!

Just because of a little reputation, you are scared to stop making money? Are you still a businessman! ?

"In Shangyanshang, even if we take over this business, the Demon City Governor can't say anything, right!?"

The secretary muttered.

"A prodigal bitch with long hair and short knowledge!"

The chairman of Tianhuan Group slapped the table: "Buying Mr. Ye's face is worth far more than tens of billions! If you don't buy it, it will be a matter of life and death for our group!"

"Is it that serious?"

The secretary frowned. She was called secretary, but she was actually a mistress. If Tianhuan made more money, she would be able to share more when the old man died.

Of course I hope to earn more.


The chairman of Tianhuan Group shook his head: "This Mr. Ye's energy is beyond my imagination. He is the number one person in the city who cannot be offended. This time I refuse the Mason Group to do something nice for me. I have to refuse anyway." , might as well hype it up again!”


The secretary nodded.

I was equally frightened inside.

Although she had heard that Ye Yang was a big shot, this was the first time she truly felt his energy.

Not even a word was said.

A single rumor scared the old man who owned one of the most impressive buildings in the city to fear that he would become like this. He even refused the cooperation invitation of the Mason Group, one of the top ten consortiums in the United States...

Such a scene happened in various real estate building offices in Shanghai this night.

The next day, in major financial newspapers, the news that major real estate developers in the Magic City rejected the Mason Group in a high-profile manner made the front page headlines and caused a sensation in the entire Magic City!

And Bill, who was sitting in the supreme suite of the hotel, widened his eyes and fell into a long confusion...

(First update)

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