Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 828 Both sides smiled at each other

On this day, the Empire Financial Building in the Magic City.

Lanterns and colors.

Companies that rent floors were all invited to watch the move-in ceremony of Mason Group, one of the top ten financial groups in the United States.

Dozens of chairman gathered around Fang Xiao, chairman of Chongye Company.

Among them, there is naturally Zhang Wanmin.

Zhang Wanmin's Wanmin Software Development Company is just a medium-sized ordinary company among many companies.

It stands to reason that he cannot stand beside Fang Xiao, the biggest boss.

However, now the owner of the building, the god of Chinese business, super boss Ye Yang, has worked as an intern in their company, and even bought shares in their company.

A son is more valuable than his father.

With Ye Yang as the eldest father, Zhang Wanmin's status in the building has also risen.

Although he doesn't have the most money, he is very respected.

Now standing here, the person with the lowest net worth is Zheng Xian.

Although he followed Ye Yang in two waves of stock trading and made more than two billion yuan, he was still the bottom of the pile in this building.

But because he is Ye Yang's best friend, these chairman of the board usually take the initiative to call Zheng Xian brothers.

Now Zheng Xian is also standing next to Fang Xiao, talking and laughing with the chairman of the board.

Many people envy him for having such an awesome brother.

They also know the inside story of the Mason Consortium's 20 billion purchase of the building's floor lease rights.

"Mr. Ye is so good at this!"

"I heard that Bill was going to invite Mr. Ye to the opening that day to make Mr. Ye look good?"

"Ha ha……"

The chairman and bosses couldn't help but feel happy thinking about the good show that was going to be staged soon.

"This foreigner, I heard he doesn't think highly of us China, is going to suffer greatly this time."

"Those who don't know how to respect their opponents will always lose miserably."


Competition in China is extremely cruel.

People who can achieve this kind of wealth are not as scheming as a rich young man like Bill.

"It's not good to offend anyone. You have to offend Mr. Ye, who is China's aloof business god."

"However, Mr. Ye is very low-key. Even when he appears in public, he usually only shows the tip of the iceberg, either celebrities, martial arts, or huge gambling. On the contrary, it is these hot topics that obscure him. The awesomeness.”


All the chairman of the board sighed.

I have to say that Ye Yang’s skillful approach impressed them all!

Many of the truly richest and most powerful people keep a low profile for fear of being discovered by others.

But Ye Yang did the opposite.

He continues to be on hot searches and continues to build his own IP. Now he has great influence and can be regarded as a national star.

But take a closer look at his hotly searched news. It’s either about martial arts, movies, or hundreds of billions of bets.

Everyone thinks that betting hundreds of billions is a big deal, so their understanding of Ye Yang is at the level of being worth hundreds of billions, but not one trillion.

After all, this is already considered a top existence.

However, it is precisely this preconceived illusion that obscures its true horror.

Only those who really know Ye Yang know how unfathomable he is, with so many identities and so much energy that it is impossible to fathom!

"This Bill probably regards Mr. Ye as an ordinary top wealthy businessman in China and ignores him at all. He is going to suffer a big loss this time."


Everyone said that Ye Yang was only worth hundreds of billions or trillions.

It can confuse those forces that really pose some threat to him!

Just like the Mason Consortium, they still haven't realized the terrible consequences of this matter...

But Ye Yang's true core identity, whether he is the leader of the Hurricane Army, the vice-state of China, a reserve general, or a black technology company, has been deeply hidden by him, and very few people know about it.

Even if he is the real behind-the-scenes controller of Shentu Company, not many people around the world can find out. They only know that he is one of the shareholders.

Knowing that Mark Jin and the other big guys belong to his younger brother, they are just the top wealthy businessmen in China who had a party.

This time Bill invited a lot of people.

It was obviously intended to humiliate Ye Yang in public.


They couldn't imagine it anymore, the scene was so embarrassing just thinking about it.

The house was full of guests.

Many Chinese real estate developers have applied to come and attend the banquet.

Bill proudly said: "Is this because they saw that our Mason Group is qualified to establish a foothold in the Magic City, and that I won the game with Ye Yang, and then they belatedly wanted to hug me? Okay! Let them come over! I Humiliated together!”


In this way, all the real estate tycoons of Magic City who had originally rejected the Mason Group's leasing request came to the banquet with smiles on their faces and radiant faces.

Bill looked at the local bosses in the Demon City in the audience.

There was something strange in my heart.

"Do all Chinese people love to laugh so much? But I don't know why, but it feels like they laugh very obscenely..."

The old butler boasted that he was proficient in Chinese culture and kept saying: "This China is very particular about not hitting people with smiles. Maybe I am afraid that you, young master, will settle old scores! I know that the rise of our Mason Consortium in the Magic City is unstoppable, and I want to repair our relationship with you!"


Bill was so satisfied with his vanity that he puffed up his chest and scanned the audience: "Have you invited all the big guys in Shanghai?"

"Many people are preparing for tomorrow's conference on the sacred land, but none of them came. Only a small number of Wharton elites who have a good relationship with you, young master, and some families and consortiums sent some envoys here to celebrate our Mason consortium. "

The old housekeeper said.

"Huh!? Is that divine soil press conference really that important? They don't even give me the face of the Mason Consortium! These old guys!"

Bill muttered, if there are a few more international giants, they can increase the momentum and crush that Ye Yang!

Pry Liu Qianqian away in front of him!

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He looked at the wealthy Chinese businessmen in the audience smiling, and the wealthy Chinese businessmen smiled at him.

Both sides are getting happier and happier.

The scene was extremely festive for a moment...


"Then why doesn't Ye Yang come!? Why doesn't he come with my sweetheart! I can't bear it anymore! I can't wait to see his shocked, humiliated, frustrated face admitting his failure!"

Bill almost laughed.

after awhile.

After almost all the guests arrived.

It was the butler who told him that Ye Yang was here!

Today, Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian are wearing couple's casual clothes.

It was very casual, without the formal feel of attending a banquet.

Instead, it looks like a couple going shopping.

The atmosphere in the field became strange at this moment...

"How dare you come! I thought he was too embarrassed to come over! He was just showing off on the phone!"

When Bill saw Ye Yang and Liu Qianqian wearing couple's costumes, he gritted his teeth inwardly: "Let's see how you can still smile so brightly when you are humiliated by me!"

Thinking about it, he has already stepped forward to greet him...

(First update)

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