Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 856 How much money can a star make?

"You are the two female devils back then..."

Dahai realized that for such a big boss, he was so frightened by the shadow of his childhood that he took several steps back. He was a little embarrassed, coughed a few times, and said repeatedly.


Xiao Qingxuan chuckled: "As for that? Didn't I just beat you a few times, remember it till now?"

These two female overlords are so impressive.

One is strong on the outside and can fight, while the other is dark on the inside and can play with herbs.

Girls develop early. When Xiao Qingxuan was a child, she was naturally very strong and she was simply the king of children.

If the two of them hadn't been adopted suddenly, Dahai would have had no chance of being the leader.

"At that time, they seemed to have been adopted when they were very young, so they were unrecognizable. I didn't expect that these two beauty overlords would look so awesome when they were young!"

someone muttered.


Xiao Qingxuan glared.

A group of people had trembling legs.

Childhood shadows are the most difficult scars to heal in the human heart.

That’s really scary!

"Ahem, let's not talk about the embarrassing things from back then."

Dahai waved his hand and kicked out of his mind the bad memory of having several shoe prints on his face by Xiao Qingxuan when he was a child.

"I didn't expect you two to come back too."


Xiao Qingxuan raised her chin.

Dahai nodded: "Looking at how you are dressed, you are having a good time! I am happy for you!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both nodded: "You too."

It was indeed not easy to survive back then.

"I didn't expect that after so many years of not seeing each other, you have become so beautiful!"

When I was a child, my face was dirty and I couldn't tell whether I was beautiful or not.

In the crowd, there were several self-proclaimed successful young people, all of whom wanted to get together and make friends.

However, Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both stepped aside, one holding Ye Yang's left hand and the other holding Ye Yang's right hand.

He smiled slightly and looked at the successful young people who were about to come over.

"Holy shit!"

Five thunder strikes!

A group of people were confused.

Two super beauties!

Why are you all leaning on the same person!

They took a closer look and saw that he was indeed extremely handsome!

But just to treat two goddesses to eat snail noodles, I guess they don’t have much money, they are just pretty boys! ?

They thought sourly in their hearts.

"I'll go, isn't this the big star Ye Yang!"

Someone recognized Ye Yang and shouted.

Ye Yang pressed his hands and said with a smile: "Low-key, low-key."

More and more people recognized Ye Yang.

This is a big star!

Why shouldn’t he be worth hundreds of millions? ?

Those guys who claimed to be successful young people all smiled sarcastically, and the gap was not even a small amount.

They all came from orphanages and had no resources or support.

The so-called success refers to being a senior executive of a certain company and earning tens of thousands a month.

The success mentioned in Ye Yang's current circle is no longer the same concept...

"It's really rare for a big star to come to our Landong County!"

Apparently someone nearby also recognized Ye Yang.

There are not many technological intrusions here, the average salary is even lower, and people rarely watch movies. In the minds of many people, big stars are similar to the protagonists in storytellers, and do not exist in reality.

Unexpectedly, I saw it today.

Really handsome, don’t miss it!


Except for Dahai, there are few people present who can compare with the big stars.

All the elite young people are avoiding it.

Dahai and others all have families, and he laughed at this time: "How great are the big stars! Only martial artists like Mr. Ye can defeat you two female devils~"


Xiao Qingxuan shrugged nonchalantly.

"Let's go, isn't there a party? I want to see how the orphanage is doing in advance."

Xiao Xiaozhu said.

Listening to the conversation between Dahai and others just now, the orphanage is in a lot of trouble...


Dahai waved his hand and led a group of eight or nine people outside.

Ye Yang led the Xiao sisters from behind.

"What do they call you two devils?"

"Oh boss, don't listen to their nonsense~ We were very gentle when we were young! They are all random nicknames."

Xiao Qingxuan chuckled.

"That's right!"

Xiao Xiaozhu nodded repeatedly.

"Believe it or not!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes...

But think about it, if he didn't have some abilities that were different from other children, he wouldn't be focused on cultivating by Hurricane.

After all, the Hurricanes are still a killer organization.

It couldn't be that Xiao Qingxuan adopted them because they were too pitiful.


Most of the people present do not work in Landong.

Not many people are really capable of transporting luxury cars by air nearby, so Dahai directly rented a small passenger car today, which is more than enough for ten people.

Ye Yang glanced at the Kaibohe War Shield parked next to him, and finally took the two girls into the minibus in an understanding manner.

Showing off his wealth has lost its meaning to him today.

It's just a means of transportation, I don't want to be special.


The bus drove along the streets of the county town and soon arrived at the Changlan Hotel.

Along the way, the sea was bragging.

But he is indeed quite powerful, much more powerful than the old residents he found in the car, so everyone agrees with him.

Ye Yang also looked at it with a slight smile.

Although Dahai is a big boss to others, he actually only runs a chain of restaurants and has a net worth of about 200 million.

However, he is a righteous person, which makes people feel good, so his small problem of bragging is not a problem.

He just doesn't like those rubbish who pretend to be cool and have to step on others to show their abilities. If it doesn't hurt others for his own benefit, he generally doesn't care what others do.


After bragging for a while, Dahai was tired.

He also found that his bragging could no longer attract everyone's attention. More and more people looked back with a sly look.

After all, the beautiful woman is really attractive.

So he simply stopped bragging and watched the people next to him chatting with Ye Yang.

"This big star must make a lot of money a year, right?"

Someone asked repeatedly.

"As for my acting career, I haven't made much money yet. After all, I only made one movie. I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to become popular directly. In fact, I didn't get much pay."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

Although "Ye Wen" is popular all over the world, it is now the world's No. 1 box office in film history, with a box office of tens of billions.

But he decided to share the box office revenue.

As an actor, he only received less than 700 million yuan.

Of course, if he was an investor, it would be more...

700 million yuan, for him, it is just a drop in the bucket, it is really little.

"Ah, this!"

He wanted to be a little more low-key and modest, but others only felt his Versailles.

Good guy, the first movie you acted in is the first in film history!

Are you going to let other actors live! ?

This is too amazing!

(First update)

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