Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 861: Pointing to Jiangshan Roushan Brother

"This!? Brother Lin, no, not at all!"

Seeing Lin Yaoxi coming over aggressively, Hu Sanqian immediately became timid.

This guy is a madman. His father has said that this kid has been unstoppable recently, with good luck and cruelty.

He doesn't care about the consequences of everything, but every time he does something, the result is unexpectedly good.

He acts recklessly. If he is really beaten here, I'm afraid he can only suffer in silence.

"My father is Hu Sanwan!"

Hu Sanqian threw out his last trump card.

But as expected, it was useless. Lin Yaoxi didn't care at all!

He was reckless in himself, not to mention for his benefactor Ye Yang.

Hu Sanqian became timid directly. While Lin Yaoxi didn't hit him, he bowed directly: "Boss Ye! I was wrong! I was talking nonsense just now! Please don't be offended! I apologize to you!"

"Good guy!"

"Young Master Hu is timid!"


Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

Awesome, there is no other word to describe it except these two words!

Hu Sanqian is a big boss in their eyes, and Lin Yaoxi is a super big boss. Now Ye Yang's status and image in their hearts have risen sharply and become extremely mysterious.

"I just don't know what this big boss is."

"It's really powerful! In the entire Guangxi business community, except for the three richest men, no one can force Hu Sanqian to bow his head. After today, the names of Lin Yaoxi and Ye Yang will be well-known in the Guangxi business community!"

"Not bad!"


Everyone present kept sighing.


Still got a slap in the face.

Hu Sanqian was stunned: "Brother Lin, I apologized, why did you hit me!?"

"If you don't apologize, it will be more than just this slap!"

Lin Yaoxi's eyes were like lightning: "Remember, if anyone disrespects Mr. Ye in the future, I will fight to the death with all my wealth!"

Everyone present bowed their heads.

This is crazy!

People with billions of assets are fighting with you, this is not a joke.

Who can stand this! ?

All were scared.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This guy is really a die-hard fan!

"Okay, it's just a farce. We have to go to the orphanage after dinner."

Ye Yang stopped him at the right time.

"Yes, yes! Going to charity is the purpose of our visit this time!"

"Mr. Ye is right!"

"Haha, everyone hurry up and eat. After eating, let's get down to business!"

Everyone said again and again.

Hu Sanqian rubbed his face and sat in his seat in silence.

Originally, he was the most eye-catching guy today!

He should be the king of bullying!

But what happened.

He didn't pretend to be bullying, but was slapped in the face!


"Humph, fortunately I have a backup today, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss today."

Hu Sanqian snorted in his heart.

When he went to donate later, he arranged a beautiful reporter, and he came prepared!

I won't make trouble again, but you can't stop me from donating money! ?

You boasted a hundred times more than me, but you didn't donate as much as I did. Aren't you ashamed? ?

He sneered inwardly.

Fortunately, he was fully prepared today.

Otherwise, he would never get back at this.

After all, Ye Yang and Lin Yaoxi are both real big guys. When donating money, they will be more awesome than him, a rich second generation.


He raised his head and sneered.

But when he saw Lin Yaoxi looking over, he immediately lowered his head to eat vegetables...

When everyone saw this scene, they all wanted to laugh, but they couldn't really laugh, and they were so stifling.

After a while, they finished their meal.

Changlan Hotel is Lin Yaoxi's property, so naturally they won't charge money.

Everyone took buses or private cars and headed towards the orphanage...


The county town is not big, and soon they arrived in front of the orphanage.

Many people have gathered here.

"How did it become like this?"

After Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan got out of the car, their eyes flashed with fluctuations.

In front of them, the building had collapsed, and many excavators were constantly digging something here.

Next to the building, there were some simple houses.

Very simple.

In front of the excavator, two teams of burly men stood, smoking and looking at the group of people next to them with a look of arrogance.

Behind the big man, there was a simple shed on the construction site.

In the shed, there was a wine table.

Two men in suits and leather shoes exchanged cups and laughed happily.

"Brother, a lot of people came today! The old dean has forced you to no end, so you have called back all the people you can call!"

The man with a pointed face and dark skin on the opposite side grinned.

"Haha, that dead old man, this is his last struggle, he has no trump card to play."

A man with a small green dragon tattooed on his face and an absurdly fat body like a mountain sat opposite and drank a small cup of wine with his head tilted back.

"I see there are reporters! Will there be any problems here?"

The sharp-nosed and monkey-faced man said worriedly, "If the things here are exposed, we're all doomed."

"Haha, what the hell! If you don't say it and I don't say it, who here can expose this?"

Roshan Man threw the wine cup on the table: "Besides, when he forced the old man to build the orphanage, he didn't strictly follow the terms of land purchase and purchase. He used his head to scrape up 50 million for the land purchase, so that we can Stop redevelopment?”

"Ahem, it's said that these people came back just to donate money to charity and help the orphanage."

The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man was still a little worried.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Roshan Man burst out laughing, making the shed tremble: "Charity? I have been living in Guangxi for so many years, and I have seen a lot of philanthropists. How many of them are sincerely engaged in charity? Of the ten who engage in charity, five have ulterior motives. The remaining two are for fame and the other two are for profit.”

He pointed his hand at the noisy crowd outside: "Even though this group of people is big, they are just a bunch of rabble. Those who really want to do charity usually don't have money. Those who come with bad intentions will naturally be disappointed when they see that there is no profit. No bleeding."

"Today, they came full of pride, but they are destined to return in defeat."


The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks laughed and toasted repeatedly: "Brother Shan, you are well-informed! You can point out the country!"


Roshan Man was touted to be very useful: "However, those guys led by that old guy are indeed a problem."

He was talking about Dahai and the others. He didn't know if the others really wanted to come back to do charity.

But Dahai and others must be sincere.

These people's assets are not low now.

If you go all out, you can pool all your cash and sell your assets to barely cover the purchase price.

They can't take over this land.

"But I have been around the world for so many years and have seen a lot. I am sure that they will not do this."

Give everything you have finally got? !

Anyway, people like him will never make this choice until they die.

(Second update)

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