After a whole day of playing, it was obviously very physically demanding.

After playing the project and watching the show,

Ye Yang and the four girls were taken to the Sea Cruise Restaurant by the princesses.

This is also the most expensive and most distinguished super fairytale restaurant in Disney.

"The dinner here is named the Starry Sea Dinner. The candlelight in the sky and the gentleness of the waves will accompany you throughout the meal~"

The princesses all said with a smile.

"Is this dinner for one table per boat? This is really worth it!"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

The entire cruise ship is not small, and the open-air floor has been transformed into a luxurious dining hall.

There is also a special band playing soothing and fairy-tale-like music.


The princesses were all smiling, neither denying nor admitting.

But they were both laughing and crying in their hearts. They kept shouting: How is it possible! This cruise ship was modified for you! It is the only one in the entire Disneyland!!!

However, the top management ordered to quietly give Ye Yang and his party super supreme VIP treatment, so that the boss would think that this is the treatment for normal people...

So, the princesses looked at Ye Yang and actually believed it, and they shed tears in their hearts. We don’t understand the world of rich people!

"Eating on a cruise ship is such a treat……"

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh, feeling the ups and downs of the ship and the diffused water vapor, as well as the elegant dining environment and food.

It was a super enjoyment!

"This is so comfortable!"

Ye Xiaozi smiled and said,"I really want to eat on the cruise ship every day and feel this kind of beauty!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled,"This is not impossible. As long as you want~"


Ye Xiaozi blinked:"What do you mean?"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin:"Your words remind me, I also like this feeling."

As he said, he directly dialed Yu Momo's phone.

The waiter and the princesses who served Ye Yang were all stunned.

What is this for!?

Even Li Wanrou tilted her head and looked at Ye Yang in confusion.

"Momo, please help me buy a water cruise restaurant like Disney later"

"Ah! ?"

Yu Momo was obviously shocked by Ye Yang's opening remarks, but then her professionalism made her calm down:"Boss, ahem, even if it is just a small cruise ship on the river, if you want to buy it in a short time, the price is……"

"You know, the price doesn't matter."

Yu Momo choked, but thinking that Ye Yang was shopping for groceries at a car show, he spent more than 10 billion on a car in one night. In fact, a small river dining cruise ship might not cost as much as the consumption that night at the car show...

Thinking of this, she felt relieved:"When do you want it?"

"Time?... Just deliver it to me within three days and put it in the public riverside leisure area next to the Linjiang community."

Ye Yang thought for a while and said

""Okay, boss! I'll get it done as soon as possible."

Yu Momo agreed.

"that is it……"

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction:

"Oh, by the way, have you managed to get the Ferrari I asked you to buy? I'll go back to Linjiang Community after I take them shopping."

"It's ok, I'll do it, master, are you still worried? Hehe~"

Yu Momo kissed across the phone

"Of course I'm relieved. Yes, okay."

Ye Yang put down the phone and found that the people around him had already been stunned.

The waiters and princesses beside him also seemed to be fixed, like puppets.

"Why don't you eat?"

Ye Yang asked with some confusion.


The waiters and princesses were all furious in their hearts. Big brother, you are so rich and inhumane! You really shocked us! ?

Because you think that eating on a cruise ship is a good experience, you just want to buy one! ?

Oh my god!

Is this the thinking of a super rich man! ?

At least hundreds of millions of entertainment and consumer goods were just given away casually during the meal! ?

The tone you just spoke was more casual than buying a bubble gum in the supermarket!

This phone call shattered the waiters and princesses' view of money.……

"cough cough……"

Even Li Wanrou was so shocked that she started to cough.

Her family had a good background, but buying a cruise ship worth hundreds of millions was not so easy!

"Brother, you're not really going to buy it, are you?"

Ye Xiaozi had a question mark on her face. She just mentioned it casually!

"Ah, I bought it."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded:"It's just a cruise ship, it's not that expensive. If my sister likes it, then I can just buy it."

"elder brother……"

Ye Xiaozi was so moved that her eyes became wet.

"Ahem... Actually, I also think it's good to eat like this. I have to buy it for my own enjoyment in the future~"

Ye Yang muttered with a guilty conscience.

"Humph! I knew you were such a stinky old man!"

Ye Xiaozi was about to cry out of emotion, but she burst out laughing.


The people around laughed.

After they had enough food and drink, a butler came over with a beautiful photo album.

"What is this?"

Ye Yang glanced at the album in confusion and asked in surprise

"This is the"record the beauty" value-added service that only the supreme VIP can have. The wonderful moments of you and your companions on this day in Disney are captured by our photographers and made into the best crystal album for your memories~" the butler bowed politely.

(First update, there are three more~

Thank you book friends Lin, Just can't sleep, Xiao, 1667/3806, 3742/3377, 3073/8311, 3250/6079 for the mooncakes~

Thank you book friend xxx for the invitation to climb the mountain~)

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