Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 925: Former Colleague with Deliberate Schemes: Sister Ya

More than a year ago, it was here that I bought a bottle of three-yuan Coke because of a blind date with a black potato.

The system woke up at that time, and the reward for spending three yuan was a Lamborghini Venom.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

He and Xu Xiaoxin walked into the restaurant.

That little black potato is a typical female boxing fighter who must turn against everything. Even after Ye Yang has seen many weird things in the world, she still ranks at the top.

Maybe it’s because God can’t stand the fact that I’ve committed such a big mistake and had a blind date with such a thing, so I’m rewarded by the system, right?

He looked at the bar in front.

Xu Xiaoxin gave up her status as the eldest lady of a wealthy family, went out to experience life, and worked part-time at the bar.

She handed him the bottle of Coke.

"You are really my little lucky star."

Ye Yang suddenly laughed.


Xu Xiaoxin raised her eyebrows.

Ye Yang shook his head and said nothing more.

"sit down."

Ye Yang picked a seat with good sunshine.

That little black potato is a valuable place to choose for a blind date.

Even in the eyes of the elite in the capital, a meal at this restaurant is expensive.

Of course, in Ye Yang's eyes now, it doesn't matter.

For two people to eat together in a hurry, it only costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

Of course, it will be more expensive if you add alcohol.

This kind of big restaurant all has in-house wine. A bottle is cheap at 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. If it is expensive, there is no upper limit.

For example, Hainan’s Royal Fresh Wine has tens of millions of rare wines.

Soon, the drinks and dishes were served.

"Hey? Isn't this Xiao Xu? How are you doing recently?"

A woman in uniform came over.

"Huh? Sister Ya?"

Xu Xiaoxin recognized the woman.

This was his fellow waiter when he came here to experience life.

"I heard that Sister Ya, you resigned?"

Xu Xiaoxin asked.


Sister Ya nodded: "A boss took a fancy to me and asked me to be the lobby manager. My monthly salary is now 18,000 yuan!"

Xu Xiaoxin smiled and said, "Congratulations to Sister Ya."

Sister Ya smiled slightly and glanced at Ye Yang: "Ah, isn't this the big star Ye Yang!? I said Xiaoxin, why did you also resign... It turned out that you found a big star! Let me tell you the same, you are She looks like a noble lady, how can she come to our restaurant and be a waiter~"

She felt very unhappy because girls all like to compare.

She had always been the most popular waiter in the restaurant, but just because Xu Xiaoxin came, she was no longer the prettiest one!

I no longer feel like the center of the crowd.

However, she had always hidden this idea in her heart very well, and she had secretly tricked Xu Xiaoxin several times and fined her some money, but she actually showed that she didn't care at all?

Why are you pretending to be a rich girl?

She was extremely unhappy inside. Why do you pretend to be so generous, like a princess in distress?

And become the center of the crowd?

Taking away what she had before?

Xu Xiaoxin was new to the world and had no idea about these secret things. When she saw Sister Ya, she greeted her cordially.

Ye Yang also smiled slightly.

However, he has much more experience than Xu Xiaoxin.

After all, he didn't grow up in a honeypot.

He could feel that Sister Ya was testing her both inside and outside her words.

Testing Xu Xiaoxin's current situation, showing her own strength, wanting to show off her superiority, and seeing that Xu Xiaoxin found a better male partner than her, the jealousy deep in her eyes could not be escaped.

So he directly exposed Xu Xiaoxin's background, thinking that Ye Yang didn't know that Xu Xiaoxin had worked as a waiter.

"Hmph, this little girl, now dressed up and sleek, is pretending to be Bai Fumei and deceiving God Ye's feelings! I have to expose her! Humph, now God Ye will definitely become angry, right!? I said why don’t you envy my monthly salary of nearly 20,000 yuan? It turns out that I’m hooking up with a male celebrity!”

In just a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed through Sister Ya's mind, and several palace fights were staged.

It can be said that he is thinking about the empress.


She was proud of her skillful means and achieved her goal in a few words without any sharpness.

Xu Xiaoxin, this silly and sweet person, still doesn’t know what’s going on!

Be angry!

Ye male god!

Dumping her makes me happy! ! !

She clenched her hands and thought in her mind.

One second...ten seconds...

"Hey? Sister Ya, what's wrong with you? Why are you so stupid?"

Xu Xiaoxin waved her hand in front of Sister Ya.

Sister Ya finally came back to her senses.


Why is Ye Nanshen not angry at all? !

How could he not be angry!

She is just a low-class girl working as a waitress!

It's better to find an elite like me who earns 20,000 yuan a month than to find this woman! ?

Is she just that much prettier than me? ? !

As she thought about it, she was so angry that her breathing became rapid...

Not willing to give in!

He kept talking about his time as a waiter.

"Xiaoxin worked very hard back then!"

"Xiaoxin came later, and I took her with me for several days!"


But no matter what he said, Ye Yang always treated him with a smile.

Even Xu Xiaoxin noticed something was wrong. This guy couldn't even change the subject...


Sister Ya saw Ye Yang was so determined, she was completely desperate, humph, anyway, my husband will be here soon!

His company is awesome, with a market value of more than 10 billion!

If he hadn't been cheated by a big boss, he would be a super big boss with a net worth of 2 billion now.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and now her husband is worth hundreds of millions!

He should be no worse than a new star...

Ye Yang, you like a woman I envy, I will never be your fan again!

I want to let you know who is the more worthy woman to love!

Sister Ya raised her head with great confidence, just in time to see her bald man walk in...

"Here! Here!"

Sister Ya waved.

Wang Changgui's eyes lit up, smiled lecherously, and walked over here...

(Second update)

Several readers complained that some people didn't know the protagonist.

Jiuyang explained: No matter how famous a person is, there will be some people who don't know him.

So there is such a logic:

As long as you know the protagonist, you won't come to provoke him.

Those who don’t know the protagonist or think they have some ability to suppress the protagonist will come up.

Those who are looking for trouble are the one percent who don’t know the protagonist. The ninety-nine percent who know the protagonist will not have any plot with the protagonist because they know the protagonist is a big shot.

It’s just like when you are sitting on the train going home during the Spring Festival, you will never interview the ninety percent of people who didn’t buy train tickets.

The academic term is survivor bias.

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