
Li Wanrou smiled faintly. She almost forgot how generous Ye Yang was!

"Bro...these dozen sets together must cost at least hundreds of millions! Too expensive……"

Ye Xiaozi was shocked.

She thought she would be satisfied with just one set, but Ye Yang wanted to buy them all! ?

"Don't worry about these unimportant things."

Ye Yang smiled and touched Ye Xiaozi's head:"I will tell you tonight, from now on, I want you to be a real princess, and everything else is no longer important."


Ye Xiaozi's eyes were slightly red:"Brother, you are too sentimental today... Xiaozi is so moved that she is about to cry."

"I have seen you cry since you were little, cry as much as you want, haha."

Ye Yang said with a wicked smile

"Damn brother! You are so rich, but you are still so rude!"

Ye Xiaozi rolled her eyes.


Ye Yang touched his nose and waved his hand:"Anyway, pack these up."

"Bro, my dorm closet can't hold so many clothes!……"

Ye Xiaozi said weakly

"Who said these will be delivered to your dormitory?"

Ye Yang smiled mysteriously, keeping it a secret. After swiping the card, he gave the address to the store manager:"After packing, send them all here."

""I understand!"

The manager smiled again and again.

This customer is a real super rich man. He bought the clothes worth tens of millions without blinking an eye!

Such a big customer must be grasped well!


Ye Yang nodded slightly, turned around and looked at Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu:"Don't stand next to me stupidly, why don't you go and choose clothes?"



The killer sisters were a little bit unbelievable.

"Of course, everyone who comes here today has a share."

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Li Wanrou:"You have worked hard to help my sister with her clothes. As a reward, you can pick up a few of the clothes you like."


Li Wanrou was not polite. As the day went by, the relationship between her and Ye Yang became more intimate. Instead, they felt that they had met too late. Ye Yang did not have the smell that she did not like on the second generation.

Instead, he felt extremely kind and gentle!

""Okay, let's go."

After everyone had spent a long time choosing,

Ye Yang also swiped his card and told everyone where to deliver the goods.

The manager also wrote it down carefully. After all, such big customers are rare.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host spent 2584w8569 to buy clothes, and the reward cash is 10 billion. It has been distributed in the underground vault of Yunding Mountain."

"It's actually cash?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

But whether it's cash or deposit, it's still money, so he doesn't mind.

"After buying clothes, let's go look at jewelry and watches~"

Ye Yang waved his hand and continued to stroll around Baoguang Bay.

When he reached the last jade shop.

Except for the fact that the quality of Li Wanrou's clothes was not a big change, the other three girls were simply transformed from black chickens into phoenixes!

Although Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu's previous clothes were good, they were obviously several levels lower than the current ones.

Especially Ye Xiaozi's contrast before and after was too big. When she returned to Baoli High School, she would definitely amaze the entire campus!

"How much are these bracelets and earrings?"

Ye Yang asked

"This jade bracelet is 500,000 yuan, and the platinum earrings are 288,000 yuan."

The shopping guide introduced with a smile.


Ye Yang frowned.

"Sir, the one you have is quite expensive. If you think the price is too high, we have the following styles.……"

The salesperson obviously completely misunderstood Ye Yang's meaning and explained

"It's too cheap, is there anything more expensive?"

Ye Yang put the jade bracelet and earrings back.


The salesperson was a little speechless.

My goodness, that is jewelry worth nearly a million!

You said it was too cheap! ?

The salesperson opened her mouth, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. It seems that there are really many super rich people in this magic city...

She took Ye Yang and others to the treasure area:"These are real super jewelry. The unit price of each model is not less than one million. They are the aristocrats among jewelry."


Ye Yang smiled and nodded, then he grabbed a sapphire necklace and compared it to Ye Xiaozi:"How much is it?"

"Ahem... sir, this Guardian Blue was worn by the British royal family in the 18th century. It is one of the most expensive treasures in our store. The one you have is a replica. If you want to buy the original, we will get it for you from the safe."

"It’s just that the price is... expensive……"

The shopping guide didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could this handsome guy grab the most expensive item right away?


Ye Yang smiled:"Ten digits?""

"Ahem... Of course not, of course not……"

The shopping guide was frightened by Ye Yang's boldness in speaking in ten figures, and his legs went weak:"Probably in the latter part of eight figures. If you really want to buy this 'Guardian Blue', I am not qualified to guide you. I will go and ask our chairman now!"

"Go quickly."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

"Brother, this……"

This evening, Ye Xiaozi fully experienced the feeling of a super shopaholic.

"Do you think it looks good?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile

"Of course it looks good...but……"

Ye Xiaozi said

"If it looks good, just wear it!"

Ye Yang said as a matter of course.

(Second update, there are two more updates. Thanks to the book friend for the mooncakes on the fifth day of the first lunar month~)

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