Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 939: I can’t do such a stupid thing.

"400,000 as the reserve price?"

Yan Nenghua raised his lips, this is too easy.

He waved his hand directly: "I think we don't need to argue anymore, I will directly offer 800,000 and 10,000, it's all."

"Haha, is this young friend underestimating our strength?"

A bald old man sneered: "Then I will offer a price of one million per night."

"Ah! Old Zhao, you are so handsome!"

The several coquettish women next to the bald old man were passionately bumping into the old man, making bad noises.



Although Ye Xuanting and Su Xueli have now adapted to the identity of being the parents of a rich man's son.

However, a suite, one million per night, this kind of thing really makes them face it directly.

Still feel very unbelievable.

"Does your son deal with such people every day?"

"Especially that bald guy, he doesn't seem like a good silver!"

Ye Xuanting and Su Xueli were talking to each other quietly.

Although they were very surprised by the price, they felt that it was not worth spending so much money to stay for one night.

But they knew they couldn't embarrass their son outside, and if they had to, they would discuss this with Ye Yang in private...

Ye Yang smiled faintly as he watched the competition among the people present, and he had no intention of bidding.

When he opened his mouth, these people no longer had a chance.

Ye Yang's carefree look, completely ignoring the bargaining, naturally caught Yan Nenghua's eyes.

He gritted his teeth, extremely unhappy.

How can you be so pretentious!

As if you are very awesome! ?

You don't even look at us?

Are you sure to win! ?

He naturally knew the meaning of Ye Yang's attitude, and he had the same mentality when facing ordinary small local tyrants and small upstarts who were many levels weaker than him.

After all, once he opened his mouth, those small upstarts would have to shut up no matter how much they argued and robbed.

"Damn it! I'm actually considered a small upstart? He's obviously just a rubbish star! He's made a few hundred million, which is amazing!"

Ye Yang didn't say a word yet, he was already mad at Ye Yang.

He is a smart man in the business world.

But this time he came out purely to enjoy life, to show off his status and to show off as much as he can when he returns to China.

Naturally, his thinking was biased.


Prices are rising.

The price of the highest suite has risen directly to two million.

The beautiful manager obviously didn't expect that a suite that usually costs two or three hundred thousand a night could be completed like this by this group of people.

She was dumbfounded.

But she was very happy in her heart. Anyone would be very happy to make so much more money for nothing.

After arguing for a while, the price had risen to 2.6 million a night.

The rise began to stagnate.

After all, everyone is not a fool. For them, everything is cost-effective, and money is not spent carelessly.

Although now due to competition, they have become a little overwhelmed.

But buying something at a premium of more than ten times made them, as businessmen, very unhappy.

However, they could not resist the encouragement of the green tea next to them.

They gritted their teeth and directly raised the price to three million a night.


Yan Nenghua also saw at this time that there were no super bosses present.

Only Ye Yang did not say a word from beginning to end, pretending to be so arrogant that he could not take it back for a while, but it was a joke.

He sneered: "I still say that, let's not fight, five million a night. I will give a final price, let me have it?"

The other bald bosses and the greasy fat man looked at each other and felt the pressure.

This young man is probably very powerful!

"Haha, young man, young and energetic, we old men will not compete with you."

An old man couldn't stand it first and laughed directly.

Yan Nenghua sneered, it is clear that you are the most trash, the poorest, and the poorest.

You can't stand my super generosity of five million!

Just back off, it sounds so nice, haha, tui!

His eyes swept over, and the few people present thought about it, and finally backed off, not raising the price.

It's just a suite, five million a night, it's too worthless...

They are all old-timers, pretending to be cool has a price, they know that these gold-diggers and green tea girls are not worth much, and it's worth spending one or two million and pretending to be cool with other rich people.

As for these gold-diggers?

It's not worth their money at all.

"This young man is really too young."

These old guys all shook their heads and smiled, not caring at all in their hearts.

Just a fool who swelled his face to make himself fat...

If it weren't for the local tyrants and nouveau riche, who would spend so much money to show off their awesomeness?

Too rubbish...

These old-timers despise this behavior...


Yan Nenghua is eager to pretend to be cool now, especially Ye Yang, who makes him feel an infinite sense of threat.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end.

It seems like he is being ignored.

He looked over and said, "Mr. Ye Yang, you haven't said a word from the beginning to the end. Now it's the end. Are you going to withdraw quietly?!"



It seems that you just don't have money!

You are pretending to be a hermit. I was shocked!

Ye Xuanting and Su Xueli felt it was not worth it...

Ordinary people understand the truth, five million a night, that's a sucker!

What's the point of competing with such a fool! ?

Ye Xiaozi looked at Yan Nenghua who was confident and questioned Ye Yang, and almost laughed out loud...

The methods and playing methods of the old man are simply not comparable to this Yan Nenghua. I guess the old man has been silent for a long time, and he has something bad in his stomach?

If I don't slap you in the face, you won't learn a lesson, just squinting at the side.

You have to come over!

Do you think my old man is made of paper! Ah! ?

[○・`Д´・ ○]

Seeing that he was named, Ye Yang also smiled slightly.

The other old men also looked over.

"Mr. Ye is now an international superstar. It's an honor to meet you today!"

The old men are very good at talking and laughed.

"Tsk, you're still a poor bastard."

Yan Nenghua sneered in his heart.


Ye Yang smiled at the beautiful manager: "If I have to pay so many times the premium for the right to live in a suite for a few nights, I really can't accept it."

"After all, even ordinary people know that this is what a fool would do. This is something that only vulgar nouveau riche can do... Excuse me, this is extremely low-brow behavior. People with normal IQ won't do it."

Ye Yang turned his head and looked at Yan Nenghua with a smile: "Do you think I'm right?"


How could Yan Nenghua not hear that Ye Yang was beating around the bush... No, he was scolding him openly! ?

The beautiful manager almost laughed out loud, this was too tit-for-tat...

She felt embarrassed for Yan Nenghua...

(Second update)

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