Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 942 Chu Haijiao was amused by the embarrassment

"Ye Yang... this name is so familiar!"

"Isn't he a big star? Now stars have so much money!?"

The executives were all very surprised.

"Haha, star is just Mr. Ye Yang's superficial identity. When people think of his image, their first impression is always towards stars. In fact, the Ye Shenhao who recently established Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy is also Mr. Ye Yang!"

Mo Yan naturally made a lot of preparations. Although Ye Yang used the identity of a star to induce most people to stay in their first impression of him.

But after all, Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy has a great influence.

Anyone who has been paying attention to this matter knows that the star Ye Yang is the Ye Shenhao who founded Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy...

The establishment of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy.

It is simply one of the modern miracles of the world!

It is really too terrible!

The energy, money, and connections behind it are simply unimaginable...

When he thought of this, Mo Yan had an infinite admiration for Ye Yang.

"Everyone, cheer up. We will go to the suite to visit Mr. Ye in a while. If anyone dares to make a mistake, I will fire him directly!"


All the executives were trembling.

Mo Yan was usually quite kind, but judging from his attitude today.

He seemed to be much more cautious and respectful to Ye Yang than to his former boss...

This made them have some small calculations in their hearts.

Some of them also learned about the affairs of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy on the Internet, so they naturally knew Ye Yang's status.

They also knew why Mo Yan was so cautious.

In the distance.

Chu Haijiao and Wang Cunhai, the king of shipping, came over.

They saw Mo Yan lecturing many executives.

"Did you see that old man? He is the president of the entire Atlantis! Super awesome! Very prestigious! After all, he manages 50 billion assets! Those around are also executives of Atlantis!"

Wang Cunhai waved his hand, very proud and proud.

But he was also surprised in his heart.

Their family's business is all overseas, and they have no influence in China. Even if they want to come back, it's not that easy. Money can't solve all problems sometimes.

He was just bragging just now. His family didn't know how much effort they put in and how hard they worked for a long time before they finally got 10% of the shares in Atlantis.

They are not super shareholders at all.

So, he didn't expect Mo Yan to organize so many senior executives to welcome him.

Even his father might not get such a good treatment.

"Haha! See, I'm not bragging!"

He laughed a few times and wanted to go over.

Chu Haijiao shrugged. This Wang Cunhai...

He's too good at pretending...

People are divided into groups. Girls like her don't like people like Wang Cunhai at all.

However, green tea girls and gold diggers who have fallen into the alternative rules of society are another matter...


Wang Cunhai stepped out step by step and just walked halfway.

When he found out that Mo Yan had led the executives directly into the interior of the Atlantis Hotel...


He was confused and shouted, "Uncle Mo Yan, I'm here!"


Mo Yan heard someone calling him and looked back: "Oh, Mr. Wang~ Why are you here... Oh! Right... You see, I was so busy that I didn't react for a while. You said you were coming before."


Mo Yan's eyes widened.

It seems that you didn't come out to greet me! ?

And you forgot about it when you were busy...

This is murderous!

You didn't care about me at all!


He turned around and looked at Chu Haijiao, and found that she was holding back her laughter. If she didn't want to be polite, she would have burst into laughter on the spot.

"Ahem, I have arranged a very good suite for you before. You can go there directly. Now we have very important things to do."

As an excellent CEO, Mo Yan is very capable. Although he doesn't pay much attention to Wang Cunhai, he still gets things done for him.


Wang Cunhai took the room card in his hand blankly.

Mo Yan turned around and left with the executives without hesitation.

"What's the big deal!!!"

He was so angry that smoke came out of his nose!

He is the son of the major shareholder!

How could he be so rude to him!

Although it's not a big deal...

But it's still 10%...

Mo Yan raised the corner of his mouth. How could he not know Wang Cunhai's thoughts? But even if it was his father, a foreign investor who returned to China and used dishonorable means to get 10% of the shares, the other directors on the board of directors had a lot of opinions about him.

Not to mention that Wang Cunhai was just the son of this unpopular shareholder...

Giving him face would make other shareholders unhappy?


Wang Cunhai was in a mess in the wind at the entrance of Atlantis Hotel.

He looked at the room card number in his hand, and his anger subsided a lot.

"But at least you got the job done for me."

Wang Cunhai raised his hand. Since the big show-off method didn't work, he would take the next best thing: "Ah Haijiao, let me tell you, it's extremely difficult to book the Poseidon Suite in the sea during this golden week. If I weren't the son of the major shareholder, I wouldn't be able to stay there at all!"

"Ah, right, right!"

Chu Haijiao saw that Wang Cunhai was going to start showing off again, so she could only bite the bullet and agree.

This suite is very large, with several bedrooms.

"Come with me to take a look!"

Wang Cunhai waved his hand and took Chu Haijiao to see the suite...

Inside the Poseidon Suite.

After Mo Yan and others knocked on the door, they came in.

The entire submarine suite is more than a thousand square meters, and even with so many people rushing in, it still looks very spacious.

They all greeted Ye Yang with great etiquette.

"Are you Mo Yan, the president of Atlantis?"

Ye Yang looked at the gentle uncle in front of him, who was handsome with a touch of vicissitudes and looked very stylish.

"Yes, Mr. Ye can tell me anything."

Mo Yan handed over his business card.

Although Ye Yang could check his phone when he had something to do, it was obviously more convenient.

Ye Yang nodded and had a good first impression of this big president.


After talking to each other, Ye Yang asked Mo Yan and others to go back to work.

He has too many companies under his name, and most of them let them do their own thing.

He rarely interferes.

If he had to make all the rules, and a company made one rule a day, it would probably not be enough in 24 hours a day...

Alas, it's hard with so many companies!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.



At the same time, Wang Cunhai walked to the room shown on the room card number and was stunned.

"??? This is not the Poseidon Suite either!?"

Although it is also a relatively luxurious suite, it is obviously far from the Poseidon Suite! ! !

This? !

His face was burning with pain, and he turned around and looked at Chu Haijiao in a daze.

Chu Haijiao couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed out loud.

The embarrassment of Wang Cunhai, the source of her happiness...

(First update)

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